This is a browser-based script to track status and automate actions within SAGE Labs.
Current features:
- Automated scanning with timers which respect SDU discovery rules
- Supports multiple fleets
- Utilizes your fleet's specific scan timer
- Utilizes a 2 min timer if an SDU is discovered
- Does not interfere with other user activity
- Automated resupply
- When the fleet has less than 10 tools, it will return to the designated starbase
- Transfer SDUs from the fleet to the starbase
- Refuel the fleet
- Restock the fleet with toolkits
- Warp to the designated scanning sector and resume scanning
- Automated mining [WIP]
- Automated transportation [WIP]
- Surveillance courtesy of SkyLove512
Users are encouraged to build their own instance of browser-compatible resource file. Doing so ensures that you are using trusted code. Pre-built files are provided for convenience.
This script uses a browserified versiosn of Anchor, bs58, and Buffer.
browserify anchor-input.js --standalone BrowserScore -p esmify --exclude process -o anchor-browserified.js
const anchor = require("@coral-xyz/anchor");
module.exports = {anchor};
const Buffer = require("buffer");
module.exports = {Buffer};
browserify node_modules/bs58/index.js -o bs58.bundle.js --standalone bs58
- You must manually load at least one item onto a Starbase before the script can interact with that Starbase
- Scanning does not support multi-jump warping. The distance between the Target and Starbase must be within 1 warp or you must select the Subwarp config option.
The script is built as a TamperMonkey script. TamperMonkey is a userscript manager available for free as a browser extension.
- Install TamperMonkey
- Select the SLY_Lab_Assistant.user.js file in this repo. View the file and click the "Raw" button to view its source.
- Copy the source
- Open Tampermonkey in your browser and click the Add Script tab (icon with a plus symbol)
- Paste the source into the script window and click File > Save
- Browse to
- Launch the game as normal
- Click the Lab Assistant "Configure" button
- For each fleet that you want Lab Assistant to help with, click the Scan checkbox and fill in the destination and starbase coordinates.
- Enter coordinates as two numbers separated by a comma with no bracks or prefixes or parenthesis - i.e. 10,20
- Slick save then refresh your browser
- It's best to do everything once manually. If you form a new fleet for mining, do one round of manual loading, mining, and unloading.
- SAGE involves a lot of token accounts. One manual round ensures that these token accounts get properly initialized.
- Ideally Lab Assistant will handle this, but as it's still a WIP this is the most likely area to still have some bugs.
- If you're not sure if something worked, check the blockchain for errors.
- If you're pretty sure something broke, check the browser console for errors.
- Visit SLY's discord or reach out to justgroove.
- Launch the game as usual
- Click the Lab Assistant "Start" button
- Leave the browser window open (it can be minimized) - this is required since the script runs in the browser
Our website:
Our discord:
Our github:
If you'd like to tip/donate/buy the devs a beer/coffee, our Solana address: SLYxadUPv6gnFRBKj7UxZytGYbLdAtUHn4TTLMj1dmL