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/ gulp-angular-builder Public archive

Gulp plugin to filter and include only necessary AngularJS files. (archived as unmaintained)

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Gulp plugin to filter and include only necessary AngularJS files.


  • Share common libraries and Angular directives, services, templates, etc. across multiple projects
  • Filter down to the minimal set of required files via the dependency tree


Install with npm

npm install --save-dev gulp-angular-builder

Best used together with:


var angularbuilder = require("gulp-angular-builder");
gulp.task("build-files", function () {
    return gulp.src([
        // All js, html (ejs), and json files to consider
        angularbuilder(seed, options)
        // Do other things!

angularbuilder(seed, options)

  • seed (Array | String): File or files to start building dependency tree from.
  • options (Object): Config object, detailed below.


Dependency Tree Building:

  • parseExclude (Array1 | String | RegExp): Files not parsed for dependencies (e.g. non-Angular library files).
  • requiredFiles (Array1 | String | RegExp): Files included and parsed, even if they are not directly depended on (e.g. files with only decorators in them). This is different from the seed input as that should be shared amongst multiple projects while this should not be.

Additional Files:

  • requiredLibs (Array1 | String | RegExp): Files included but not parsed for dependencies. Use this in conjunction with parseExclude.
  • optionalLibs (Array1 | String | RegExp): Optional library files that, if depended on, will also include all files matched by the optionalLibsInclude.
  • optionalLibsInclude (Array1 | String | RegExp): Optional library files to include if matching optional library defined by optionalLib is included

Modules and Dependencies:

  • appModule (String): Name of main Angular module. This will be used to create an init.js file in the stream which will contain angular.module(appModule, [all required modules]);.
  • globalModules (Array | String): Modules to include in the init.js modules list that will not be found via the dependency tree building (e.g. modules in files from both requiredLibs and parseExclude).
  • globalDependencies (Array | String): Dependencies that will be defined globally but will not be found via the dependency tree building (e.g. dependencies from modules in globalModules). Unfound dependencies will throw a gulp error otherwise.


  • filePriority (Array | String): Files sorted to the top of the stream.

1 Array of Strings or RegExps. Files are selected by partial matches.


Watch mode


Automatically Required Files


Enforced Conventions:

  • Must use the angular.module for defining items
    • angular.module(moduleName).item(itemName, function (dep1, dep2, dep3) { ... })
    • angular.module(moduleName).item(itemName, ["dep1", "dep2", "dep3", function (dep1, dep2, dep3) { ... })
  • Directives need to return an object, not a reference to an object
    • return { templateUrl: "...", link: "..." };
    • Not var d = { templateUrl: "...", link: "..." }; return d;
  • Resolved injections into controllers uses the "resolve" property for the object defining the resolve (see ui-router or ui-bootstrap modals)


  • All dependencies beginning with $ will be ignored.
  • Inline controllers within directives will be parsed if the controller function block is defined in the return object (i.e. not a reference to the controller).
  • Anything that matches the pattern "controller": "SomeCtrl" will consider SomeCtrl to be a dependency. (Quotes can be single or double; object key does not require quotes.)
  • All strings found in the file ending in .html or .json will be considered a template of that file (unless ignored via the ignoredTemplates option).
  • Supports $inject property


  • Dynamically built template URLs will not be included (in both html partials and js files)


module.exports = {
    seed: [
    options: {
        parseExclude: [
        requiredFiles: [],
        requiredLibs: [
        filePriority: [
        optionalLibs: [
        optionalLibsInclude: [
        globalDependencies: [
        appModule: "myAngularApp",
        globalModules: [
        verbose: true,
        debug: false
var gulp = require("gulp"),
    gutil = require("gulp-util"),
    gulpFilter = require("gulp-filter"),
    angularbuilder = require("gulp-angular-builder"),
    sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps"),
    concat = require("gulp-concat"),
    footer = require("gulp-footer"),
    ejs = require("gulp-ejs"),
    templateCache = require("gulp-angular-templatecache"),
    clone = require("gulp-clone"),
    uglify = require("gulp-uglify"),
    plumber = require("gulp-plumber"),
    watch = require("gulp-watch");

var config = require("./config.js");

gulp.task("default", function () {
    var angularTree = angularbuilder(config.seed, config.options);

    // Filters
    var indexTemplate = gulpFilter("**/index.html.ejs");
    var templates = gulpFilter([

    var jsFilters = {
        libs: gulpFilter("**/+(libs|libs-optional)/**/*.js"),
        controllers: gulpFilter("**/*-controller.js"),
        directives: gulpFilter("**/*-directive.js"),
        services: gulpFilter([
        app: gulpFilter([
            "**/init.js", // init is from angularbuilder

    // Clone templates
    var templatesClone = clone.sink();

    // action starts here
    var stream = gulp.src([
        // All js and html files in shared or local

    // Build the Angular tree and filter out only files that are needed
    stream = stream.pipe(

    // Build libs, controllers, directives, apps file
    Object.keys(jsFilters).forEach(function (item) {
        stream = stream.pipe(
        ).pipe(concat("target/js/" + item + (args.minify ? ".min" : "") + ".js", {
            newLine: "\n;\n"

    // Build index.html
    stream = stream.pipe(
        min: ".min"
    }, {
        ext: ""

    // Build templates file and copy all html
    stream = stream.pipe(
        templateCache("target/js/templates.js", {
            module: "myAngularApp"
    stream = stream.pipe(

    // Write it out
    stream = stream.pipe(gulp.dest("./dist"));

    return stream;
shared/app/app.js (local/app/app.js can be similar)
angular.module("myAngularApp").run(["SomeService", "SomeLibrary", function (SomeService, SomeLibrary) {
    // SomeService will be looked for and included in services.js
    // SomeLibrary will be searched for and included in libs.js
shared/app/routes.js (local/app/routes.js can be similar)
angular.module("myAngularApp").config(["$stateProvider", "$urlRouterProvider",
    function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
        // UserCtrl, LoginCtrl, and ForbiddenCtrl will be looked for and included in controllers.js
        // The templates will also be looked for and included in the template cache file
            .state("user", {
                url: "/user/profile",
                templateUrl: "shared/app/user/user-partial.html",
                controller: "UserCtrl"

            .state("login", {
                url: "/login?to",
                templateUrl: "shared/app/login/login-partial.html",
                controller: "LoginCtrl"

            .state("forbidden", {
                url: "/forbidden?from",
                templateUrl: "shared/app/forbidden/forbidden-partial.html",
                controller: "ForbiddenCtrl"
shared/libs-optional/myLib/lib.js (local/libs-optional/myLib/lib.js can be similar)
angular.module("myLib", []).service("SomeLibrary", function () {
    return window.someGlobalLibrary;
angular.module("myLib", []).service("SomeLibrary", function () {
    // This will be included because of "shared/app/app.js"
    // The module will be included as well!
    return window.someGlobalLibrary;


Gulp plugin to filter and include only necessary AngularJS files. (archived as unmaintained)






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