RESTTful API documentation generator for Rails. It supports Rails 2.1 and greater. It generates a set of HTML views in the public directory. Parses the desired controllers and generates appropriate views.
Currently does not read routes.rb and requires manual entry of routes
Add it to your Gemfile
gem 'rapi_doc', :git => 'git://'
Run rake rapi_doc:setup
to generate config and layout files.
Modify config file (config/rapi_doc/config.yml) by adding your controllers, e.g.:
controller_name: "books_controller.rb"
Then invoke the generation by calling:
rake rapi_doc:generate
Add this (commented) to your controllers to have the documentation generated
# =begin apidoc
# url:: /books
# method:: GET
# access:: FREE
# return:: [JSON|XML] - list of book objects
# param:: page:int - the page, default is 1
# param:: per_page:int - max items per page, default is 10
# output:: json
# [
# { "created_at":"2011-12-05T09:46:11Z",
# "description":"As with the last several books in the series, V Is for Vengeance was a long time in the making.",
# "id":1,
# "price":19,
# "title":"V is for Vengeance",
# "updated_at":"2011-12-05T09:46:11Z" },
# ]
# ::output-end::
# output:: xml
# <books type="array">
# <book>
# <id type="integer">1</id>
# <title>V is for Vengeance</title>
# <description>As with the last several books in the series, V Is for Vengeance was a long time in the making.</description>
# <price type="integer">19</price>
# <created-at type="datetime">2011-12-05T09:46:11Z</created-at>
# <updated-at type="datetime">2011-12-05T09:46:11Z</updated-at>
# </book>
# </books>
# Get a list of all books in the system with pagination. Defaults to 10 per page
# =end
You can edit some of the views located at config/rapi_doc/
- Based on RAPI Doc by Jaap van der Meer found here: