Monorepo for a suite of parsers used in the Journal of Trial and Error.
The goal is to automate the process of converting a manuscript from a word processor to a JATS XML file, which can then be used to generate a PDF and HTML version of the manuscript. Ideally this would allow authors to work in Word/Google Docs but still have the benefits of a modern publishing workflow.
The only current implementation is found at (very shodyy!).
Currently has 3 suites of parsers:
: Tools to parse, convert from, and create OOXML (.docx
) XML. Currently only contains a parser and a converter tojats
, plus some tools.jats
: Tools to parse, convert from, and create JATS XML. Currently contains a parser, stringifier, and a converter totexast
, plus some tools.texast
: Tools to parse, convert from, and create LaTeX (DEPRECATED, use unified-latex instead). Only contains a way to generate LaTex fromtexast
Additionally, there are a few other tools:
: Tools to parse and convert citations.ojs-
: Things to operate on the OJS apiutils-
: Various utilities
Finally, there are the processors, which are basically convenient wrappers around the parsers.
There is also an app
directory, which contains a few apps that use the parsers, atm a really crappy frontend for converting from .docx
See below for more info.
View an interactive dependency graph here
Type definitions for crossref api responses
Convert crossref metadata to CSL
Try to resolve a list of CSL data with crossref metadata
Somewhat jank CSL-JSON to biblatex converter
Some typescript types for OJS api responses
Small tool that parses a string of text containing APA style in text citations, e.g. Jones (2020), and returns a rudimentary AST with the thing parsed.
Type definitions for jast
(journal article/abstract syntax tree), a syntax for abstract syntax trees representing JATS XML, specifically the "Green" publishing tag set.
Transform a CSL list or object to a jast node.
Convert a jast
citation syntax tree to list of csl
Utility to convert a jast tree to a texast tree.
Transform HTML to Notion blocks
Plugin for rehype
to turn HTML into Notion blocks
new default(«destructured»: object = {}): default;
Convert ojs data to relatex
Type definitions for ooxast
(Open Office XML abstract syntax tree), a syntax for abstract syntax trees representing Open Office XML documents in the unist
Small ooxast utility which scans the text to identify the citation plugin used, either Mendely, Zotero, EndNote, Citavi, native word citations or none at all. It is used to feed into other things.
This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 12.20+, 14.14+, 16.0+, 18.0+), install as
Get style from a w:p
Find and convert raw references to CSL-JSON using anystyle
Find and convert raw references to CSL-JSON.
Find and convert raw references to CSL-JSON.
Return the properties of an ooxast
node as a JSON object
Cleans all the rsid tags from an ooxast tree, and merges w:r
elements if they only differ by rsid values.
Convert docx to html (Not working)
Util to convert ooxast
syntax tree to jast
syntax tree, allowing for .docx
Convert ooxast
syntax tree to mdast
syntax tree.
Convert ooxast
syntax tree to unified-latex
syntax tree.
processorsDocxToJats(): string;
DOCX to TeX converter
jatsToTex(jats: string): Promise;
docxToTex(input: Uint8Array, options: object = {}): Promise;
rejourFrontmatter(): Function;
Doesn't do anything atm
Really simple plugin for rejour
that moves the abstract from the body
to the front
of a JATS
Parser for rejour
that parses the JATS
document to a jast
Plugin for rejour
that transforms a jast
syntax tree into a texast
syntax tree, allowing for conversion between JATS XML and LaTeX.
Plugin for rejour
that stringifies a jast
syntax tree to a JATS XML
Plugin for relatex
that adds a preamble to a texast
syntax tree.
Plugin for relatex
that stringifies a texast
syntax tree to a LaTeX file.
Reads a .docx
file and stores its components in vfile format to be processed by other tools, like reoff-parse
Plugin for reoff
that parses citations in the form of @cite{key}
and @cite[page]{key}
using ooxast-util-parse-bib
and ooxast-util-parse-text-cite
Plugin for [reoff][reoff] to clean the ooxast tree.
Plugin for [reoff][reoff] to parse a .docx
XML file into an ooxast
AST. Ideally use docx-to-vfile
to get to a parseable state.
Plugin for reoff
which tries to find a bibliography in the document and parse it using ooxast-util-parse-bib
Plugin for reoff
which tries to find a bibliography in the document and parse it using ooxast-util-parse-bib
Plugin for reoff
that transforms an ooxast
syntax tree into a jats
syntax tree, i.e. converting .docx
Plugin for reoff
that takes an ooxast
tree and turns it into a remark
tree, allowing for .docx to .tex conversion
Plugin for reoff
that takes an ooxast
tree and turns it into a unified-latex
tree, allowing for .docx to .tex conversion
DEPRECATED: Type definitions for texast
(LaTeX abstract syntax tree), a syntax for abstract syntax trees representing LaTeX documents in the unist
Add a preamble to a texast syntax tree.
Convert a texast
syntax tree to LaTeX.
Plugin for unified-latex
that takes an unified-latex
tree and turns it into LaTeX
tryCatchPromise(promise: Promise, errorHandler?: Function): Promise<[T | null, unknown | null]>;
This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 12.20+, 14.14+, 16.0+, 18.0+), install as
This library was generated with Nx.
Port of hast-util-has-property for xast
Port of hast-util-is-element for xast
Port of (hast-util-select)[]
for use with xast
GPL-3.0+ © Thomas F. K. Jorna