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Our submission for the BC Dev Exchange Sprint-with-us code challenge 2


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Two Story Robot Code Challenge Submission

This is Two Story Robot's Code Code Challenge submission for the "Data Driven Mine Development - Team Expansion" RFP. It is a simple user management application with various interactive features.

We recommend reading the accompanying READMEs for the frontend and backend to get a better understanding of the approach we took. The backend of the application is written in Javascript in Nodejs using the Koa framework with a Postgres database. The frontend is written in React with Material UI components. All testing is written in Jest. Component development is done with Storybook.

Evaluation the UI

Required tools:

  • Docker
  • Chrome

Both the frontend and the backend are built as docker images for easier evaluation. You can start the entire stack by running


This may take a few minutes as it needs to pull down all the packages and build the applications. Once things have started visit http://localhost:3000 in a Chrome browser.

In a production environment these builds would be done in a CI process with built images pushed to a docker image registry.

Testing Features

The following are stories and test procedures for all features required in this code challenge.

User Story #1 – Register with the application

As a user, I want to be able to register with the application.

Given that I am a User
And that I have not already registered
When I properly authenticate using the appropriate credentials
Then my profile is created and visible in the Registered Users List

When you visit the main page of the application at http://localhost:3000 you will be presented with a 'Signin with Google' button. Click this button and you will be prompted to signin or specify a google account. Once you've selected an account you will be authenticated, a new user account with your details from Google will be created for you, and you will be presented with the Registered Users screen.

Login screen

Note The first user that authenticates will automatically be given admin permissions. Any subsequent user will not have admin permissions

User Story #2 – Delete my own profile

As a user, I want to be able to delete my profile from the application.

Given that I am a User
And that I have signed in to the application
When I activate the “Delete” UI control related to my user profile
Then my profile is deleted from the Registered Users List

When you are signed in to the application you will see your profile image in the top right of the interface. Clicking your profile image will reveal a menu with an option to delete your account. Click the "Delete account" item. You will be prompted to confirm if you would like to delete your account. Clicking "Confirm" will permanently delete your account. Clicking "Cancel" will abort the delete operation.

Your account will be deleted and you will be signed out of the application.

Reveal the menu by clicking on your profile image

The user operations menu

Confirm the delete operation

Note If you are signed in as the admin user and you delete your account, the next new user to be created will be assigned admin permissions.

User Story #3 – Delete a user profile (Admin)

As an administrator, I want to be able to delete any given user profile from the application.

Given that I am an Administrator
And that I have signed in to the application as an Administrator
When I activate the “Delete” UI control related to a user profile
Then that user profile is deleted from the Registered Users List

When you are signed in as the administrator you will see trash can icons next to each user in the Registered Users list (including your own account).
Clicking the trash can icon will bring up a prompt asking if you to confirm the account deletion. Clicking "confirm" will delete the user account permanently and remove them from the Registered User List. Clicking "cancel" will abort the delete operation.

Clicking the trash icon next to a user profile

Confirm the delete operation

Note If you delete the admin account, the next new user to be created will be assigned admin permissions.

User Story #4 – Edit my own user profile

As a user, I want to be able to edit my own user profile.

Given that I am a User
And that I have signed in to the application
When I activate the “Edit” UI control related to my profile
Then I am shown a modal interface that allows me to edit my info
And I am allowed to save my modified profile

When you are signed into the application, you will see your profile image in the top right of the interface. Clicking your profile image will reveal a menu with an option to edit your account. Click the 'edit profile' item. You will be shown a form with your profile information. You may change this information.
Clicking "save" will update your account with any information you have changed.
Clicking "cancel" will discard any changes you made and will not update your account information.

Reveal the menu by clicking on your profile image

The user operations menu

The user edit form

Note changing the Avatar URL to something that does not retrieve as an image will cause the avatar to generate the initials of the user on a random color.

User Story #5 – Edit a user profile (Admin)

As an administrator, I want to be able to edit any user profile.

Given that I am an Administrator
And that I have signed in to the application as an Administrator
When I activate the “Edit” UI control related to an arbitrary user profile
Then I am shown a modal interface that allows me to edit the select user info
And I am allowed to save the modified profile

When you are signed in as the administrator you will see pencil icons next to each user in the Registered Users list (including your own account). Clicking the pencil icon will bring up the user edit form where you can change information about the user. Clicking "save" will update the user account with any new information you provided about the user. Clicking "cancel" will discard any changes you made about the user and will not update their account information.

Clicking the pencil icon next to a user profile

The user edit form

Note changing the Avatar URL to something that does not retrieve as an image will cause the avatar to generate the initials of the user on a random color.

User Story #6 – Sign-in

As a user I want to sign in to the application using my username and password AND As an application manager, I want all users to be authenticated before they access the application.

Given that a User is attempting to access the application
When the User properly authenticates using the appropriate credentials
Then the User is granted user-level access to the application.

Once you have clicked "Sign in with Google" you will be logged in and permitted to access the application.

Admin users will see operation icons next to each user in the registered users list and can perform operations on all user accounts.

Non-admin users will not see operation icons, but can perform operations on their own account from the profile image drop down menu.

Login screen

User Story #7 – Sign-out

As a user or as an administrator, I want to be able to sign out of the application.

Given that I am signed in as a user or as an administrator
And I want to sign out of the application
When I active the Sign-out or Logout UI element
Then I am logged out of the application
And I cannot access associated UI elements until I sign back in

When you are signed in you will see your user profile in the top right of the application. Clicking this will reveal a menu with the option to sign out of the application. Clicking "sign out" will terminate your session token and you will not be permitted to perform actions until you sign in again. Trying to access the localhost:3000/users page will redirect you back to the login screen.

Click the user profile image

Click the sign out item

Additionally, trying to access an unknow page will show a 404 error.

404 screen when accessing an unknown page

User Story #8 – Send Email to User (Admin)

As an administrator, I want to able to send a boilerplate email to a user.

Given that I am signed in as an administrator
And I want to send a boilerplate email to an individual user
When I active the “Mail” UI control related to an individual user
Then a boilerplate email is sent to the email address associated with that user

Implementation Notes:
The boilerplate email template will be provided in a separate file called “email-message.txt”.
A successful implementation merely needs to email the provide template to a given user.

When you are signed in as the administrator you will see envelope icons next to each user in the Registered Users list. Clicking the envelope icon will prompt you to confirm that you would like to send an email to the user. Clicking "confirm" will send an email to the user. Clicking "cancel" will abort the send operation.

Click the envelope to start sending an email

Click confirm to send the email

If you have configured the stack to connect to an actual SMTP server, the email will be sent using that server. If you wish to just test email functionality without sending emails, you can connect to the included mailhog server at localhost:8025 which has been configured as the default SMTP server and will trap any emails sent to it.

If the user does not have an email address, the envelope icon will not appear.

Mailhog interface for email testing

User Story #9 – Simple Filter

As a user, I want to be able to filter columns with text content using a “startsWith” filter.

Given that I am signed in to the application as a user or an administrator
And I have selected a field in the Registered Users List
When I enter a filter term
Then all database entries that satisfy the filter term for the selected field are displayed
And no other database entries are displayed

Implementation Notes:
The filter shall be a “startsWith” filter only.
The filter shall apply only to fields with text content.
The filter shall not apply hierarchically. That is, the filter shall filter the database for a single column only. For instance, an operation that first filters Column A for term B and then filters Column C for term D does not need to be supported (and no additional points will be given for such an implementation).

When viewing the registered users screen you can filter all users by typing the starting characters in the search bar. This will peform a starts with filter on all users on all fields. You may also filter by a specific field by typing the field name with a colon and the desired filter text.

The resulting users will be displayed below in the table.

Supported fields are first:, last:, or email:. The filter is case-insensitive and space insensitive. Only the first word or field:word is supported.

An empty string or an empty field will match all records.


  • B the system will filter any field that starts with a B
  • first:B the system will filter users who's first name starts with a B
  • first: will match all records untill you supply more characters

Filtering all fields by 'Bo'

Filtering by first name 'Bo'

UX Notes: We believe filtering across all fields is a more natural solution to the problem of finding a specific user. In most cases this will result in matches more quickly with less friction as the user is not required to specify the field first.

Technical Notes: This search operation is performed client side. We have a lot of experience working with data client side and chose to implement the ""starts with"" filtering in the client rather than in the backend. This approach has a few tradeoffs: It's faster for the user as the data is already loaded into the browser and doesn't require another query to the server, however it doesn't scale well for large data sets. Most applications tend to have limited user sets so this approach works well. Additionally we can get better performance as it permits us to update the UI with every keystroke without having to refetch the data. This also allows for this feature to be available when the application is offline.

In rare cases where applications have consumer scale size, we would likely use an entirely different UX pattern modeled after search.

User Story #10 – Simple Sort

As a user, I want to be able to sort columns of type “String” in ascending and descending order.

Use Case #1 (Ascending Order)

Given that I am signed-in to the application as a user or as an administrator
And I have selected a field in the Registered Users List
When I click on the UI control that allows the field to be sorted in ascending order
Then the users in the list are displayed in ascending order

Use Case #2 (Descending Order)

Given that I am signed-in to the application as a user or as an administrator
And I have selected a field in the Registered Users List
And I have previously sorted that field in ascending order
When I click on the “Sort” UI control
Then the users in the list are displayed in descending order

Implementation Notes:
The sort operation shall apply only to fields with text content.
The sort operation shall not apply hierarchically. That is, the sort operation shall sort the database for a single column only. For instance, a sort operation that first sorts Column A in ascending order and then sorts Column C in ascending order does not need to be supported (and no additional points will be given for such an implementation).

When you are viewing the registered users table, you can sort any of the text fields (first name, last name, email address). Each column in the table has a header which is interactable. Clicking on the column header will sort the users present in either ascending or descending order (alternatively). By default the list is sorted by last name in ascending order.

If you click the last name field while it is in ascending order, it will toggle to sort in descending order.

Clicking a new column will sort by that new field in ascending order.

Sort by last name ascending

Sort by last name descending

Technical Notes: This sort operation is performed client side. Similar to our reasoning for client side filtering, we believe the data size of this application is small and the data can be held in the browser without a problem.
This allows for a faster UI for the user (as well as future support in offline situations).


This is a single repo containing two node packages for both frontend and backend. Each directory will maintain it's own package.json and scripts for better isolation. You will need to change into each directory to run the appropriate npm scripts.

You can read about each ascpect of the application with their corresponding READMEs.


The frontend of the application is a react app in /frontend.


The backend of the application is a koa server in /backend.

Code Challenge Notice, Instructions & Rules

Re: Competition "Data Driven Mine Development - Team Expansion" (the “RFP”)

Government Contact: [email protected]

This notice is dated September 10, 2018 (the “Notice Date”).

Congratulations - you are a Shortlisted Proponent eligible to participate in the Code Challenge (Step 4 of the evaluation process described on the Evaluation tab of the RFP).

Rules and Instructions

Please be advised of the following rules and instructions:

  1. These code challenge rules and instructions apply only to Shortlisted Proponents and are part of the RFP.
  2. Shortlisted Proponents will have no less than two (2) Business Days from the Notice Date to complete the code challenge. The deadline to complete the code challenge in accordance with these rules is 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time on Thursday, September 13, 2018 (the “Deadline”).
  3. The Shortlisted Proponent’s code challenge submission Deliverable (defined below) must be received by the Province (as provided for by these instructions) and be deposited and located in the applicable Repository before the Deadline, failing which such submission will not be eligible for evaluation and the associated Shortlisted Proponent Proposal will receive no further consideration and such Shortlisted Proponent will be eliminated from the RFP competition.
  4. Only the Proponent Resources that were put forward in a Shortlisted Proponent’s RFP Proposal are eligible to participate in the Code Challenge.
  5. The Shortlisted Proponent Resources will be sent invites via GitHub to join this private repository ([INSERT PRIVATE REPO]). Please forward to the Government Contact the GitHub handles of those Proponent Resources who will be taking part in the Code Challenge.
  6. As of the Notice Date, the code challenge issue has been created in this private repository ([INSERT PRIVATE REPO]), under the "BCDevExchange-CodeChallenge" organization.
  7. Shortlisted Proponents may direct clarifying questions to the Government Contact. Any such questions must be received by the Government Contact before 4:00 p.m. Pacific time on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 (the “Code Challenge Questions Deadline”).
  8. The Province reserves the right to amend this notice before or after the Closing Time, including changing the Deadline or the Code Challenge Questions Deadline upon notice to all Shortlisted Proponents.
  9. The Shortlisted Proponent must complete all of the following tasks and Deliverable and as such they must be deposited and received in the applicable Repository by the Province in the form specified by this notice before the Deadline:
  • Complete all code changes required to complete the code challenge (the
  • "Deliverable"); and
  • Attach an Apache License 2.0 to the Deliverable.
  1. The rules and instructions set forth in this notice are in addition to any rules, terms and conditions set forth elsewhere in the RFP.

Code Challenge (Mines)


Included are scripts for building and running one Docker container:

  • A Postgres database loaded with the sample schema and data

The scripts handle retrieval of the appropriate images, loading of the sample data, and setting of default user credentials.


  • Docker

Getting Started

  • Run the included script to launch the containers.
  • The Postgres container exposes port 5432 and can be connected to with either the admin account (postgres/postgresadmin) or the read-only user account (pguser/pguser)
  • Feel free to change the default admin and user account credentials
  • You can verify the containers are running using the command docker container ls | grep code-challenge or by connecting to each one using your favourite client tool (e.g. Postico)

Code Challenge Instructions


This code challenge asks you to build an application that allows the application’s users and administrators to:

  1. create and store user profile information in a Postgres database; and
  2. perform various operations on the database

User profile information will be obtained from one of the following:

  1. Google Sign-In for websites (;
  2. Facebook Login for the web (; or
  3. A different authentication provider (OAuth) of your choice

Basic profile information, including user id, first name, last name, profile image, and email will be retrieved from a successful authentication and stored.
You can choose to store additional information in the profile if you choose, but this is not required. You should also record a timestamp of when the user registered by signing in the first time.

Required Database Operations

Users must be able to perform the following operations (collectively, the “User Operations”):

  1. Register with the application by authenticating with the chosen provider;
  2. Update their own application profile by manually editing one of the fields;
  3. Delete their own profile;
  4. Sign in to the application using their provider credentials;
  5. Sign out of the application;
  6. View a list of all registered users of the application (the “Registered Users List”).
  7. Perform a simple filter of the Registered Users List; and
  8. Perform a simple sort of the Registered Users List

Note that each user can have one and only one profile attached to that user’s credentials.

Administrators must be able to perform the following operations (collectively, the “Admin Operations”):

  1. Update any user profile;
  2. Delete any user profile;
  3. Access the application using admin authentication;
  4. Send boilerplate emails to users; and
  5. Any of the regular User Operations listed above in #5 to #8

The typical user will be familiar with web applications, but unfamiliar with this particular application.

The typical administrator will be conversant with typical database UIs and administrative tools.

Database UI Suggestions

The application must allow users and administrators to perform the User Operations and Admin Operations, respectively.

We recommend that you design a UI that resembles the following drawing:

alt text

Technical Requirements

Participating teams are not limited to a certain stack or any specific technologies. We do encourage everyone to use a stack that is commonly used in developing modern web applications. For instance, a good choice of framework would be Angular, React or Vue.

User Stories

All of the following user stories must be completed. They may be completed in any order.

User Story #1 – Register with the application

As a user, I want to be able to register with the application.

Given that I am a User
And that I have not already registered
When I properly authenticate using the appropriate credentials
Then my profile is created and visible in the Registered Users List

User Story #2 – Delete my own profile

As a user, I want to be able to delete my profile from the application.

Given that I am a User
And that I have signed in to the application
When I activate the “Delete” UI control related to my user profile
Then my profile is deleted from the Registered Users List

User Story #3 – Delete a user profile (Admin)

As an administrator, I want to be able to delete any given user profile from the application.

Given that I am an Administrator
And that I have signed in to the application as an Administrator
When I activate the “Delete” UI control related to a user profile
Then that user profile is deleted from the Registered Users List

User Story #4 – Edit my own user profile

As a user, I want to be able to edit my own user profile.

Given that I am a User
And that I have signed in to the application
When I activate the “Edit” UI control related to my profile
Then I am shown a modal interface that allows me to edit my info
And I am allowed to save my modified profile

User Story #5 – Edit a user profile (Admin)

As an administrator, I want to be able to edit any user profile.

Given that I am an Administrator
And that I have signed in to the application as an Administrator
When I activate the “Edit” UI control related to an arbitrary user profile
Then I am shown a modal interface that allows me to edit the select user info
And I am allowed to save the modified profile

User Story #6 – Sign-in

As a user I want to sign in to the application using my username and password AND As an application manager, I want all users to be authenticated before they access the application.

Given that a User is attempting to access the application
When the User properly authenticates using the appropriate credentials
Then the User is granted user-level access to the application.

User Story #7 – Sign-out

As a user or as an administrator, I want to be able to sign out of the application.

Given that I am signed in as a user or as an administrator
And I want to sign out of the application
When I active the Sign-out or Logout UI element
Then I am logged out of the application
And I cannot access associated UI elements until I sign back in

User Story #8 – Send Email to User (Admin)

As an administrator, I want to able to send a boilerplate email to a user.

Given that I am signed in as an administrator
And I want to send a boilerplate email to an individual user
When I active the “Mail” UI control related to an individual user
Then a boilerplate email is sent to the email address associated with that user

Implementation Notes:
The boilerplate email template will be provided in a separate file called “email-message.txt”.
A successful implementation merely needs to email the provide template to a given user.

User Story #9 – Simple Filter

As a user, I want to be able to filter columns with text content using a “startsWith” filter.

Given that I am signed in to the application as a user or an administrator
And I have selected a field in the Registered Users List
When I enter a filter term
Then all database entries that satisfy the filter term for the selected field are displayed
And no other database entries are displayed

Implementation Notes:
The filter shall be a “startsWith” filter only.
The filter shall apply only to fields with text content.
The filter shall not apply hierarchically. That is, the filter shall filter the database for a single column only. For instance, an operation that first filters Column A for term B and then filters Column C for term D does not need to be supported (and no additional points will be given for such an implementation).  

User Story #10 – Simple Sort

As a user, I want to be able to sort columns of type “String” in ascending and descending order.

Use Case #1 (Ascending Order)

Given that I am signed-in to the application as a user or as an administrator
And I have selected a field in the Registered Users List
When I click on the UI control that allows the field to be sorted in ascending order
Then the users in the list are displayed in ascending order

Use Case #2 (Descending Order)

Given that I am signed-in to the application as a user or as an administrator
And I have selected a field in the Registered Users List
And I have previously sorted that field in ascending order
When I click on the “Sort” UI control
Then the users in the list are displayed in descending order

Implementation Notes:
The sort operation shall apply only to fields with text content.
The sort operation shall not apply hierarchically. That is, the sort operation shall sort the database for a single column only. For instance, a sort operation that first sorts Column A in ascending order and then sorts Column C in ascending order does not need to be supported (and no additional points will be given for such an implementation).

REST API Requirements

The update operations must be implemented by making a server-side REST API call to an endpoint with the signature “/update”.

The delete operations must be implemented by making a server-side REST API call to an endpoint with the signature “/delete”.

The authenticate/create operation must be implemented by making a server-side REST API call to an endpoint with the signature “/authenticate”.

The sendEmail operation must be implemented by making a server-side REST API call to an endpoint with the signature “/sendEmail”.  

Submission Requirements

  1. Submit all code by way of a pull request to this repository. Your team’s final pull request must be submitted before 4 p.m. Pacific Time on Thursday, September 13, 2018.
  2. Attach an Apache License 2.0 to your pull request.
  3. Update the repo’s README file to include any instructions required for the code challenge evaluators to build and run your team’s application.


Our submission for the BC Dev Exchange Sprint-with-us code challenge 2







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