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User Software builds

Slurm launchers are provided under scripts/ to facilitate software builds. For convenience on iris, a GNU screen configuration file config/screenrc is provided to quickly bootstrap the appropriate tabs:

# iris
screen -c config/screenrc
# 'SW' tab meant for git / sync operations. To enable the ssh agent:
#    eval "$(ssh-agent)"
#    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
#    make up
#    make fork-easyconfigs-update
# 'broadwell' tab for associated build. Ex interactive job:
#    ./scripts/get-interactive-job
# 'skylake' tab for associated build. Ex interactive job:
#    ./scripts/get-interactive-job-skylake
# 'gpu' tab for associated build. Ex interactive job:
#    ./scripts/get-interactive-job-gpu
# 'epyc' tab  for aion builds
#    ssh aion
#    ./scripts/get-interactive-job

For aion, you should use Tmux instead.

Don't forget to kill your ssh agent when you have finish: eval "$(ssh-agent -k)"

You are encouraged to submit/run your builds in each appropriate <arch> tab, where you can follow the logs of a given passive build with:

tail -s1 -f logs/<JOB-NAME>-<jobid>.out   # -s1 to force refresh every second

In general, the following launcher scripts are provided, either for testings purposes (under project sw), or for production builds (as resif user).

Script Cluster Arch. Description Partition Settings
launcher-{test,prod} aion epyc AMD CPU default builds batch settings/[...]/
launcher-{test,prod} iris broadwell Intel CPU default builds batch settings/[...]/
launcher-{test,prod} iris skylake Intel CPU Skylake Builds batch settings/[...]/
launcher-{test,prod} iris skylake Nvidia GPU Builds gpu settings/[...]/

In case you wish to extend and existing software set, see for instructions -- you'll have to prefer home/project based builds facilitated by the resif-load-{home,project}-swset-{prod,devel} utilities.

Get an interactive jobs

For a given arch, you MUST use the script scripts/get-interactive-job* to get the appropriate compute node for 2h

$ ./scripts/get-interactive-job -h
      Get an interactive job for '<arch>' node to test a RESIF build.
      By default, this will reserve one **full** node (i.e. 1 task over <c> threads)
  ./scripts/get-interactive-job [-n] [-c 1]

  -n --dry-run: Dry run mode
  -c <N>: ask <N> core (thread) instead of <c> (default) -- may be scheduled faster

# Get an interactive job for default arch (broadwell on iris, epyc on aion)
$ ./scripts/get-interactive-job
## OR, for Intel skylake on iris
$ ./scripts/get-interactive-job-skylake
## OR, for GPU nodes:
$ ./scripts/get-interactive-job-gpu

(Eventually) Install/update EB

Use the interactive jobs to install/update EB to the latest version using scripts/setup.h AFTER sourcing the appropriate settings. You probably want to enforce the software set release.

### Iris broadwell or Aion epyc
$ ./scripts/get-interactive-job -c1
$ source settings/[prod/][version/]${ULHPC_CLUSTER}.sh
$ ./scripts/ -h    # check $EASYBUILD_PREFIX
$ ./scripts/ -n
$ ./scripts/

### Iris skylake
$ ./scripts/ -c1
$ source settings/[prod/][<version>/]${ULHPC_CLUSTER}.sh
$ ./scripts/ -h    # check $EASYBUILD_PREFIX
$ ./scripts/ -n
$ ./scripts/

### Iris GPU
$ ./scripts/ -c1
$ source settings/[prod/][<version>/]${ULHPC_CLUSTER}
$ ./scripts/ -h    # check $EASYBUILD_PREFIX
$ ./scripts/ -n
$ ./scripts/

Testing Builds (project sw)

You can test builds under /work/projects/sw/resif ($LOCAL_RESIF_ROOT_DIR) under your ULHPC account (assuming you belong to the group sw) with the launcher scripts scripts/launcher-test-build-*.

Software and modules will be installed under the local software set ($LOCAL_RESIF_ENVIRONMENT) i.e. under /work/projects/sw/resif/iris/local/<arch>. Note: The build command is sg sw -c "eb [...] -r --rebuild" (to enforce group ownership to the sw project -- see docs).

Mode Arch. Launcher Settings
Local Tests epyc ./scripts/ source settings/
Local Tests broadwell ./scripts/ source settings/
Local Tests skylake ./scripts/ source settings/
Local Tests gpu ./scripts/ source settings/

Example of help usage:

$ ./scripts/ -h
NAME RESIF 3.0 launcher for ULHPC User Software building
          Based on UL HPC Module Bundles ULHPC-[<topic>-]<version>.eb
          Default CPU Builds compliant with all Intel archictectures in place
  [sbatch] ./scripts/ [-n] [-D] [ toolchains | bd | bio | cs | dl | math | perf | tools | visu ]
  [sbatch] ./scripts/ [-n] [-D] path/to/file.eb

  Default bundle version:  - see easyconfigs/u/ULHPC-*
  List of ULHPC Module Bundles: toolchains bd bio cs dl math perf tools visu

  -d --debug:   Debug mode
  -n --dry-run: Dry run mode
  -D --dry-run-short Print build overview incl. dependencies but do not build
  -e  <ENV>:    Set **local** RESIF environment to <ENV> (Default: )"
  -u --use <version>: use the modules from the *prod* environment <version>
  -v <version>: Set Bundle version (default: '')

Each of these scripts supports two main usage (use -n for dry runs beforehand to echo each command instead of ececuting them):

  • passing as argument a bundle name (Ex: toolchains, bio, cs etc.) to launch the build of the associate ULHPC bundle i.e. ULHPC-<name>-<version>.eb
  • passing as argument a path to an easyconfigs you want to build
  • For interactive runs, you need to source the appropriate settings before

These launchers are simple wrapper around the following commands:

source settings/<cluster>[...].sh
eb <file>.eb -r --rebuild -D  # Dry-run, report dependencies
sg sw -c "eb <file>.eb -r --rebuild"

On iris, the commands are embeded via sg to force the execution within the group sw i.e. as follows: sg sw -c "eb [...]"

# Interactive tests (broadwell)
(access)$> ./scripts/get-interactive-job
(node)$> source settings/
(node)$> eb --version
(node)$> eb -S [...]    # OR ./scripts/suggest-easyconfigs -v <version> [...]
(node)$> ./scripts/ [toolchains | bio | ...]
# Passible jobs - (default) builds for Intel (broadwell)
(access)$> sbatch ./scripts/ [toolchains | bio | ...]
# AND/OR Skylake optimized builds
(access)$> sbatch ./scripts/ [toolchains | bio | ...]
# AND/OR GPU optimized builds
(access)$> sbatch ./scripts/ [gpu]

Equivalent on aion:

# Interactive tests (epyc)
(access)$> ./scripts/get-interactive-job
(node)$> source settings/
(node)$> eb --version
(node)$> eb -S [...]    # OR ./scripts/suggest-easyconfigs -v <version> [...]
(node)$> ./scripts/ [toolchains | bio | ...]
# Passible jobs - (default) builds for Intel (broadwell)
(access)$> sbatch ./scripts/ [toolchains | bio | ...]

Slurm Logs are located under logs/ directory -- use tail -s1 -f logs/[...] to follow them live when tied to a passive job running. Easybuild-related logs are placed under logs/easybuild/

(access)$> tail -s1 -f logs/<jobname>-<jobid>.out   # Slurm logs, EB logs under logs/easybuild

You may want at some point to clean the logs:

make clean

Testing build against production release

Once a given version of the ULHPC software set is released to production (Ex: 2020b), it is very likely that some users may request the addition of a missing software assuming an easyconfig exists. Instead of trying the builds directly in production, you MUST first test it under the sw project and prefix the production modulepath.

To facilitate that work, you MUST either use the -v <version> option, OR use the predefined launcher scripts ./scripts/<version>/launcher-test-build-*.

# aion
[sbatch] ./scripts/<version>/ [...]
# iris
[sbatch] ./scripts/<version>/launcher-test-build-{cpu,cpu-skylake,gpu}.sh [...]

# Alternative:
[sbatch] ./scripts/ -v <version> [...]                   # Aion
[sbatch] ./scripts/launcher-test-build-{cpu,cpu-skylake,gpu}.sh -v <version> [...] # Iris

You can also decide to target a private environment with -e <name> (Ex: 2020b) to ensure the builds goes into a dedicated (separated) directory, note however that you need to install EB into this directory (see below).

So to facilitate such tests, dedicated launchers scripts have been created under ./scripts/<version>/launcher-test-build-*

Mode Arch. Launcher Settings
Local Tests <version> release epyc ./scripts/<version>/ source settings/<version>/
Local Tests <version> release broadwell ./scripts/<version>/ source settings/<version>/
Local Tests <version> release skylake ./scripts/<version>/ source settings/<version>/
Local Tests <version> release gpu ./scripts/<version>/ source settings/<version>/

Example: testing for QuantumEXPRESSO:

### Ex: broadwell
# SW tabs: update to latest easyconfigs and settings
$ make up    # ULHPC/sw repo
$ make fork-easyconfigs-update    # local fork of easyconfigs

### broadwell tab
$ ./scripts/get-interactive-job
$ source settings/2019b/
# check suggested EB
$ ./scripts/suggest-easyconfigs Quantum
# ... potential exact match for 2019b toolchain
# QuantumESPRESSO-6.5-intel-2019b.eb
# QuantumESPRESSO-6.6-foss-2019b.eb
# QuantumESPRESSO-6.6-intel-2019b.eb
# QuantumESPRESSO-6.7-foss-2019b.eb
# QuantumESPRESSO-6.7-intel-2019b.eb
# QuantumESPRESSO-6.7-iomkl-2019b.eb

# check existing (missing) dependencies **against** 2019b: use scripts/2019b/launcher-test-build*
$ ./scripts/2019b/ -D QuantumESPRESSO-6.7-foss-2019b.eb
# ==> using/prepend (production) modules from '2019b' release for resif arch 'broadwell'
# Updated  MODULEPATH=/opt/apps/resif/iris/2019b/broadwell/modules/all:/work/projects/sw/resif/iris/2019b/broadwell/modules/all
# Due to MODULEPATH changes, the following have been reloaded:
#   1) tools/EasyBuild/4.3.3
# #[...]
#  * [x] /opt/apps/resif/iris/2019b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.3.3/easybuild/easyconfigs/f/foss/foss-2019b.eb (module: toolchain/foss/2019b)
#  * [ ] /opt/apps/resif/iris/2019b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.3.3/easybuild/easyconfigs/e/ELPA/ELPA-2019.11.001-foss-2019b.eb (module: math/ELPA/2019.11.001-foss-2019b)
#  * [ ] /opt/apps/resif/iris/2019b/broadwell/software/EasyBuild/4.3.3/easybuild/easyconfigs/q/QuantumESPRESSO/QuantumESPRESSO-6.7-foss-2019b.eb (module: chem/QuantumESPRESSO/6.7-foss-2019b)

# Repeat to test the build
$ ./scripts/2019b/ QuantumESPRESSO-6.7-foss-2019b.eb

You probably want to repeat in passive mode for skylake:

### skylake tabs
# adapt expected run time
$ sbatch -t 01:00:00 ./scripts/2019b/ QuantumESPRESSO-6.7-foss-2019b.eb

If it builds successfully, you probably want to

  1. complete and commit the appropriate ULHPC bundle: Ex: easyconfigs/u/ULHPC-<type>/ULHPC-<type>-2019b.eb
  2. repeat the prod build as resif, after pulling use the script ./scripts/prod/launcher-prod-build-[...] -v 2019b <type>
    • see below

Install/Update Easybuild for a given environment

You should do it in interactive jobs by sourcing the appropriate settings and running ./script/ [-h] [-n]

### Ex: Testing environment (project sw) against the 2019b release
# Broadwell tab
$ ./scripts/get-interactive-job -c1
$ source settings/2019b/
SYS_ARCH                = broadwell
LOCAL_RESIF_ARCH        = broadwell
LOCAL_RESIF_ROOT_DIR    = /work/projects/sw/resif
EASYBUILD_PREFIX               = /work/projects/sw/resif/iris/2019b/broadwell
/!\ WARNING: Module tools/EasyBuild NOT FOUND

# double-check $EASYBUILD_PREFIX
$ ./scripts/ -h    # check CAREFULLY EASYBUILD_PREFIX
$ ./scripts/ -n    # dry-run
$ ./scripts/
$ exit

### /!\ IMPORTANT: repeat for each architecture: skylake and gpu
# Skylake tabs
$ ./scripts/get-interactive-job-skylake -c1
$ source settings/2019b/
TOP_DIR           = /mnt/irisgpfs/users/svarrette/git/
SYS_ARCH                = skylake
LOCAL_RESIF_ARCH        = skylake
LOCAL_RESIF_ROOT_DIR    = /work/projects/sw/resif
EASYBUILD_PREFIX               = /work/projects/sw/resif/iris/2019b/skylake
/!\ WARNING: Module tools/EasyBuild NOT FOUND

# double-check $EASYBUILD_PREFIX
$ ./scripts/ -h    # check CAREFULLY EASYBUILD_PREFIX
$ ./scripts/ -n    # dry-run
$ ./scripts/
$ exit

# GPU tab
$ ./scripts/get-interactive-job-gpu -c1
$ source settings/2019b/
TOP_DIR           = /mnt/irisgpfs/users/svarrette/git/
SYS_ARCH                = skylake
LOCAL_RESIF_ARCH        = gpu
LOCAL_RESIF_ROOT_DIR    = /work/projects/sw/resif
EASYBUILD_PREFIX               = /work/projects/sw/resif/iris/2019b/gpu
/!\ WARNING: Module tools/EasyBuild NOT FOUND

# double-check $EASYBUILD_PREFIX
$ ./scripts/ -h    # check CAREFULLY EASYBUILD_PREFIX
$ ./scripts/ -n    # dry-run
$ ./scripts/
$ exit

Production builds (resif user)

Production builds MUST be run as resif using the launcher scripts under scripts/prod/*. In particular, to generate builds for the <version> software set:

# /!\ ADAPT <version>
[sbatch] ./scripts/prod/launcher-resif-prod-build-{cpu,cpu-skylake,gpu}.sh -v <version> [...]

Software and modules will be installed under /opt/apps/resif ($LOCAL_RESIF_ROOT_DIR) -- See Technical Docs.

You MUST BE VERY CAREFUL when running these scripts as they alter the production environment. This step is only allowed to the ULHPC teams.

Mode Arch. Launcher Settings
Prod build aion epyc ./scripts/prod/ -v <version> source settings/prod/<version>/
Prod build iris broadwell ./scripts/prod/ -v <version> source settings/prod/<version>/
Prod build iris skylake ./scripts/prod/ -v <version> source settings/prod/<version>/
Prod build iris gpu ./scripts/prod/ -v <version> source settings/prod/<version>/

Preliminary: configure ULHPC/sw repository for the resif user

For a production release, it is necessary to configure the ULHPC/sw repository under the resif user.

  • Update the resif ULHPC user (also on gitlab/github)
  • configure access to the repo on git (NOT with deployed key, but as user)
  • Follow-up setup instructions:
    • install direnv
    • create virtualenv: python3 -m venv ~/venv/resif3
    • clone ULHPC/sw repo and setup bash and local fork of the Easyconfigs repository
ssh resif@iris-cluster
mkdir git/
cd git/
git clone ssh://[email protected]:8022/ULHPC/sw.git
cd sw
python3 -m venv ~/venv/resif3
make setup
make setup-direnv
direnv allow .
make setup-python

Post-check iris: you need also to prepare the /opt/apps/resif/licenses_keys.yaml as per hook configurations

Production Builds on aion

In the appropriate screen/tmux tabs:

sbatch ./scripts/prod/  -v <version>  [ toolchains | bd | bio | cs | dl | math | tools ]
tail -s1 -f logs/RESIF-Prod-CPU-epyc-<jobid>.out

Production Builds on iris

In the appropriate screen/tmux tabs:

# Broadwell
sbatch ./scripts/prod/  -v <version>  [ toolchains | bd | bio | cs | dl | math | tools ]
tail -s1 -f logs/RESIF-Prod-CPU-broadwell-<jobid>.out
# Skylake
sbatch ./scripts/prod/  -v <version>  [ toolchains | bd | bio | cs | dl | math | tools ]
tail -s1 -f logs/RESIF-Prod-CPU-skylake-<jobid>.out
sbatch ./scripts/prod/  -v <version>
tail -s1 -f logs/RESIF-Prod-GPU-<jobid>.out


Some software require a manual post-install run as root. See ./scripts/

Details are provided in the debugging notes