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POC: Load tests against API Rest


This project will handle the load tests for backend API.


  • Regular request (load_scripts/backend-api/manifest.js)
  • Login simple request (load_scripts/backend-api/login.js)
  • JWT Request (including token request) (load_scripts/backend-api/checkToken.js)
  • Random payload generated requests (using Faker.js) (load_scripts/backend-api/register.js)


Terminal support

The scripts provide a simplified visual report with testings and validations

terminal demo

Grafana Dashboard support

There is an easy option to debug any performance issue using a full featured dashboard.

dashboard demo

Advance details

As well is possible to check details in depth.

details demo



npm run infra:build   # Build docker-compose
npm run infra:start   # Up docker-compose
npm run infra:stop    # Down docker-compose


Handle secrets

You should create a .env file at the same level as the docker-compose.yml. Those environmental variables will be injected to the K6 docker image.

Variables needed:


Run the tests

Start the environment

npm run infra:start

Handle Dashboard

By default there is no dashboard attached to Grafana. So please follow the steps.

  1. Enter to import dashboard: http://localhost:3000/dashboard/import
  2. Add 2587 to Dashboard and click `Load``
  3. On the new screen select myfluxdb as the value for k6 field and click import
  4. You will redirected to the dashboard

Execute the tests

Update the .env with the information needed.

Note: If you need to access to a running server outside the container, you can use host.docker.internal, like:


To run the tests:

npm run load-test:run

⚠️ Note: the tests can take a while 5 minutes or more. So please check the terminal and the dashboard