mcmap 2.4.1 compatible with Minecraft 1.7.2
mcmap changelog
2.4.1 [nov 19 2013] - Minecraft 1.7.2 compatible
-wooden slabs and stairs
-sandstone stairs
-better colours of stained clays
-little corrections in color.txt
2.4 [nov 15 2013] - Minecraft 1.7.2 compatible
-carrots and potatoes
-redstone block, coal block, anvil, hopper, emerald block etc.
-packed ice, red sand, hardened clay, wood and leafs introduced in 1.7.2
-various colors of flowers
-carpets, stained clays, stained glass and glass panes with 16 colors
2.3b [long time ago] - Minecraft 1.3.1 compatible
-last Zahl's version