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Simple HTTP client that can resolve host #3

wants to merge 16 commits into
base: master
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17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions Z/Data/HTTP/Request.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Z.Data.Builder as B
import qualified Z.Data.Parser as P
import qualified Z.Data.Parser as P
import qualified Z.Data.Text as T
import qualified Z.Data.Vector as V
import qualified Z.Data.Vector.Base as V
Expand All @@ -14,7 +13,7 @@ import Z.Data.ASCII
import Z.Data.PrimRef
import Z.IO
import Z.IO.Network

import Z.IO.BIO (Source)

data HTTPException
= BadHeaderLine V.Bytes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,11 +53,11 @@ instance T.Print Method where

data Version = Version {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
deriving (Eq, Ord)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance T.Print Version where
toUTF8BuilderP _ (Version maj min) = do
"HTTP/" maj
B.encodePrim DOT min
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,10 +101,10 @@ requestLineParser = do

-- version
vbs <- P.bytes "HTTP/"
majv <- P.satisfy isDigit
majv <- P.digit
P.word8 DOT
minv <- P.satisfy isDigit
let !version = Version (fromIntegral $ majv - DIGIT_0) (fromIntegral $ minv - DIGIT_0)
minv <- P.digit
let !version = Version majv minv

-- request line end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ readRequest remoteAddr secure bi = do
host <- readIORef hostRef
when (V.null host) $ throwIO NoHostHeader

contentLen <- readPrimIORef contentLenRef
contentLen <- readPrimRef contentLenRef
transferEncoding <- readIORef transferEncodingRef
keepAlive <- readIORef connectionRef

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,7 +170,7 @@ readRequest remoteAddr secure bi = do

when (hdrK == "content-length") $
case P.parse' P.uint hdrV of
Right l -> writePrimIORef contentLenRef l
Right l -> writePrimRef contentLenRef l
_ -> throwIO (BadHeaderLine hdr)

when (hdrK == "transfer-encoding") $
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188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions Z/HTTP/Client.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} -- Give an error instead of warnings in case
-- user forgets to initialize some fields
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Z.HTTP.Client where

import GHC.Word (Word16)
import Data.Foldable (foldr)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Z.IO.Network
( getAddrInfo
, defaultTCPClientConfig
, initTCPClient
, AddrInfo(addrAddress)
, HostName
, PortNumber(..)
, TCPClientConfig(tcpRemoteAddr)
import Z.IO.Buffered (newBufferedIO, readBuffer, writeBuffer')
import Z.IO (withResource)
import Z.Data.HTTP.Request (Method (..), Version(..))
import Z.Data.Text (Text)
import Z.Data.Parser (Parser)
import Z.Data.CBytes (fromBytes, buildCBytes, toBytes)
import qualified Z.Data.Parser as P
import qualified Z.Data.ASCII as C
import qualified Z.Data.Vector as V
import qualified Z.Data.Builder as B
import qualified Z.Data.Text as T

import Z.Data.Vector.FlatMap (FlatMap)
import qualified Z.Data.Vector.FlatMap as FlatMap

type Path = V.Bytes

data Request = Request
{ reqMethod :: Method
, reqPath :: Path
, reqHost :: V.Bytes
, reqVersion :: Version
, reqHeaders :: [(V.Bytes, V.Bytes)]

data Protocol = HTTP | HTTPS deriving Show

type Headers = FlatMap V.Bytes V.Bytes

emptyHeaders :: Headers
emptyHeaders = FlatMap.empty

data Response = Response
{ responseVersion :: Version
, responseCode :: Word16 -- smallest unit that can contain 3 digits int
, responseMessage :: V.Bytes
, responseHeaders :: Headers
} deriving Show

defaultRequest :: Request
defaultRequest = Request
{ reqMethod = GET
, reqPath = "/"
, reqHost = V.empty
, reqVersion = Version 1 1
, reqHeaders = []

type Host = (HostName, Maybe PortNumber)

resolveDNS :: Host -> IO AddrInfo
resolveDNS (hostName, Just portNumber) = head <$> getAddrInfo Nothing hostName (buildCBytes . $ portNumber)
resolveDNS (hostName, Nothing) = head <$> getAddrInfo Nothing hostName "http"

pattern CRLF :: V.Bytes
pattern CRLF = "\r\n"

-- build lazily
buildHeaders :: [(V.Bytes, V.Bytes)] -> B.Builder ()
buildHeaders = foldr buildHeader ""
buildHeader :: (V.Bytes, V.Bytes) -> B.Builder () -> B.Builder ()
buildHeader (headerKey, headerVal) b = B.append b $ do
B.bytes headerKey
B.word8 C.COLON
B.bytes headerVal
B.bytes CRLF

requestToBytes :: Request -> V.Bytes
requestToBytes req = $ do
B.bytes method
B.encodePrim C.SPACE
B.bytes path
B.encodePrim C.SPACE
B.bytes version
B.bytes CRLF
B.bytes CRLF
method :: V.Bytes = T.toUTF8Bytes (reqMethod req)
path :: V.Bytes = reqPath req
version :: V.Bytes = T.toUTF8Bytes (reqVersion req)
headers = buildHeaders $ ("Host", reqHost req) : reqHeaders req

-- TODO: user defined chunksize?
sendRequest :: Request -> IO Response
sendRequest req = do
addr <- resolveDNS (fromBytes $ reqHost req, Nothing)
withResource (initTCPClient defaultTCPClientConfig { tcpRemoteAddr = addrAddress addr }) $ \tcp -> do
(i, o) <- newBufferedIO tcp
writeBuffer' o (requestToBytes req)
buf <- readBuffer i
case P.parse' httpParser buf of
Left _ -> undefined
Right res -> pure res

httpParser :: Parser Response
httpParser = do
P.bytes "HTTP/"
maj <- P.digit
P.word8 C.DOT
min <- P.digit
httpCode <- P.uint
httpMsg <- P.takeWhile (/= C.CARRIAGE_RETURN)
P.bytes CRLF
!headers <- headersLoop emptyHeaders
return $ Response (Version maj min) httpCode httpMsg headers

headersLoop :: Headers -> Parser Headers
headersLoop acc = do
w <- P.peek
case w of
P.bytes CRLF
return acc
_ -> do
key <- P.takeWhile (/= C.COLON)
P.word8 C.COLON
val <- P.takeWhile (/= C.CARRIAGE_RETURN)
P.bytes CRLF
headersLoop $ FlatMap.insert key val acc

parseUri :: Parser (Protocol, Host)
parseUri = do
P.bytes "http"
proto <- P.peek
if proto == C.LETTER_S
then P.skipWord8 >> P.bytes "://" >> ((,) HTTPS <$> parseHost)
else P.bytes "://" >> ((,) HTTP <$> parseHost)

-- This should parse "" but not ""
parseHost :: Parser Host
parseHost = do
hostName <- P.takeTill (== C.COLON)
w <- P.peek
if w == C.COLON
then P.skipWord8 >> ((,) (fromBytes hostName) <$> (Just . PortNumber <$>
else pure (fromBytes hostName, Nothing)

fromHost :: Text -> Request
fromHost host = let host' = T.toUTF8Bytes host in
case P.parse' parseHost (T.toUTF8Bytes host) of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right (hostName, Nothing) -> defaultRequest { reqHost = toBytes hostName }
Right (hostName, Just port) -> defaultRequest { reqHost = toBytes hostName <> ":" <> T.toUTF8Bytes port }

fromIpAddr :: Text -> Request
fromIpAddr = undefined

-- | f :: Request
-- | f = fromHost ""
-- | & setPath "/url"
-- | & setHeadears [("X-Powered-By", "Z-HTTP-Client")]

setMethod :: Method -> Request -> Request
setMethod method req@Request{..} = req { reqMethod = method }

setPath :: V.Bytes -> Request -> Request
setPath path req@Request{..} = req { reqPath = path }

setVersion :: Version -> Request -> Request
setVersion version req@Request{..} = req { reqVersion = version }

setHeadears :: [(V.Bytes, V.Bytes)] -> Request -> Request
setHeadears headers req@Request{..} = req { reqHeaders = headers }
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions z-http.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,14 +22,15 @@ extra-source-files:
exposed-modules: Z.Data.HTTP.Request

-- Modules included in this library but not exported.
-- other-modules:

build-depends: base >=4.14
, case-insensitive == 1.*
, Z-Data == 0.7.*
, Z-IO == 0.7.*
, Z-Data == 1.0.*
, Z-IO == 1.0.*

-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: .
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