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Julia implementation for various Frank-Wolfe and Conditional Gradient variants


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This package is a toolbox for Frank-Wolfe and conditional gradients algorithms.


Frank-Wolfe algorithms were designed to solve optimization problems of the form

$$\min_{x ∈ C} f(x),$$

where $f$ is a differentiable convex function and $C$ is a convex and compact set. They are especially useful when we know how to optimize a linear function over $C$ in an efficient way.

A paper presenting the package with mathematical explanations and numerous examples can be found here:

FrankWolfe.jl: A high-performance and flexible toolbox for Frank-Wolfe algorithms and Conditional Gradients.


The most recent release is available via the julia package manager, e.g., with

using Pkg

or the master branch:

Pkg.add(url="", rev="master")

Getting started

Let's say we want to solve the following minimization problem

$$\min_{p \in Δ(n)} p_1^2 + \dots + p_n^2,$$

where $Δ(n)= \{p \in R^n_{\geq 0} | p_1 + \dots + p_n =1\}$ is the probability simplex.

Using FrankWolfe.jl, let's write a minimal code solving this problem in dimension $n=3$. The main function is FrankWolfe.frank_wolfe and it requires:

  • a function f that computes the values of the objective function $f$;
  • a function grad! that computes in-place the gradient of the objective function $f$;
  • a subtype of FrankWolfe.LinearMinimizationOracle for which a method of FrankWolfe.compute_extreme_point has been implemented (see here);
  • a starting vector p0.
julia> using FrankWolfe

# objective function f(p) = p_1^2 + ... + p_n^2
julia> f(p) = sum(abs2, p)

# in-place gradient computation for f thanks to '.='
julia> grad!(storage, p) = storage .= 2p  

# pre-defined type implementing the linear minimization oracle interface for the simplex
julia> lmo = FrankWolfe.ProbabilitySimplexOracle(1.)

# starting vector (of dimension n=3)
julia> p0 = [1., 0., 0.]

# an optimal solution is returned in p_opt
julia> p_opt, _ = frank_wolfe(f, grad!, lmo, p0; verbose=true);

Vanilla Frank-Wolfe Algorithm.
MEMORY_MODE: FrankWolfe.InplaceEmphasis() STEPSIZE: Adaptive EPSILON: 1.0e-7 MAXITERATION: 10000 TYPE: Float64
[ Info: In memory_mode memory iterates are written back into x0!

  Type     Iteration         Primal           Dual       Dual Gap           Time         It/sec
     I             1   1.000000e+00  -1.000000e+00   2.000000e+00   0.000000e+00            Inf
  Last            24   3.333333e-01   3.333332e-01   9.488992e-08   1.533181e+00   1.565373e+01

julia> p_opt
3-element Vector{Float64}:

Note that active-set based methods like the Away-step Frank-Wolfe and Blended Pairwise Conditional Gradients also include a post-processing step. In post-processing all values are recomputed and in particular the dual gap is computed at the current FW vertex, which might be slightly larger than the best dual gap observed as the gap is not monotonic. This is expected behavior.

Documentation and examples

To explore the content of the package, go to the documentation.

Beyond those presented in the documentation, many more use cases are implemented in the examples folder. To run them, you will need to activate the test environment, which can be done simply with TestEnv.jl (we recommend you install it in your base Julia).

julia> using TestEnv

julia> TestEnv.activate()

# necessary for plotting
julia> include("examples/plot_utils.jl")
julia> include("examples/linear_regression.jl")

If you need the plotting utilities in your own code, make sure Plots.jl is included in your current project and run:

using Plots
using FrankWolfe

include(joinpath(dirname(pathof(FrankWolfe)), "../examples/plot_utils.jl"))