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Joint Multi-label Attention Network (JMAN)

Joint Multi-label Attention Network (JMAN) is a neural network model for document annotation with social tags.

This tool is the source code for the proposed method and baselines reported in the papers titled

  • Automated Social Text Annotation with Joint Multi-Label Attention Networks, IEEE TNNLS 2020 (paper on Bibsonomy, link on press).
  • Joint Multi-label Attention Network for Social Text Annotation, NAACL-HLT 2019 (paper, poster).

JMAN (illustrated below) takes both the title and the sentences in content of a document as input, and predicts whether the document is related to any of the labels in a label list. It is a multi-label classification model based on deep learning. The main contributions are: (i) title-guided sentence-level attention mechanism, using the title representation to guide the sentence "reading"; (ii) semantic-based loss regularisers, using label semantic relations, inferred from the label sets and from external Knowledge Bases, to constrain the output of the neural network.

Update (Sep 2020):

  1. Link to datasets: The preprocessed Bibsonomy, Zhihu, CiteULike-a, and CiteULike-t datasets in this study are available in the datasets folder.

Update (March 2020):

  1. added dynamic update of label semantics using --dynamic_sem for JMAN, HAN, and BiGRU models.
  2. added analysis of multi-source components using --variations for the JMAN model.
  3. added baselines CC, HOMER, PLST.


  • Python 3.6.*
  • Tensorflow 1.8.0 (also tested on version 1.4.1 and 1.14.0, not suitable for Tensorflow 2.0 so far, but welcome your help to migrate the code)
  • danielfrg's word2vec python package (this can be easily replaced by word2vec implemented in gensim)
  • Numpy
  • TFLearn
  • scikit-learn, especially sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier and sklearn.svm.SVC, for SVM-ovr.
  • gensim, especially gensim.models.wrappers.LdaMallet for LDA.
  • scikit-multilearn, for MEKA wrapper to implement CC, HOMER, PLST.
  • MEKA, for CC, HOMER, PLST (MEKA is based on WEKA and MULAN).
  • LibSVM, for the base classifiers in CC, HOMER, and PLST. The weka-LIBSVM wrapper is also required.


  • ./0 JMAN/ contains code for configuration and training
  • ./0 JMAN/ contains the computational graph, loss function and optimisation
  • ./0 JMAN/ contains code for input and target generation
  • ./1 BiGRU/ (Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit) and ./2 HAN/ (Hierarchical Attention Network) have a similar structure as in ./0 JMAN/
  • ./3 LDA/ (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), ./4 SVM-ovr/ (Support Vector Machine one-versus-rest for multilabel classification), ./5 CC/ (Classifier Chains), ./6 HOMER/ (Hierarchy Of Multilabel classifiER), and ./7 PLST/ (Principle Label Space Transformation), each contains the main code and the utility code.
  • ./embeddings contains self-trained word2vec embeddings
  • ./datasets contains the datasets used
  • ./knowledge_bases contains knowledge sources used for label subsumption relations
  • ./cache_vocabulary_label_pik stores the cached .pik files about vocabularies and labels
  • ./meka_adapted contains the code that need to update to the scikit-multilearn package to run CC, HOMER, and PLST with base classfiers using complex commands on MEKA.
  • ./0 JMAN/results/ contains prediction results of JMAN for testing documents in the Bibsonomy, CiteULike, and Zhihu datasets.

Key Implementations

For title-guided sentence-level attention mechansism, see def attention_sentence_level_title_guided(self, hidden_state_sentence, title_representation)

For semantic-based loss regularisers, see def loss_multilabel_onto_new_simsub_per_doc(self, label_sim_matrix, label_sub_matrix, l2_lambda=0.0001, dynamic_sem_l2=False)

Quick Start

The files under ./datasets, ./embeddings and ./knowledge_bases can be downloaded from OneDrive or Baidu Drivepassword:w9iu. For the format of datasets, embeddings or knowledge bases, see the file in the corresponding folder.

All the --marking_ids below are simply for better marking of the command, which will appear in the name of the output files, can be changed to other values and do not affect the running.


To train with the bibsonomy dataset

python --dataset bibsonomy-clean --marking_id bib
python --dataset bibsonomy-clean --variations JMAN-s --marking_id bib

To train with the zhihu dataset

python --dataset zhihu-sample --marking_id zhihu

To train with the CiteULike-a and the CiteULike-t datasets

python --dataset citeulike-a-clean --marking_id cua
python --dataset citeulike-t-clean --marking_id cut

Run Bi-GRU and HAN

Similarly, we can train both dataset using the Bi-GRU or the HAN model by running each * file in the ./1 BiGRU/ or ./2 HAN/ folder.

Run LDA, SVM-ovr, CC, HOMER, and PLST

The LDA and SVM-ovr can be trained and tested with similar commands to the neural network models.

The command below tests LDA on the Bibsonomy dataset with number of topics as 200 and number of similar documents as 1, using 10-fold cross-validaion.

python --dataset bibsonomy-clean --k_num_doc 1 --num_topics 200 --kfold 10 --marking_id final-cv10

The command below tests SVM-ovr on the Bibsonomy dataset with both C and gamma (see the practical guide from LIBSVM) as 100 using 10-fold cross-validation.

python --dataset bibsonomy-clean --mode rbf --C 100 --gamma 100 --kfold 10

For CC, HOMER, and PLST, see the file in the corresponding folder in the project.

Tips for Training and Testing

For all the cases above, kfold can be set to -1 to test with a single fold for quick testing.

To view the changing of training loss and validation loss, replacing $PATH-logs$ to a real path.

tensorboard --logdir $PATH-logs$

Key Configurations

You can set the learning rate (--learning_rate), number of epochs (--num_epochs), fold for cross-validation (--kfold), early stop learning rate (--early_stop_lr), and other configurations when you run the command, or set those in the * files.

Check the full list of configurations in the, and files.


--variations in allows testing the downgraded baselines and analysing the multi-source components. The values of ```--variations`` can be set as:

JMAN,            the full JMAN model (default)
JMAN-s,          no semantic-based loss regularisers
JMAN-s-att,      no semantic-based loss regularisers & no original sentence-level attention mechanism
JMAN-s-tg,       no semantic-based loss regularisers & no title-guided sentence-level attention mechanism
JMAN-s+t-only,   no semantic-based loss regularisers & only title information
JMAN-s+tg-only,  no semantic-based loss regularisers & only title-guided sentence-level attention mechanism
JMAN-s+att-only, no semantic-based loss regularisers & only original sentence-level attention mechanism

--lambda_sim and --lambda_sub work only when the --variations is set as JMAN. --dynamic_sem allows dynamic updating the matrices SIM and SUB, default as False. --dynamic_sem_l2 specifies whether to L2-normalise the matrices Sim and Sub in the dynamic setting, default as False.

The options, --lambda_sim, --lambda_sub, --dynamic_sem, and --dynamic_sem_l2, are also available in and


How to Cite

Please cite with the bibtex below if you used the implementation and datasets in this study.

    author={H. {Dong} and W. {Wang} and K. {Huang} and F. {Coenen}},  
    journal={IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems},   
    title={Automated Social Text Annotation With Joint Multilabel Attention Networks},   


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