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Linux Test Project (core)

LTP is a lightweight and versatile testing framework based on LTP library and designed specifically for C applications on the Linux platform. With an emphasis on simplicity and ease of use, LTP provides developers with a powerful toolset for creating and executing test cases, both for Kernel and regular C applications.

Here you can see a short example:

#include <tst_test.h>

void setup(void) {
	// your setup code goes here

	tst_res(TINFO, "example setup");

void cleanup(void) {
	// your cleanup code goes here

	tst_res(TINFO, "example cleanup");

void run(void) {
	// your test code goes here

	tst_res(TPASS, "Doing hardly anything is easy");

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.setup = setup,
	.cleanup = cleanup,

Now we just need to compile and run:

gcc -lltp example.c -o example

../lib/tst_test.c:1690: TINFO: LTP version: 20230929-148-g121b0e2ce
../lib/tst_test.c:1576: TINFO: Timeout per run is 0h 00m 30s
example.c:6: TINFO: example setup
example.c:18: TPASS: example test passed
example.c:12: TINFO: example cleanup

passed   1
failed   0
broken   0
skipped  0
warnings 0

Each test has some default options which are linked into the test. They can be seen with ./example -h command.

How to build/install/test the framework

LTP framework is using Meson as the main build system. Following commands show how to use it in order to build/install/test the LTP framework:

# prepare build directory
meson setup builddir && cd builddir

# compile library
meson compile

# compile shared library
meson configure -Ddefault_library=shared
meson compile

# install library
meson install

# running library tests
meson configure -Dbuild_tests=true
meson test


Following paragraph shows available features in the LTP core framework.

Show messages

Inside the framework we have many ways to send messages without stopping the test. All of them can be sent using tst_res function with the following flags:

  • TINFO: information message
  • TWARN: warning message
  • TPASS: PASS message
  • TFAIL: FAIL message

When TERRNO is used in combination with one of the flags, framework will append message with errno at the end.

All tests have to send at least a TPASS or TFAIL message before the end of test execution. An error will be shown as remainder otherwise.

static void run(void)
	tst_res(TINFO, "This is an information message");
	tst_res(TWARN, "This is a warning message");
	tst_res(TPASS, "This is a pass message");
	tst_res(TFAIL, "This is a fail message");

	// TERRNO can be used by all flags above
	tst_res(TINFO | TERRNO, "This is a message with errno at the end");

Raise a breaking error

Any time we need to stop the test because something broke during the execution, we can use tst_brk function to send a broken error via TBROK flag. The test will immediately stop.

When TERRNO is used in combination with TBROK, the framework will print errno that caused the failure.

static void run(void)
	// if something is broken raise an error and stop the test

	tst_brk(TBROK, "Something is broken. Stop the test.");
	tst_brk(TBROK | TERRNO, "Something is broken. Print errno");

Raise a configuration error

Each time we want to end the test because it's not satisfying our needs, we can use tst_brk function to send a configuration error via TCONF flag. Test will immediately stop.

static void setup(void)
	// my requirements are not satisfied, so stop the test with message

	tst_brk(TCONF, "Configuration problem. Stop the test.");

static struct tst_test test = {
	.setup = setup,
	.test_all = run,

Test results using TST_* macros

The framework provides a few macros that can be used to automatically check if a specific function has passed or failed. These macros take a function call as the first parameter and a printf-like format string and parameters as well. These test macros then expand to a code that runs the call, checks the return value and errno and reports the test result.

static void run(void)
	TST_EXP_PASS(stat(fname, &statbuf), "stat(%s, ...)", fname);

	if (!TST_PASS)

The TST_EXP_PASS() can be used for calls that return -1 on failure and 0 on success. It will check for the return value and reports failure if the return value is not equal to 0. The call also sets the TST_PASS variable to 1 if the call succeeeded.

As seen above, this and similar macros take optional variadic arguments. These begin with a format string and then appropriate values to be formatted.

static void run(void)
	TST_EXP_FD(open(fname, O_RDONLY), "open(%s, O_RDONLY)", fname);


The TST_EXP_FD() is the same as TST_EXP_PASS() the only difference is that the return value is expected to be a file descriptor so the call passes if positive integer is returned.

static void run(void)
	TST_EXP_FAIL(stat(fname, &statbuf), ENOENT, "stat(%s, ...)", fname);

The TST_EXP_FAIL() is similar to TST_EXP_PASS() but it fails the test if the call haven't failed with -1 and errno wasn't set to the expected one passed as the second argument.

static void run(void)
	TST_EXP_FAIL2(msgget(key, flags), EINVAL, "msgget(%i, %i)", key, flags);

The TST_EXP_FAIL2() is the same as TST_EXP_FAIL() except the return value is expected to be non-negative integer if call passes.

TST_EXP_FAIL_SILENT() and TST_EXP_FAIL2_SILENT() variants are less verbose and do not print TPASS messages when SCALL fails as expected.

TEST(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1));
if (TST_RET > -1) {
	tst_res(TFAIL, "Created raw socket");
} else if (TST_ERR != EPERM) {
	tst_res(TFAIL | TTERRNO,
		"Failed to create socket for wrong reason");
} else {
	tst_res(TPASS | TTERRNO, "Didn't create raw socket");

The TST_* macro sets TST_RET to its argument's return value and TST_ERR to errno+ The TTERNO flag can be used to print the error number's symbolic value.

No library function or macro, except those in tst_test_macros.h, will write to these variables. So their values will not be changed unexpectedly.


if (!TST_PASS)

If the return value of wait is positive or zero, this macro will print a pass result and set TST_PASS appropriately. If the return value is negative, then it will print fail. There are many similar macros to those shown here, please see tst_test_macros.h.

TST_EXP_EQ_LI(val1, val2);
TST_EXP_EQ_UI(val1, val2);
TST_EXP_EQ_SZ(val1, val2);
TST_EXP_EQ_SSZ(val1, val2);

/* Use as */
TST_EXP_EQ_LI(sig_caught, SIGCHLD);

Set of macros for different integer type comparsions. These macros print the variable names as well as values in both pass and fail scenarios.

Utilities functions

Some of the following utilities can be used to obtain information during tests execution.

const char *tst_strsig(int sig);

Return the given signal number's corresponding string.

const char *tst_strerrno(int err);

Return the given errno number's corresponding string. Using this function to translate errno values to strings is preferred. You should not use the strerror() function in the testcases.

const char *tst_strstatus(int status);

Returns string describing the status as returned by wait(). This function is not thread safe.

void tst_set_max_runtime(int max_runtime);

Allows for setting max_runtime per test iteration dynamically in the test 'setup()', the timeout is specified in seconds. There are a few testcases whose runtime can vary arbitrarily, these can disable timeouts by setting it to TST_UNLIMITED_RUNTIME.

void tst_flush(void);

Flush output streams, handling errors appropriately.

This function is rarely needed when you have to flush the output streams before calling fork() or clone(). Note that the SAFE_FORK() and SAFE_CLONE() calls this function automatically. See 2.4 FILE buffers and fork() for explanation why is this needed.

Using LTP API without defining a test

Sometimes we need to define a simple binary, without linking to the tst_test struct definition, but using the framework functionalities, such as macros, broken errors, etc. This is common in such cases where we need to call an external binary that has to perform specific operations and we don't want to waste time redefining features implemented inside the framework. To do so, TST_NO_DEFAULT_MAIN can be used.

#include "tst_test.h"

int main(void)
	tst_res(TPASS, "Child passed!");
	return 0;

Skip test using preprocessor

In some cases we need to skip the entire test if system does not satisfy our needs. It can be the case of a test that requires to be run on x86. In this case, TST_TEST_TCONF macro can be used.

#include <tst_test.h>

#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)

static void run(void)
	// my test code

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,

TST_TEST_TCONF("Test supported only on x86");

Customize test options

Test options can be customized assigning .options argument to the tst_test struct definition.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.options = (struct tst_option[]) {
		{"v", &verbose, "Verbose output"},
		{"s", &size, "Size of the file to generate"},

Run test inside a temporary folder

When we need to create files or directories, we can use a temporary folder so we won't generate data in the current directory. This can be achieved setting .needs_tmpdir flag. The framework will take care to create a temporary directory before test, to move inside it and to delete it once test is completed.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.needs_tmpdir = 1,

Root requirement

Some operations inside test might require root. To ensure that we are running the test as root user, we can set .needs_root. If test will be executed as normal user, the framework will send a configuration error and stop the test.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.needs_root = 1,

Maximum time

If we want that our test never exceed a specific execution time, we can set .max_runtime flag in seconds. At the end of this time, test will be killed by the framework raising a TBROK error.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	// 1 hour max execution
	.max_runtime = 3600,

Forked children

Some tests require to spawn one or multiple children using SAFE_FORK() macro. The framework automatically handles spawned children inside the test, ensuring that all of them will be completed before the end of the test. This feature can be activated setting .forks_child flag. When SAFE_FORK() is used, the framework will remind that the flag has to be set.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.forks_child = 1,

Checkpoint handling

When using TST_CHECKPOINT_* macros, .needs_checkpoints flag has to be set. In this way, futex will be released just before ending of the test. When TST_CHECKPOINT_ macros are used, the framework will remind that the flag has to be set.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.needs_checkpoints = 1,

Using a device

If .needs_device flag is set, the tst_device structure is initialized with path the test device and default filesystem to be used.

static void run(void)
	tst_res(TINFO, "My device is %s", tst_device->dev);

	// my test code using device

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.needs_device = 1,

Create and mount a device

If .mount_device is set, the device is mounted at .mntpoint which is used to pass a directory name that will be created and used as mount destination. You can pass additional flags and data to the mount command via .mnt_flags and .mnt_data pointers. Note that .mount_device implies .needs_device and .format_device so there is no need to set the later two. To pass additional options to mkfs.$fs utility, .dev_fs_type and dev_extra_opts can be used. Device filesystem can be defined by .dev_fs_type. If .dev_min_size is set, framework will check that device has that minimum size in megabytes.

static void run(void)
		"My device %s is formatted with %s filesystem",

	// my test code using tst_device

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.needs_device = 1,
	.mount_device = 1,
	.format_device = 1,
	.dev_min_size = 2, // reserve 2MB device
	.dev_fs_type = "xfs",
	.mntpoint = "mntpoint",
	.mnt_data = "usrquota",
	.mnt_flags = MS_STRICTATIME,

IMPORTANT: Close all file descriptors (that point to files in test temporary directory, even the unlinked ones) either in the 'test()' function or in the test 'cleanup()' otherwise the test may break temporary directory removal on NFS (look for "NFS silly rename").

Overlay filesystem

If .needs_overlay is set, mount point will use an overlay fs.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.needs_device = 1,
	.mount_device = 1,
	.format_device = 1,
	.mntpoint = "mntpoint",
	.needs_overlay = 1,

Read-only filesystem

If .needs_rofs is set, read-only filesystem is mounted at .mntpoint. This one is supposed to be used for EROFS tests.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.needs_device = 1,
	.mount_device = 1,
	.format_device = 1,
	.mntpoint = "mntpoint",
	.needs_rofs = 1,

Mount hugepages

If .needs_hugelbfs is set, the hugetlbfs will be mounted at .mntpoint.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.needs_device = 1,
	.mount_device = 1,
	.format_device = 1,
	.mntpoint = "mntpoint",
	.needs_hugelbfs = 1,

Execute for all filesystems

When the .all_filesystems flag is set the .skip_filesystems list is passed to the function that detects supported filesystems any listed filesystem is not included in the resulting list of supported filesystems.

If test needs to adjust expectations based on filesystem type it's also possible to detect filesystem type at the runtime. This is preferably used when only subset of the test is not applicable for a given filesystem.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.all_filesystems = 1,
	.skip_filesystems = (const char *const []) {

NOTE that ext2, ext3 or ext4 in .skip_filesystems on tests which does not use .all_filesystems needs to be defined as 'ext2/ext3/ext4'. The reason is that it is hard to detect used filesystem due to overlapping the functionality.

OTOH tests which use .skip_filesystems with .all_filesystems can skip only filesystems which are actually used in .all_filesystems: ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs, btrfs, vfat, exfat, ntfs, tmpfs (defined in fs_type_whitelist[]). It does not make sense to list other filesystems.

Minimum supported kernel

To avoid using kernels which are too old for the test, we can use .min_kver attribute in the tst_test struct definition. If minimum kernel is not satisfied, a configuration error will be shown.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.min_kver = "4.11",

Supported architectures

Test's supported architectures can be defined using the .supported_archs flag inside tst_test struct definition. If current architecture is not supported, a configuration error will be shown.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.supported_archs = (const char *const []) {

Skip tests based on system state

Test can be skipped on various conditions:

  • if .skip_in_secureboot is set, on enabled SecureBoot
  • if .skip_in_lockdown is set, on lockdown
  • if .skip_in_compat is set, in 32-bit compat mode
static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.skip_in_secureboot = 1,
	.skip_in_lockdown = 1,
	.skip_in_compat = 1,

Require minimum numbers of CPU

Some tests require more than specific number of CPU. It can be defined with .min_cpus.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.min_cpus = 2,

Require minimum memory or swap size

Some tests require a minimum amount of memory or swap. To make sure that test will run only on systems with more than minimal required amount of RAM set .min_mem_avail. Similarily for tests that require certain amount of free Swap use .min_swap_avail. Both flags are expressed in MB.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	// check that minimum memory is 20 MB
	.min_mem_avail = 20,
	// check that minimum swap is 2 MB
	.min_swap_avail = 2,

Reserving hugepages

Many of the LTP tests need to use hugepage in their testing, this allows the test can reserve hugepages from system via .hugepages = {xx, TST_REQUEST}.

We achieved two policies for reserving hugepages:

  • TST_REQUEST: It will try the best to reserve available huge pages and return the number of available hugepages in tst_hugepages, which may be 0 if hugepages are not supported at all.

  • TST_NEEDS: This is an enforced requirement, LTP should strictly do hpages applying and guarantee the HugePages_Free no less than pages which makes that test can use these specified numbers correctly. Otherwise, test exits with TCONF if the attempt to reserve hugepages fails or reserves less than requested.

With success test stores the reserved hugepage number in tst_hugepages. For system without hugetlb supporting, variable tst_hugepages will be set to 0. If the hugepage number needs to be set to 0 on supported hugetlb system, please use .hugepages = {TST_NO_HUGEPAGES}.

Also, we do cleanup and restore work for the hpages resetting automatically.

static void run(void)

	if (tst_hugepages == test.hugepages.number)

struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.hugepages = {2, TST_REQUEST},

Tainted kernels

In some cases we need to detect whether a testcase triggers a kernel warning, bug or oops. The .taint_check flag can be used to detect them.

List of supported taint flags:

  • TST_TAINT_G: a module with non-GPL license loaded
  • TST_TAINT_F: a module was force-loaded
  • TST_TAINT_S: SMP with Non-SMP kernel
  • TST_TAINT_R: module force unloaded
  • TST_TAINT_M: machine check error occurred
  • TST_TAINT_B: page-release function found bad page
  • TST_TAINT_U: user requested taint flag
  • TST_TAINT_D: kernel died recently - OOPS or BUG
  • TST_TAINT_A: ACPI table has been overwritten
  • TST_TAINT_W: a warning has been issued by kernel
  • TST_TAINT_C: driver from drivers/staging was loaded
  • TST_TAINT_I: working around BIOS/Firmware bug
  • TST_TAINT_O: out of tree module loaded
  • TST_TAINT_E: unsigned module was loaded
  • TST_TAINT_L: A soft lock-up has previously occurred
  • TST_TAINT_K: kernel has been live-patched
  • TST_TAINT_X: auxiliary taint, for distro's use
  • TST_TAINT_T: kernel was built with the struct randomization plugin
void run(void)
	if (tst_taint_check() != 0)
		tst_res(TFAIL, "kernel has issues");
		tst_res(TPASS, "kernel seems to be fine");

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.tint_check = TST_TAINT_W | TST_TAINT_D,

Testing similar syscalls in one test

In some cases kernel has several very similar syscalls that do either the same or very similar job. This is most noticeable on i386 where we commonly have two or three syscall versions. That is because i386 was first platform that Linux was developed on and because of that most mistakes in API happened there as well. However this is not limited to i386 at all, it's quite common that version two syscall has added missing flags parameters or so.

In such cases it does not make much sense to copy&paste the test code over and over, rather than that the test library provides support for test variants. The idea behind test variants is simple, we run the test several times each time with different syscall variant.

The implementation consist of test_variants integer that, if set, denotes number of test variants. The test is then forked and executed test_variants times each time with different value in global tst_variant variable.

static int do_foo(void)
	switch (tst_variant) {
	case 0:
		return foo();
	case 1:
		return syscall(__NR_foo);

	return -1;

static void run(void)

static void setup(void)
	switch (tst_variant) {
	case 0:
		tst_res(TINFO, "Testing foo variant 1");
	case 1:
		tst_res(TINFO, "Testing foo variant 2");

struct tst_test test = {
	.setup = setup,
	.test_all = run,
	.test_variants = 2,

Checking kernel for the driver support

Some tests may need specific kernel drivers, either compiled in, or built as a module. If .needs_drivers points to a NULL terminated array of kernel module names these are all checked and the test exits with TCONF on the first missing driver.

The detection is based on reading modules.dep and modules.builtin files generated by kmod. The check is skipped on Android.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.needs_drivers = (const char *const []) {

Saving & restoring /proc|sys values

Framework can be instructed to save and restore value of specified (/proc|sys) files. This is achieved by initialized tst_test struct field 'save_restore'. It is a NULL-terminated array of struct tst_path_val where each tst_path_val.path represents a file, whose value is saved at the beginning and restored at the end of the test.

If non-NULL string is passed in tst_path_val.val, it is written to the respective file at the beginning of the test. Only the first line of a specified file is saved and restored.

By default, the test will end with TCONF if the file is read-only or does not exist. If the optional write of new value fails, the test will end with TBROK. This behavior can be changed using tst_path_val.flags:

  • TST_SR_TBROK_MISSING: End test with TBROK if the file does not exist
  • TST_SR_TCONF_MISSING: End test with TCONF if the file does not exist
  • TST_SR_SKIP_MISSING: Continue without saving the file if it does not exist
  • TST_SR_TBROK_RO: End test with TBROK if the file is read-only
  • TST_SR_TCONF_RO: End test with TCONF if the file is read-only
  • TST_SR_SKIP_RO: Continue without saving the file if it is read-only
  • TST_SR_IGNORE_ERR: Ignore errors when writing new value into the file

Common flag combinations also have shortcuts:


restore is always strict and will TWARN if it encounters any error.

static struct tst_test test = {
	.setup = setup,
	.save_restore = (const struct tst_path_val[]) {
		{"/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern", NULL, TST_SR_TCONF},
		{"/proc/sys/user/max_user_namespaces", NULL, TST_SR_SKIP},
		{"/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run", "1", TST_SR_TBROK},

Checking for kernel configuration

Generally testcases should attempt to autodetect as much kernel features as possible based on the currently running kernel. We do have tst_check_driver() to check if functionality that could be compiled as kernel module is present on the system, disabled syscalls can be detected by checking for ENOSYS errno etc.

However, in rare cases core kernel features couldn't be detected based on the kernel userspace API and we have to resort to parse the kernel .config.

For this cases the test should set the NULL-terminated .needs_kconfigs array of boolean expressions with constraints on the kconfig variables. The boolean expression consits of variables, two binary operations & and |, negation ! and correct sequence of parentesis (). Variables are expected to be in a form of CONFIG_FOO[=bar].

The test will continue to run if all expressions are evaluated to True. Missing variable is mapped to False as well as variable with different than specified value, e.g. CONFIG_FOO=bar will evaluate to False if the value is anything else but bar. If config variable is specified as plain CONFIG_FOO, it's evaluated to true it's set to any value (typically =y or =m).

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.needs_kconfigs = (const char *[]) {

Guarded buffers

The test library supports guarded buffers, which are buffers allocated so that:

  • The end of the buffer is followed by a PROT_NONE page
  • The remainder of the page before the buffer is filled with random canary data

Which means that the any access after the buffer will yield a Segmentation fault or EFAULT depending on if the access happened in userspace or the kernel respectively. The canary before the buffer will also catch any write access outside of the buffer.

The purpose of the feature is to catch off-by-one bugs which happens when buffers and structures are passed to syscalls. New tests should allocate guarded buffers for all data passed to the tested syscall which are passed by a pointer.

static struct timex *buf;

static void run(void)
	// normally use buf as it is

static struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.bufs = (struct tst_buffers []) {
		{&buf, .size = sizeof(*buf)},

Guarded buffers can be allocated on runtime in a test setup() by a tst_alloc() or by tst_strdup() as well as by filling up the .bufs array in the tst_test struct.

So far the tst_test struct supports allocating either a plain buffer by setting up the size or struct iovec, which is allocated recursively including the individual buffers as described by an -1 terminated array of buffer sizes.

Adding and removing capabilities

Some tests may require the presence or absence of particular capabilities. Using the API provided by tst_capability.h the test author can try to ensure that some capabilities are either present or absent during the test.

For example; below we try to create a raw socket, which requires CAP_NET_ADMIN. During setup we should be able to do it, then during run it should be impossible. The LTP capability library will check before setup that we have this capability, then after setup it will drop it.

#include "tst_test.h"
#include "tst_capability.h"
#include "tst_safe_net.h"
#include "lapi/socket.h"

static void run(void)
	TEST(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1));
	if (TST_RET > -1) {
		tst_res(TFAIL, "Created raw socket");
	} else if (TST_ERR != EPERM) {
		tst_res(TFAIL | TTERRNO,
			"Failed to create socket for wrong reason");
	} else {
		tst_res(TPASS | TTERRNO, "Didn't create raw socket");

static void setup(void)
	TEST(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1));
	if (TST_RET < 0)
		tst_brk(TCONF | TTERRNO, "We don't have CAP_NET_RAW to begin with");


static struct tst_test test = {
	.setup = setup,
	.test_all = run,
	.caps = (struct tst_cap []) {

Checking for required commands

Required commands can be checked with .needs_cmds, which points to a NULL terminated array of strings such as:

.needs_cmds = (const char *const []) {

Also can check required command version whether is satisfied by using needs_cmds such as:

.needs_cmds = (const char *const []) {
	"mkfs.ext4 >= 1.43.0",

Test tags

Test tags are name-value pairs that can hold any test metadata.

We have additional support for CVE entries, git commit in mainline kernel, stable kernel or glibc git repository. If a test is a regression test it should include these tags. They are printed when test fails.

CVE, mainline and stable kernel git commits in a regression test for a kernel bug:

struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.tags = (const struct tst_tag[]) {
		{"linux-git", "9392a27d88b9"},
		{"linux-git", "ff002b30181d"},
		{"known-fail", "ustat() is known to fail with EINVAL on Btrfs"},
		{"linux-stable-git", "c4a23c852e80"},
		{"CVE", "2020-29373"},

Glibc and musl git commits in a regression test for glibc and musl bugs:

struct tst_test test = {
	.test_all = run,
	.tags = (const struct tst_tag[]) {
		{"glibc-git", "574500a108be"},
		{"musl-git", "fa4a8abd06a4"},

From LTP to LTP core

The following paragraph will show what's changed between LTP and LTP core.

Deprecated libraries

  • libipc
  • libmsgctl
  • libnewipc
  • sigwait
  • libswap
  • vdso_helpers

Autotools to Meson conversion

When moving to meson build system, a few modifications have been made, some variables have been dropped and some autotools function have been ignored. And this is something you should know before compiling (for example) testcases created with the previous LTP library.

Unused LTP_CHECK_*

  • LTP_CHECK_ACL_SUPPORT: used by tests
  • LTP_CHECK_CRYPTO: used by tests
  • LTP_CHECK_KERNEL_DEVEL: compile kernel, we don't need it
  • LTP_CHECK_LIBMNL: used by tests
  • LTP_CHECK_LINUX_PTRACE: only used by ptrace tests
  • LTP_CHECK_NOMMU_LINUX: no idea how to use it
  • LTP_CHECK_SELINUX: used by tests
  • LTP_CHECK_SYSCALL_FCNTL: used by tests
  • LTP_CHECK_SYSCALL_NUMA: used by tests
  • LTP_DETECT_HOST_CPU: meson has cross-compilation mechanism

Undefined flags


Flags to merge



  • remove old API
  • more documentation on tst_test features
  • more documentation on cross-compiling
  • CI configuration