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Poetree - elegant tree functions

Poetree is a collection of utilities functions to work with trees.

It works in Node.js and the web environments. The package is OSS and licensed under the MIT license.

npm i poetree


Function tree(documents, options)

The tree function organizes a flat array of documents into an ordered document hierarchy.

  • documents (object[], required)
    A flatten list of documents to organized into a tree.

  • options.conflict (boolean, optional)
    Throw an error if the same slug is found accross multiple documents.

  • options.children (string, required)
    The document property which stores the child documents when documents are organized as a tree. The value should not conflict with an existing document property.

  • options.relative (string, default to property)
    Same as property but common path is discovered and strip-out from the relative path.

  • options.slug (string, required)
    The document property which stores the unique path used to identify a document in the tree.

  • options.sort (string, optional)
    An optional document property which stores an attribute used for sorting instead of using the slug last element by default.

Function sort(documents, options)

The sort function orders a flatten list of documents by slugs and an optional sort property.

  • documents (object[], required)
    A flatten list of documents to sort.

  • options.conflict (boolean, optional)
    Throw an error if the same slug is found accross multiple documents.

  • options.slug (string, required)
    The document property which stores the unique path used to identify a document in the tree.

  • options.sort (string, optional)
    An optional document property which stores an attribute used for sorting instead of using the slug last element by default.

  • options.pre ((a, b) => 0 | -1 | 1, optional) User defined function executed. The function is expected to return -1 or 1 to affect sorting or 0 to not affect sorting.


The project is sponsored by Adaltas based in Paris, France. Adaltas offers support and consulting on distributed systems, big data and open source.