I think this is deprecated now, and you should probably use gopls
I took gotype from the master branch of Go's git repo and changed a few lines around to make it build in go 1.8.
I added the srcimporter from Go's master branch as well.
I added two flags to it (-origFilename and -modifiedFilename) to enable typechecking as you type in my editor.
I added a plugin for ALE to allow syntax checking in vim.
I used to use go build for my syntax checking needs. It had several issues:
I often work in an environment where I cannot build what I'm working on locally due to cgo dependencies. This prevents me from using go build in most packages I work on.
I find go build to be extremely resource intensive after doing a git pull or changing branches as it has to rebuild lots of dependencies.
Go build only works after a file is saved. So my workflow involved a lot of unnecessary saving to see if my program typechecked.
This hacked up go type solves these problems:
It uses the srcimporter rather than trying to compile packages, so packages that depend on C libraries can still be typechecked. Unfortunately, cgo bindings themselves cannot be typechecked.
It is faster than go build.
I've added arguments to support as-you-type typechecking.
Download this project.
Build gotype and put it somewhere on your PATH:
go build . cp gotype ~/bin/
Install ALE
Put this project's root directory on your vim runtimepath. (I use Plug for this). In your vimrc:
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') ... Plug 'w0rp/ale' Plug '~/Downloads/gotype/' ... call plug#end()
Configure ALE to use gotype on go files. In your vimrc:
let g:ale_linters = { \ 'go': ['gotype'], \}
Try it out!
I had a plugin that worked with emacs flycheck, but I've stopped maintaining it. It would be pretty trivial to get it working though.
- Doesn't work directly on cgo code, returns spurious errors.
- Still fairly slow.
- cgo is not correctly handled.
- Implement checker as a persistant service that can cache unmodified packages. Experiments show a 2x performance improvement.