Paste is forked from the original source used before it was bought. The original source is available from the previous owner's GitHub repository
A demo of Paste is available here on SourceForge for your convenience
adaur: I'm just playing with Paste a little bit... follow this if you want to see what it looks like...
- Create a database for PASTE.
- Upload all files to a webfolder
- Point your browser to http://yourpas.te/installation/install
- Input some settings, copy & paste the generated config into config.php, DELETE the install folder and you're ready to go.
- Create a database for PASTE.
- Add the tables to the database (located in sql files, match the file to your DB software)
- Edit config.edit.php and rename to config.php
The configuration file is pretty well documented (config.php) so you shouldn't have any problems with it.
Any bugs can be reported at: or
You can find support on IRC by connecting to in channel #PASTE
- Fully designed admin panel to delete pastes, manage users & site settings
- User dashboard to manage pastes & view insights
- Ability to comment on pastes
- Trends, archive, raw, stats & search pages
- Sign up with Facebook/Twitter
- Added some more themes, including Pastebinv2 (the current theme)
- Added an installer to create tables (only MySQL supported at the moment) and generate a config file
- Paul Dixon ( for creating the original source.
- Jorge Peña ( for making numerous changes to the older source, (archives which are now being reworked on and password protection)
- Roberto Rodríguez ([email protected]) for PostgreSQL support.
jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap and various jQuery addons for present and future features. Icons are provided by fontawesome.