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Pages to test Adblock Plus functionality

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Repository files navigation web content

The web content of the domain is automatically generated from the files in this repository.

Getting started

The following tools are needed:

  • Node >= 18
  • npm >= 9
  • Python 3
  • Docker

Running the tests

The execution is done in Docker.


Checks are done using:

  • flake8 with the flake8-eyeo extension for python scripts
  • npm linthtml for html content
  • npm eslint for javascript content
  • npm stylelint for CSS content

To run the lint image:

docker build -t lintimage -f test/lint.Dockerfile .
docker run -it lintimage

Page tests

Tests can be executed with:

docker build -t testpages .
docker run --shm-size=2g -it testpages


firefox latest is the default browser. Other browsers can be run using the GREP argument:

docker run --shm-size=2g -e GREP="chromium latest" -it testpages

The available browsers are:

  • chromium latest
  • chromium beta
  • chromium dev
  • chromium 79.0.3945.0
  • chromium 128.0.6613.0 (latest chromium version supporting MV2 extensions)
  • firefox latest
  • firefox beta
  • firefox 75.0
  • firefox 68.0
  • edge latest
  • edge beta

GREP supports regular expressions syntax, which means it can be extended to run a subset of those tests. Example:

docker run --shm-size=2g -e GREP="chromium latest.*(Blocking|Popup)" -it testpages

To exclude a subset of the tests, use a negative regular expression. Example:

docker run --shm-size=2g -e GREP="^.*chromium latest((?\!Snippets).)*\$" -it testpages

Packed extensions

The default extension used to run the tests is the one matching the master revision of adblockplusui/adblockpluschrome. Other packed extensions may be used by providing the EXTENSION_FILE argument when building the image. Example:

docker build -t testpages --build-arg EXTENSION_FILE="adblockpluschrome-*.zip" .

Running the tests with a custom extension needs the SKIP_EXTENSION_DOWNLOAD argument to be set to true, otherwise the custom extension would be overridden by the default extension. Example:

docker run --shm-size=2g -e SKIP_EXTENSION_DOWNLOAD="true" -it testpages

Any ad blocking extension can be used to run automated tests on testpages, as long as it provides the following APIs:

  • subscriptions.get(ignoreDisabled, downloadable) - returning subscriptions urls
  • subscriptions.remove(url) - removing subscription with provided url
  • filters.get - listing all filters available for user
  • filters.remove(text) - removing filter with provided text
  • filters.importRaw(text) - adding filter in a raw format with text specified
  • debug.getLastError - returning last error thrown in extension console
  • testing.getReadyState - returning "started" when the extension is ready to interact with. Only ABP is expected to implement this interface

The default behavior for debug.getLastError is to log a warning. That can be changed to throw an actual error by setting the THROW_LAST_ERROR argument to true. Example:

docker run --shm-size=2g -e THROW_LAST_ERROR="true" -it testpages

Debugging failing tests

In order to access the screenshots for failing tests run the following command, which copies the screenshots to <destination> folder:

docker cp $(docker ps -aqf ancestor=testpages | head -n 1):/ <destination>

Another useful resource are the nginx (test pages server) logs. In order to access them, run the following command:

docker cp $(docker ps -aqf ancestor=testpages | head -n 1):/var/log/nginx/ <destination>

Local testpages execution

Test pages run through the CMS test server. That project needs to be cloned:

git clone
git -C cms checkout fbd1527b9f98d99a8b62c6ad5e32ac7758c19a28

After that, CMS dependencies need to be installed:

pip install -r <CMS_PATH>/requirements.txt

Finally, to start the CMS server run the following command from the testpages project root folder:

python <CMS_PATH>/ --port 5001

Test pages should now be accessible at http://localhost:5001. For more information and usage instructions see CMS documentation.

Additionaly, the endpoints server needs to run as well, and should be accessible at http://localhost:4000:

npm run start-endpoints

Testpages filters are set dynamically (except for Wildcard Domain support which are hardcoded). You can start server with testpages filters pointing to specific domain:

SITE_URL= python3 ../cms/ --port 5001

If you wish to test Domain Wildcard scenario locally, you need to start browser from command line and map ports to (filters are already pointing to this domain). This works for Chromium browser only (excute command on the folder where browser binary is).

On Mac:

open --args --host-resolver-rules="MAP localhost:5001"

On Linux: You may need to use chromium or google-chrome based on your distribution.

chromium --args --host-resolver-rules="MAP localhost:5001"

On Windows: For a default installation on a 64-bit system.

start "" "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --host-resolver-rules="MAP localhost:5001"

Local page tests run

It may be useful to run page tests outside docker, for debugging purposes.

Besides having both CMS and endpoint servers running, the test runner expects an unpacked ABP extension to be located in the ./testext folder. That can be achieved by downloading the latest ABP release:

node ./test/extension-tests/extension-download.js

Note: It is also possible to manually extract a different ABP version into the ./testext folder.

After that, tests are ready to run. Please notice the TEST_PAGES_URL environment variable needs to point to the local CMS server, if you wish to test on then don't provide that variable.

Additionally, MANIFEST_VERSION needs to be set, matching the manifest version of the extensions that was unpacked into the ./testext folder.


TEST_PAGES_URL=http://localhost:5001 MANIFEST_VERSION={2|3} npm test -- -g "chromium latest"

If testpage is excluded from execution in: /test/extension-tests/pages/utils.jsand you want to unskip it, you can define environment variable to force unskip.

TESTS_TO_INCLUDE=filters/wildcard-domain MANIFEST_VERSION={2|3} npm test -- -g "chromium latest"


  • The subscribes to a link test case is expected to fail on the local run, because it requires an https server which does not provide.
  • The Sitekey and WebSocket test cases are also expected to fail locally, because they require a request redirection to http://localhost:4000 and http://localhost:4001 which does not provide.