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Added properties of Heyting Commutative Ring #1968

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3284,6 +3284,24 @@ This is a full list of proofs that have changed form to use irrelevant instance
↭-reverse : (xs : List A) → reverse xs ↭ xs

* Added new functions to `Algebra.Properties.CommutativeMonoid`
invertibleˡ⇒invertibleʳ : LeftInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x → RightInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x
invertibleʳ⇒invertibleˡ : RightInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x → LeftInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x
invertibleˡ⇒invertible : LeftInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x → Invertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x
invertibleʳ⇒invertible : RightInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x → Invertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x

* Added new functions to `Algebra.Apartness.Bundles`
invertibleˡ⇒# : LeftInvertible _≈_ 1# _*_ (x - y) → x # y
invertibleʳ⇒# : RightInvertible _≈_ 1# _*_ (x - y) → x # y
x#0y#0→xy#0 : x # 0# → y # 0# → x * y # 0#
#-sym : Symmetric _#_
#-congʳ : x ≈ y → x # z → y # z
#-congˡ : y ≈ z → x # y → x # z

* Added new proofs to `Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Setoid.Properties`
and `Data.List.Relation.Unary.Sorted.TotalOrder.Properties`.
Expand Down
91 changes: 83 additions & 8 deletions src/Algebra/Apartness/Properties/HeytingCommutativeRing.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,23 +11,98 @@ open import Algebra.Apartness.Bundles using (HeytingCommutativeRing)
module Algebra.Apartness.Properties.HeytingCommutativeRing
{c ℓ₁ ℓ₂} (HCR : HeytingCommutativeRing c ℓ₁ ℓ₂) where

open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_; proj₂)
open import Algebra using (CommutativeRing; RightIdentity)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Algebra using (CommutativeRing; RightIdentity; Invertible; LeftInvertible; RightInvertible)

open HeytingCommutativeRing HCR
open CommutativeRing commutativeRing using (ring)
open CommutativeRing commutativeRing using (ring; *-commutativeMonoid)

open import Algebra.Properties.Ring ring using (-0#≈0#)
open import Algebra.Properties.Ring ring
using (-0#≈0#; -‿distribˡ-*; -‿distribʳ-*; -‿anti-homo-+; -‿involutive)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Symmetric)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as ReasonSetoid
open import Algebra.Properties.CommutativeMonoid *-commutativeMonoid

private variable
x y z : Carrier

invertibleˡ⇒# : LeftInvertible _≈_ 1# _*_ (x - y) → x # y
invertibleˡ⇒# = invertible⇒# ∘ invertibleˡ⇒invertible

invertibleʳ⇒# : RightInvertible _≈_ 1# _*_ (x - y) → x # y
invertibleʳ⇒# = invertible⇒# ∘ invertibleʳ⇒invertible

x-0≈x : RightIdentity _≈_ 0# _-_
x-0≈x x = trans (+-congˡ -0#≈0#) (+-identityʳ x)

1#0 : 1# # 0#
1#0 = invertible⇒# (1# , 1*[x-0]≈x , [x-0]*1≈x)
1#0 = invertibleˡ⇒# (1# , 1*[x-0]≈x)
1*[x-0]≈x : ∀ {x} → 1# * (x - 0#) ≈ x
1*[x-0]≈x : 1# * (x - 0#) ≈ x
1*[x-0]≈x {x} = trans (*-identityˡ (x - 0#)) (x-0≈x x)

[x-0]*1≈x : ∀ {x} → (x - 0#) * 1# ≈ x
[x-0]*1≈x {x} = trans (*-comm (x - 0#) 1#) 1*[x-0]≈x
x#0y#0→xy#0 : x # 0# → y # 0# → x * y # 0#
x#0y#0→xy#0 {x} {y} x#0 y#0 = helper (#⇒invertible x#0) (#⇒invertible y#0)

helper : Invertible _≈_ 1# _*_ (x - 0#) → Invertible _≈_ 1# _*_ (y - 0#) → x * y # 0#
helper (x⁻¹ , x⁻¹*x≈1 , x*x⁻¹≈1) (y⁻¹ , y⁻¹*y≈1 , y*y⁻¹≈1)
= invertibleˡ⇒# (y⁻¹ * x⁻¹ , y⁻¹*x⁻¹*x*y≈1)
open ReasonSetoid setoid

y⁻¹*x⁻¹*x*y≈1 : y⁻¹ * x⁻¹ * (x * y - 0#) ≈ 1#
y⁻¹*x⁻¹*x*y≈1 = begin
y⁻¹ * x⁻¹ * (x * y - 0#) ≈⟨ *-congˡ (x-0≈x (x * y)) ⟩
y⁻¹ * x⁻¹ * (x * y) ≈⟨ *-assoc y⁻¹ x⁻¹ (x * y) ⟩
y⁻¹ * (x⁻¹ * (x * y)) ≈˘⟨ *-congˡ (*-assoc x⁻¹ x y) ⟩
y⁻¹ * ((x⁻¹ * x) * y) ≈˘⟨ *-congˡ (*-congʳ (*-congˡ (x-0≈x x))) ⟩
y⁻¹ * ((x⁻¹ * (x - 0#)) * y) ≈⟨ *-congˡ (*-congʳ x⁻¹*x≈1) ⟩
y⁻¹ * (1# * y) ≈⟨ *-congˡ (*-identityˡ y) ⟩
y⁻¹ * y ≈˘⟨ *-congˡ (x-0≈x y) ⟩
y⁻¹ * (y - 0#) ≈⟨ y⁻¹*y≈1 ⟩
1# ∎

#-sym : Symmetric _#_
#-sym {x} {y} x#y = invertibleˡ⇒# (- x-y⁻¹ , x-y⁻¹*y-x≈1)
open ReasonSetoid setoid
InvX-Y : Invertible _≈_ 1# _*_ (x - y)
InvX-Y = #⇒invertible x#y

x-y⁻¹ = InvX-Y .proj₁

y-x≈-[x-y] : y - x ≈ - (x - y)
y-x≈-[x-y] = begin
y - x ≈˘⟨ +-congʳ (-‿involutive y) ⟩
- - y - x ≈˘⟨ -‿anti-homo-+ x (- y) ⟩
- (x - y) ∎

x-y⁻¹*y-x≈1 : (- x-y⁻¹) * (y - x) ≈ 1#
x-y⁻¹*y-x≈1 = begin
(- x-y⁻¹) * (y - x) ≈˘⟨ -‿distribˡ-* x-y⁻¹ (y - x) ⟩
- (x-y⁻¹ * (y - x)) ≈⟨ -‿cong (*-congˡ y-x≈-[x-y]) ⟩
- (x-y⁻¹ * - (x - y)) ≈˘⟨ -‿cong (-‿distribʳ-* x-y⁻¹ (x - y)) ⟩
- - (x-y⁻¹ * (x - y)) ≈⟨ -‿involutive (x-y⁻¹ * ((x - y))) ⟩
x-y⁻¹ * (x - y) ≈⟨ InvX-Y .proj₂ .proj₁ ⟩
1# ∎

#-congʳ : x ≈ y → x # z → y # z
#-congʳ {x} {y} {z} x≈y x#z = helper (#⇒invertible x#z)

helper : Invertible _≈_ 1# _*_ (x - z) → y # z
helper (x-z⁻¹ , x-z⁻¹*x-z≈1# , x-z*x-z⁻¹≈1#)
= invertibleˡ⇒# (x-z⁻¹ , x-z⁻¹*y-z≈1)
open ReasonSetoid setoid

x-z⁻¹*y-z≈1 : x-z⁻¹ * (y - z) ≈ 1#
x-z⁻¹*y-z≈1 = begin
x-z⁻¹ * (y - z) ≈˘⟨ *-congˡ (+-congʳ x≈y) ⟩
x-z⁻¹ * (x - z) ≈⟨ x-z⁻¹*x-z≈1# ⟩
1# ∎

#-congˡ : y ≈ z → x # y → x # z
#-congˡ y≈z x#y = #-sym (#-congʳ y≈z (#-sym x#y))
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/Algebra/Properties/CommutativeMonoid.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Algebra.Bundles
open import Algebra.Definitions
open import Data.Product using (_,_; proj₂)

module Algebra.Properties.CommutativeMonoid
{g₁ g₂} (M : CommutativeMonoid g₁ g₂) where
Expand All @@ -23,3 +25,18 @@ open CommutativeMonoid M
; assoc to +-assoc
; comm to +-comm

private variable
x : Carrier

invertibleˡ⇒invertibleʳ : LeftInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x → RightInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x
invertibleˡ⇒invertibleʳ {x} (-x , -x+x≈1) = -x , trans (+-comm x -x) -x+x≈1

invertibleʳ⇒invertibleˡ : RightInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x → LeftInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x
invertibleʳ⇒invertibleˡ {x} (-x , x+-x≈1) = -x , trans (+-comm -x x) x+-x≈1

invertibleˡ⇒invertible : LeftInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x → Invertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x
invertibleˡ⇒invertible left@(-x , -x+x≈1) = -x , -x+x≈1 , invertibleˡ⇒invertibleʳ left .proj₂

invertibleʳ⇒invertible : RightInvertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x → Invertible _≈_ 0# _+_ x
invertibleʳ⇒invertible right@(-x , x+-x≈1) = -x , invertibleʳ⇒invertibleˡ right .proj₂ , x+-x≈1