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addresses #2075: removes symmetry assumption from lexicographic well-foundedness #2077

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Sep 12, 2023
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17 changes: 14 additions & 3 deletions
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@@ -781,6 +781,12 @@ Non-backwards compatible changes
properties about the orderings themselves the second index must be provided

* Issue #2075 (Johannes Waldmann): wellfoundedness of the lexicographic ordering
on products, defined in `Data.Product.Relation.Binary.Lex.Strict`, no longer
requires the assumption of symmetry for the first equality relation `_≈₁_`,
leading to a new lemma `Induction.WellFounded.Acc-resp-flip-≈`, and refactoring
of the previous proof `Induction.WellFounded.Acc-resp-≈`.

* The operation `SymClosure` on relations in
`Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Symmetric` has been reimplemented
as a data type `SymClosure _⟶_ a b` that is parameterized by the
@@ -2513,13 +2519,13 @@ Other minor changes
×-≡,≡←≡ : p₁ ≡ p₂ → (proj₁ p₁ ≡ proj₁ p₂ × proj₂ p₁ ≡ proj₂ p₂)

* Added new proof to `Data.Product.Relation.Binary.Lex.Strict`
* Added new proofs to `Data.Product.Relation.Binary.Lex.Strict`
×-respectsʳ : Transitive _≈₁_ →
_<₁_ Respectsʳ _≈₁_ → _<₂_ Respectsʳ _≈₂_ → _<ₗₑₓ_ Respectsʳ _≋_
×-respectsˡ : Symmetric _≈₁_ → Transitive _≈₁_ →
_<₁_ Respectsˡ _≈₁_ → _<₂_ Respectsˡ _≈₂_ → _<ₗₑₓ_ Respectsˡ _≋_
×-wellFounded' : Symmetric _≈₁_ → Transitive _≈₁_ → _<₁_ Respectsʳ _≈₁_ →
×-wellFounded' : Transitive _≈₁_ → _<₁_ Respectsʳ _≈₁_ →
WellFounded _<₁_ → WellFounded _<₂_ → WellFounded _<ₗₑₓ_

@@ -2684,7 +2690,7 @@ Other minor changes
∀ {m n} → _Respectsˡ_ (_<_ {m} {n}) _≋_
<-respectsʳ : IsPartialEquivalence _≈_ → _≺_ Respectsʳ _≈_ →
∀ {m n} → _Respectsʳ_ (_<_ {m} {n}) _≋_
<-wellFounded : Symmetric _≈_ → Transitive _≈_ → _≺_ Respectsʳ _≈_ → WellFounded _≺_ →
<-wellFounded : Transitive _≈_ → _≺_ Respectsʳ _≈_ → WellFounded _≺_ →
∀ {n} → WellFounded (_<_ {n})

@@ -3354,6 +3360,11 @@ This is a full list of proofs that have changed form to use irrelevant instance
⊆-mergeʳ : ∀ xs ys → ys ⊆ merge _≤?_ xs ys

* Added new proof to `Induction.WellFounded`
Acc-resp-flip-≈ : _<_ Respectsʳ (flip _≈_) → (Acc _<_) Respects _≈_

* Added new file `Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Base.Apartness`

This is how to use it:
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions src/Data/Product/Relation/Binary/Lex/Strict.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ open import Level
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.Consequences
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as ≡ using (_≡_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as ≡ using (_≡_)

@@ -186,23 +186,24 @@ module _ {_≈₁_ : Rel A ℓ₁} {_<₁_ : Rel A ℓ₂} {_<₂_ : Rel B ℓ
_<ₗₑₓ_ = ×-Lex _≈₁_ _<₁_ _<₂_

×-wellFounded' : Symmetric _≈₁_ Transitive _≈₁_
×-wellFounded' : Transitive _≈₁_
_<₁_ Respectsʳ _≈₁_
WellFounded _<₁_
WellFounded _<₂_
WellFounded _<ₗₑₓ_
×-wellFounded' sym trans resp wf₁ wf₂ (x , y) = acc (×-acc (wf₁ x) (wf₂ y))
×-wellFounded' trans resp wf₁ wf₂ (x , y) = acc (×-acc (wf₁ x) (wf₂ y))
×-acc : {x y}
Acc _<₁_ x Acc _<₂_ y
WfRec _<ₗₑₓ_ (Acc _<ₗₑₓ_) (x , y)
×-acc (acc rec₁) acc₂ (u , v) (inj₁ u<x)
= acc (×-acc (rec₁ u u<x) (wf₂ v))
×-acc {x₁} acc₁ (acc rec₂) (u , v) (inj₂ (u≈x , v<y))
= Acc-resp-≈ (Pointwise.×-symmetric {_∼₁_ = _≈₁_} {_∼₂_ = _≡_ } sym ≡.sym)
(×-respectsʳ {_<₁_ = _<₁_} {_<₂_ = _<₂_} trans resp (≡.respʳ _<₂_))
(sym u≈x , _≡_.refl)
(acc (×-acc acc₁ (rec₂ v v<y)))
×-acc acc₁ (acc rec₂) (u , v) (inj₂ (u≈x , v<y))
= Acc-resp-flip-≈
(×-respectsʳ {_<₁_ = _<₁_} {_<₂_ = _<₂_} trans resp (≡.respʳ _<₂_))
(u≈x , ≡.refl)
(acc (×-acc acc₁ (rec₂ v v<y)))

module _ {_<₁_ : Rel A ℓ₁} {_<₂_ : Rel B ℓ₂} where

@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ module _ {_<₁_ : Rel A ℓ₁} {_<₂_ : Rel B ℓ₂} where
×-wellFounded : WellFounded _<₁_
WellFounded _<₂_
WellFounded _<ₗₑₓ_
×-wellFounded = ×-wellFounded' ≡.sym ≡.trans (≡.respʳ _<₁_)
×-wellFounded = ×-wellFounded' ≡.trans (≡.respʳ _<₁_)

-- Collections of properties which are preserved by ×-Lex.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Data/Vec/Relation/Binary/Lex/Strict.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ module _ {_≈_ : Rel A ℓ₁} {_≺_ : Rel A ℓ₂} where
{m n} Irrelevant (_<_ {m} {n})
<-irrelevant = Core.irrelevant (λ ())

module _ (≈-sym : Symmetric _≈_) (≈-trans : Transitive _≈_) (≺-respʳ : _≺_ Respectsʳ _≈_ ) (≺-wf : WellFounded _≺_)
module _ (≈-trans : Transitive _≈_) (≺-respʳ : _≺_ Respectsʳ _≈_ ) (≺-wf : WellFounded _≺_)

<-wellFounded : {n} WellFounded (_<_ {n})
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ module _ {_≈_ : Rel A ℓ₁} {_≺_ : Rel A ℓ₂} where
<⇒uncons-Lex {x ∷ xs} {y ∷ ys} (next x≈y xs<ys) = inj₂ (x≈y , xs<ys)

uncons-Lex-wellFounded : WellFounded (×-Lex _≈_ _≺_ _<_ on uncons)
uncons-Lex-wellFounded = On.wellFounded uncons (×-wellFounded' ≈-sym ≈-trans ≺-respʳ ≺-wf <-wellFounded)
uncons-Lex-wellFounded = On.wellFounded uncons (×-wellFounded' ≈-trans ≺-respʳ ≺-wf <-wellFounded)

-- Structures
19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions src/Induction/WellFounded.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
module Induction.WellFounded where

open import Data.Product.Base using (Σ; _,_; proj₁)
open import Function.Base using (_on_)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; flip; _on_)
open import Induction
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
@@ -54,10 +54,13 @@ acc-inverse : ∀ {_<_ : Rel A ℓ} {x : A} (q : Acc _<_ x) →
(y : A) y < x Acc _<_ y
acc-inverse (acc rs) y y<x = rs y y<x

Acc-resp-≈ : {_≈_ : Rel A ℓ₁} {_<_ : Rel A ℓ₂} Symmetric _≈_
_<_ Respectsʳ _≈_ (Acc _<_) Respects _≈_
Acc-resp-≈ sym respʳ x≈y (acc rec) =
acc (λ z z<y rec z (respʳ (sym x≈y) z<y))
module _ {_≈_ : Rel A ℓ₁} {_<_ : Rel A ℓ₂} where

Acc-resp-flip-≈ : _<_ Respectsʳ (flip _≈_) (Acc _<_) Respects _≈_
Acc-resp-flip-≈ respʳ x≈y (acc rec) = acc λ z z<y rec z (respʳ x≈y z<y)

Acc-resp-≈ : Symmetric _≈_ _<_ Respectsʳ _≈_ (Acc _<_) Respects _≈_
Acc-resp-≈ sym respʳ x≈y wf = Acc-resp-flip-≈ (respʳ ∘ sym) x≈y wf

-- Well-founded induction for the subset of accessible elements:
@@ -120,7 +123,7 @@ module Subrelation {_<₁_ : Rel A ℓ₁} {_<₂_ : Rel A ℓ₂}
(<₁⇒<₂ : {x y} x <₁ y x <₂ y) where

accessible : Acc _<₂_ ⊆ Acc _<₁_
accessible (acc rs) = acc (λ y y<x accessible (rs y (<₁⇒<₂ y<x)))
accessible (acc rs) = acc λ y y<x accessible (rs y (<₁⇒<₂ y<x))

wellFounded : WellFounded _<₂_ WellFounded _<₁_
wellFounded wf = λ x accessible (wf x)
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ module Subrelation {_<₁_ : Rel A ℓ₁} {_<₂_ : Rel A ℓ₂}
module InverseImage {_<_ : Rel B ℓ} (f : A B) where

accessible : {x} Acc _<_ (f x) Acc (_<_ on f) x
accessible (acc rs) = acc (λ y fy<fx accessible (rs (f y) fy<fx))
accessible (acc rs) = acc λ y fy<fx accessible (rs (f y) fy<fx)

wellFounded : WellFounded _<_ WellFounded (_<_ on f)
wellFounded wf = λ x accessible (wf (f x))
@@ -158,7 +161,7 @@ module TransitiveClosure {A : Set a} (_<_ : Rel A ℓ) where
trans : {x y z} (x<y : x <⁺ y) (y<z : y <⁺ z) x <⁺ z

downwardsClosed : {x y} Acc _<⁺_ y x <⁺ y Acc _<⁺_ x
downwardsClosed (acc rs) x<y = acc (λ z z<x rs z (trans z<x x<y))
downwardsClosed (acc rs) x<y = acc λ z z<x rs z (trans z<x x<y)
