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Ob #453: added Dense relations and DenseLinearOrder #2111

merged 9 commits into from
Oct 2, 2023
52 changes: 35 additions & 17 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ Non-backwards compatible changes

* Additionally the following proofs now use the new definitions instead of the old ones:
* `Algebra.Lattice.Properties.BooleanAlgebra`
* `Algebra.Properties.CommutativeMonoid.Sum`
@@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ Non-backwards compatible changes
* The module `Function.Definitions` no longer has two equalities as module arguments, as
they did not interact as intended with the re-exports from `Function.Definitions.(Core1/Core2)`.
The latter have been removed and their definitions folded into `Function.Definitions`.
* In `Function.Definitions` the types of `Surjective`, `Injective` and `Surjective`

* In `Function.Definitions` the types of `Surjective`, `Injective` and `Surjective`
have been changed from:
Surjective f = ∀ y → ∃ λ x → f x ≈₂ y
@@ -376,16 +376,16 @@ Non-backwards compatible changes
This is for several reasons: i) the new definitions compose much more easily, ii) Agda
can better infer the equalities used.

To ease backwards compatibility:
- the old definitions have been moved to the new names `StrictlySurjective`,
`StrictlyInverseˡ` and `StrictlyInverseʳ`.
- The records in `Function.Structures` and `Function.Bundles` export proofs
of these under the names `strictlySurjective`, `strictlyInverseˡ` and
- the old definitions have been moved to the new names `StrictlySurjective`,
`StrictlyInverseˡ` and `StrictlyInverseʳ`.
- The records in `Function.Structures` and `Function.Bundles` export proofs
of these under the names `strictlySurjective`, `strictlyInverseˡ` and
- Conversion functions have been added in both directions to

#### Proofs of non-zeroness/positivity/negativity as instance arguments

* Many numeric operations in the library require their arguments to be non-zero,
@@ -772,14 +772,14 @@ Non-backwards compatible changes
### Changes to triple reasoning interface

* The module `Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Base.Triple` now takes an extra proof that the strict
relation is irreflexive.
relation is irreflexive.

* This allows the following new proof combinator:
begin-contradiction : (r : x IsRelatedTo x) → {s : True (IsStrict? r)} → A
that takes a proof that a value is strictly less than itself and then applies the principle of explosion.

* Specialised versions of this combinator are available in the following derived modules:
@@ -1414,6 +1414,11 @@ Deprecated names
*-rawMonoid ↦ *-1-rawMonoid
* In `Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Properties`:
≤-steps ↦ p≤q⇒p≤r+q
* In `Data.Sum.Properties`:
[,]-∘-distr ↦ [,]-∘
@@ -1463,7 +1468,7 @@ Deprecated names
take-distr-map ↦ take-map
drop-distr-zipWith ↦ drop-zipWith
drop-distr-map ↦ drop-map
updateAt-id-relative ↦ updateAt-id-local
updateAt-compose-relative ↦ updateAt-∘-local
updateAt-compose ↦ updateAt-∘
@@ -2336,7 +2341,7 @@ Additions to existing modules
length-isMagmaHomomorphism : (A : Set a) → IsMagmaHomomorphism (++-rawMagma A) +-rawMagma length
length-isMonoidHomomorphism : (A : Set a) → IsMonoidHomomorphism (++-[]-rawMonoid A) +-0-rawMonoid length
take-map : take n (map f xs) ≡ map f (take n xs)
drop-map : drop n (map f xs) ≡ map f (drop n xs)
head-map : head (map f xs) ≡ f (head xs)
@@ -3019,6 +3024,7 @@ Additions to existing modules

* Added new definitions in `Relation.Binary.Definitions`:
Dense _<_ = ∀ {x y} → x < y → ∃[ z ] x < z × z < y
Cotransitive _#_ = ∀ {x y} → x # y → ∀ z → (x # z) ⊎ (z # y)
Tight _≈_ _#_ = ∀ x y → (¬ x # y → x ≈ y) × (x ≈ y → ¬ x # y)
@@ -3033,11 +3039,13 @@ Additions to existing modules

* Added new definitions in `Relation.Binary.Bundles`:
record DenseLinearOrder c ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
record ApartnessRelation c ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)) where

* Added new definitions in `Relation.Binary.Structures`:
record IsDenseLinearOrder (_<_ : Rel A ℓ₂) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓ₂) where
record IsApartnessRelation (_#_ : Rel A ℓ₂) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓ₂) where

@@ -3271,7 +3279,6 @@ This is a full list of proofs that have changed form to use irrelevant instance
negative<positive : ∀ {p q} → .(Negative p) → .(Positive q) → p < q
nonNeg∧nonPos⇒0 : ∀ {p} → .(NonNegative p) → .(NonPositive p) → p ≃ 0ℚᵘ
≤-steps : ∀ {p q r} → NonNegative r → p ≤ q → p ≤ r + q
p≤p+q : ∀ {p q} → NonNegative q → p ≤ p + q
p≤q+p : ∀ {p} → NonNegative p → ∀ {q} → q ≤ p + q
@@ -3429,6 +3436,13 @@ This is a full list of proofs that have changed form to use irrelevant instance
foldr-commMonoid : xs ↭ ys → foldr _∙_ ε xs ≈ foldr _∙_ ε ys

* Added new proof, structure, and bundle to `Data.Rational.Properties`
<-dense : Dense _<_
<-isDenseLinearOrder : IsDenseLinearOrder _≡_ _<_
<-denseLinearOrder : DenseLinearOrder 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ

* Added new module to `Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Properties`
module ≃-Reasoning = SetoidReasoning ≃-setoid
@@ -3441,16 +3455,20 @@ This is a full list of proofs that have changed form to use irrelevant instance
≠-symmetric : Symmetric _≠_
≠-cotransitive : Cotransitive _≠_
≠⇒invertible : p ≠ q → Invertible _≃_ 1ℚᵘ _*_ (p - q)
<-dense : Dense _<_

* Added new structures to `Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Properties`
<-isDenseLinearOrder : IsDenseLinearOrder _≃_ _<_
+-*-isHeytingCommutativeRing : IsHeytingCommutativeRing _≃_ _≠_ _+_ _*_ -_ 0ℚᵘ 1ℚᵘ
+-*-isHeytingField : IsHeytingField _≃_ _≠_ _+_ _*_ -_ 0ℚᵘ 1ℚᵘ

* Added new bundles to `Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Properties`
<-denseLinearOrder : DenseLinearOrder 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ
+-*-heytingCommutativeRing : HeytingCommutativeRing 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ
+-*-heytingField : HeytingField 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ
31 changes: 28 additions & 3 deletions src/Data/Rational/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ open import Function.Definitions using (Injective)
open import Level using (0ℓ)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_⇒_; _Preserves_⟶_; _Preserves₂_⟶_⟶_)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles
using (Setoid; DecSetoid; TotalPreorder; DecTotalOrder; StrictPartialOrder; StrictTotalOrder)
using (Setoid; DecSetoid; TotalPreorder; DecTotalOrder; StrictPartialOrder; StrictTotalOrder; DenseLinearOrder)
open import Relation.Binary.Structures
using (IsPreorder; IsTotalOrder; IsTotalPreorder; IsPartialOrder; IsDecTotalOrder; IsStrictPartialOrder; IsStrictTotalOrder)
using (IsPreorder; IsTotalOrder; IsTotalPreorder; IsPartialOrder; IsDecTotalOrder; IsStrictPartialOrder; IsStrictTotalOrder; IsDenseLinearOrder)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions
using (DecidableEquality; Reflexive; Transitive; Antisymmetric; Total; Decidable; Irrelevant; Irreflexive; Asymmetric; Trans; Trichotomous; tri<; tri>; tri≈; _Respectsʳ_; _Respectsˡ_; _Respects₂_)
using (DecidableEquality; Reflexive; Transitive; Antisymmetric; Total; Decidable; Irrelevant; Irreflexive; Asymmetric; Dense; Trans; Trichotomous; tri<; tri>; tri≈; _Respectsʳ_; _Respectsˡ_; _Respects₂_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary.Morphism.Structures
import Relation.Binary.Morphism.OrderMonomorphism as OrderMonomorphisms
@@ -614,6 +614,20 @@ toℚᵘ-isOrderMonomorphism-< = record
<-asym : Asymmetric _<_
<-asym (*<* p<q) (*<* q<p) = ℤ.<-asym p<q q<p

<-dense : Dense _<_
<-dense {p} {q} p<q = let
m , p<ᵘm , m<ᵘq = ℚᵘ.<-dense (toℚᵘ-mono-< p<q)

m≃m : m ≃ᵘ toℚᵘ (fromℚᵘ m)
m≃m = ℚᵘ.≃-sym (toℚᵘ-fromℚᵘ m)

p<m : p < fromℚᵘ m
p<m = toℚᵘ-cancel-< (ℚᵘ.<-respʳ-≃ m≃m p<ᵘm)

m<q : fromℚᵘ m < q
m<q = toℚᵘ-cancel-< (ℚᵘ.<-respˡ-≃ m≃m m<ᵘq)
in fromℚᵘ m , p<m , m<q

<-≤-trans : Trans _<_ _≤_ _<_
<-≤-trans {p} {q} {r} (*<* p<q) (*≤* q≤r) = *<*
(ℤ.*-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg _ (begin-strict
@@ -693,6 +707,12 @@ _>?_ = flip _<?_
; compare = <-cmp

<-isDenseLinearOrder : IsDenseLinearOrder _≡_ _<_
<-isDenseLinearOrder = record
{ isStrictTotalOrder = <-isStrictTotalOrder
; dense = <-dense

-- Bundles

@@ -706,6 +726,11 @@ _>?_ = flip _<?_
{ isStrictTotalOrder = <-isStrictTotalOrder

<-denseLinearOrder : DenseLinearOrder 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ
<-denseLinearOrder = record
{ isDenseLinearOrder = <-isDenseLinearOrder

-- A specialised module for reasoning about the _≤_ and _<_ relations
55 changes: 49 additions & 6 deletions src/Data/Rational/Unnormalised/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of unnormalized Rational numbers
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ open import Algebra.Consequences.Propositional
open import Algebra.Construct.NaturalChoice.Base
import Algebra.Construct.NaturalChoice.MinMaxOp as MinMaxOp
import Algebra.Lattice.Construct.NaturalChoice.MinMaxOp as LatticeMinMaxOp
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)
open import Data.Bool.Base using (T; true; false)
open import Data.Nat.Base as ℕ using (suc; pred)
import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕ
@@ -36,11 +35,11 @@ import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction; contraposition)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_⇒_; _Preserves_⟶_; _Preserves₂_⟶_⟶_)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles
using (Setoid; DecSetoid; Preorder; TotalPreorder; Poset; TotalOrder; DecTotalOrder; StrictPartialOrder; StrictTotalOrder)
using (Setoid; DecSetoid; Preorder; TotalPreorder; Poset; TotalOrder; DecTotalOrder; StrictPartialOrder; StrictTotalOrder; DenseLinearOrder)
open import Relation.Binary.Structures
using (IsEquivalence; IsDecEquivalence; IsApartnessRelation; IsTotalPreorder; IsPreorder; IsPartialOrder; IsTotalOrder; IsDecTotalOrder; IsStrictPartialOrder; IsStrictTotalOrder)
using (IsEquivalence; IsDecEquivalence; IsApartnessRelation; IsTotalPreorder; IsPreorder; IsPartialOrder; IsTotalOrder; IsDecTotalOrder; IsStrictPartialOrder; IsStrictTotalOrder; IsDenseLinearOrder)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions
using (Reflexive; Symmetric; Transitive; Cotransitive; Tight; Decidable; Antisymmetric; Asymmetric; Total; Trans; Trichotomous; Irreflexive; Irrelevant; _Respectsˡ_; _Respectsʳ_; _Respects₂_; tri≈; tri<; tri>)
using (Reflexive; Symmetric; Transitive; Cotransitive; Tight; Decidable; Antisymmetric; Asymmetric; Dense; Total; Trans; Trichotomous; Irreflexive; Irrelevant; _Respectsˡ_; _Respectsʳ_; _Respects₂_; tri≈; tri<; tri>)
import Relation.Binary.Consequences as BC
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
import Relation.Binary.Properties.Poset as PosetProperties
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ p ≃? q =′ *≡* drop-*≡* (↥ p ℤ.* ↧ q ℤ.≟ ↥ q ℤ.*
≠-cotransitive {x} {y} x≠y z with x ≃? z | z ≃? y
... | no x≠z | _ = inj₁ x≠z
... | yes _ | no z≠y = inj₂ z≠y
... | yes x≃z | yes z≃y = ⊥-elim (x≠y (≃-trans x≃z z≃y))
... | yes x≃z | yes z≃y = contradiction (≃-trans x≃z z≃y) x≠y

≃-isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≃_
≃-isEquivalence = record
@@ -412,6 +411,39 @@ drop-*<* (*<* pq<qp) = pq<qp
<-asym : Asymmetric _<_
<-asym (*<* x<y) = ℤ.<-asym x<y ∘ drop-*<*

<-dense : Dense _<_
<-dense {p} {q} (*<* p<q) = m , p<m , m<q
open ℤ.≤-Reasoning
m : ℚᵘ
m = mkℚᵘ (↥ p ℤ.+ ↥ q) (pred (↧ₙ p ℕ.+ ↧ₙ q))

p<m : p < m
p<m = *<* (begin-strict
↥ p ℤ.* ↧ m
↥ p ℤ.* (↧ p ℤ.+ ↧ q)
≡⟨ ℤ.*-distribˡ-+ (↥ p) (↧ p) (↧ q) ⟩
↥ p ℤ.* ↧ p ℤ.+ ↥ p ℤ.* ↧ q
<⟨ ℤ.+-monoʳ-< (↥ p ℤ.* ↧ p) p<q ⟩
↥ p ℤ.* ↧ p ℤ.+ ↥ q ℤ.* ↧ p
≡˘⟨ ℤ.*-distribʳ-+ (↧ p) (↥ p) (↥ q) ⟩
(↥ p ℤ.+ ↥ q) ℤ.* ↧ p
↥ m ℤ.* ↧ p ∎)

m<q : m < q
m<q = *<* (begin-strict
↥ m ℤ.* ↧ q
≡⟨ ℤ.*-distribʳ-+ (↧ q) (↥ p) (↥ q) ⟩
↥ p ℤ.* ↧ q ℤ.+ ↥ q ℤ.* ↧ q
<⟨ ℤ.+-monoˡ-< (↥ q ℤ.* ↧ q) p<q ⟩
↥ q ℤ.* ↧ p ℤ.+ ↥ q ℤ.* ↧ q
≡˘⟨ ℤ.*-distribˡ-+ (↥ q) (↧ p) (↧ q) ⟩
↥ q ℤ.* (↧ p ℤ.+ ↧ q)
↥ q ℤ.* ↧ m ∎)

≤-<-trans : Trans _≤_ _<_ _<_
≤-<-trans {p} {q} {r} (*≤* p≤q) (*<* q<r) = *<* $
ℤ.*-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg _ $ begin-strict
@@ -517,6 +549,12 @@ _>?_ = flip _<?_
; compare = <-cmp

<-isDenseLinearOrder : IsDenseLinearOrder _≃_ _<_
<-isDenseLinearOrder = record
{ isStrictTotalOrder = <-isStrictTotalOrder
; dense = <-dense

-- Bundles

@@ -535,6 +573,11 @@ _>?_ = flip _<?_
{ isStrictTotalOrder = <-isStrictTotalOrder

<-denseLinearOrder : DenseLinearOrder 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ
<-denseLinearOrder = record
{ isDenseLinearOrder = <-isDenseLinearOrder

-- A specialised module for reasoning about the _≤_ and _<_ relations
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Data/Tree/AVL/Indexed/WithK.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Data.Tree.AVL.Indexed.WithK
{k r} (Key : Set k) {_<_ : Rel Key r}
(isStrictTotalOrder : IsStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<_) where

strictTotalOrder : StrictTotalOrder _ _ _
strictTotalOrder = record { isStrictTotalOrder = isStrictTotalOrder }

open import Data.Tree.AVL.Indexed strictTotalOrder as AVL hiding (Value)
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Data/Tree/AVL/NonEmpty/Propositional.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ module Data.Tree.AVL.NonEmpty.Propositional

open import Level

private strictTotalOrder = record { isStrictTotalOrder = isStrictTotalOrder}
strictTotalOrder : StrictTotalOrder _ _ _
strictTotalOrder = record { isStrictTotalOrder = isStrictTotalOrder}
open import Data.Tree.AVL.Value (StrictTotalOrder.Eq.setoid strictTotalOrder)
import Data.Tree.AVL.NonEmpty strictTotalOrder as AVL⁺

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/Relation/Binary/Bundles.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -299,6 +299,24 @@ record StrictTotalOrder c ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)) wh
Please use Eq.decSetoid instead."

record DenseLinearOrder c ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
infix 4 _≈_ _<_
Carrier : Set c
_≈_ : Rel Carrier ℓ₁
_<_ : Rel Carrier ℓ₂
isDenseLinearOrder : IsDenseLinearOrder _≈_ _<_

open IsDenseLinearOrder isDenseLinearOrder public
using (isStrictTotalOrder; dense)

strictTotalOrder : StrictTotalOrder c ℓ₁ ℓ₂
strictTotalOrder = record
{ isStrictTotalOrder = isStrictTotalOrder

open StrictTotalOrder strictTotalOrder public

-- Apartness relations
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/Relation/Binary/Definitions.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Relation.Binary.Definitions where
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_)

open import Data.Maybe.Base using (Maybe)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_; ∃-syntax)
open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_)
open import Function.Base using (_on_; flip)
open import Level
@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ Irreflexive _≈_ _<_ = ∀ {x y} → x ≈ y → ¬ (x < y)
Asymmetric : Rel A ℓ Set _
Asymmetric _<_ = {x y} x < y ¬ (y < x)

-- Density

Dense : Rel A ℓ Set _
Dense _<_ = {x y} x < y ∃[ z ] x < z × z < y

-- Generalised connex - exactly one of the two relations holds.

Connex : REL A B ℓ₁ REL B A ℓ₂ Set _
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/Relation/Binary/Structures.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -280,6 +280,14 @@ record IsStrictTotalOrder (_<_ : Rel A ℓ₂) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓ₂) wher
using (irrefl; asym; <-respʳ-≈; <-respˡ-≈; <-resp-≈)

record IsDenseLinearOrder (_<_ : Rel A ℓ₂) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓ₂) where
isStrictTotalOrder : IsStrictTotalOrder _<_
dense : Dense _<_

open IsStrictTotalOrder isStrictTotalOrder public

-- Apartness relations