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πŸš€ Open any kind of link with highly customizable matching patterns


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πŸš€ tmux-fzf-links

tmux-fzf-links is a versatile tmux plugin that allows you to search for, copy to clipboard, and open links directly from your terminal using fuzzy search powered by fzf. The plugin supports both default and user-defined schemes, offering unmatched flexibility and integration with tmux popup windows.

The default schemes include recognition of:

  • local files with relative and absolute paths (e.g. ~/.zshrc:123 where the optional :123 specifies the line number)
  • Python code error where it recognizes the line at which the error was generated
  • web addresses (e.g. https://...)
  • git addresses (e.g., [email protected]:alberti42/tmux-fzf-links.git)
  • IPv4 addresses (

The plugin was originally inspired by tmux-fzf-url.

🌟 Features

  • Fuzzy Search Links: Quickly locate and open links appearing in your terminal output. Support multiple simultaneous choices when pressing TAB.
  • Default and Custom Schemes: Use pre-configured schemes or define your own with custom handlers for pre- and post-processing.
  • Integration with tmux Popup Windows: Provides a seamless user experience within tmux sessions.
  • Flexible Open Commands: Configure your favorite editor, browser, or custom command to open links.
  • Dynamic Logging: Output logs to tmux messages and/or a file, with adjustable verbosity.
  • Colorized Links: Enhance readability with colorized links, using $LS_COLORS for files and directories.
  • Clipboard support: By pressing ctrl-c, the selected items are copied to tmux buffer and your system's clipboard, instead of executing the configured actions.
  • Default file association support: By pressing ctrl-d, the selected items are opened based on the system's default file association (i.e., using open in macOS and xdg-open in Linux).
  • File manager support: By pressing ctrl-r, the selected items are revealed using the system's default file manager (open in macOS and xdg-open in Linux).

🧩 Extensibility

The plugin's Python-based architecture enables advanced users to:

  1. Define intricate regular expressions.
  2. Implement pre- and post-processing functions for custom behaviors.
  3. Extend functionality without modifying the core code.

πŸ› οΈ Requirements

This plugin is designed to have minimum requirements, only tmux and python3. It does not require special python modules to work. It has been successfully tested with:

  • tmux from 3.4 to 3.5
  • python from 3.10 to 3.13

It should be possible to ensure backward compatibility with minimum changes, but has to be tested. Please open an issue if you encounter issues of back compatibility.

πŸŽ₯ Screencast

Watch the plugin in action to see how it enhances your tmux workflow!


πŸ“¦ Installation

Using TPM (Tmux Plugin Manager)

To install the plugin with TPM, add the following lines to your .tmux.conf:

# List of plugins
set -g @plugin 'alberti42/tmux-fzf-links'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'

run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'

After adding the configuration, reload your tmux environment by pressing:

prefix + r

Then install the plugin by pressing:

prefix + I

After installation, the .tmux file will be located at:


Using zinit

To install the plugin with zinit, add the following to your .zshrc:

zinit ice as'null' nocompile'!' depth=1 lucid wait
zinit light @alberti42/tmux-fzf-links

This configuration ensures the plugin is loaded with the turbo (delayed) option (wait) for optimized shell startup. After installation, the .tmux file fzf-links.tmux will be located at:


Manual Installation

To manually install the plugin, clone the repository into a standard directory such as $HOME/.tmux/plugins/. Use the following command:

git clone --depth=1 ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fzf-links

Using --depth=1 ensures only the latest commit is downloaded, minimizing unnecessary download of the commit history. After installation, the .tmux file will be located at:


Starting the Plugin

If you did not use TPM, but did a manual installation or used zinit, ensure the plugin is loaded in your .tmux.conf. After installing it, add the following line to your .tmux.conf:

run-shell "~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fzf-links/fzf-links.tmux"

or, if you used zinit,

run-shell "$ZINIT_HOME/plugins/alberti42---tmux-fzf-links/fzf-links.tmux"

replacing $ZINIT_HOME with the actual value of your zinit home directory.

βš™οΈ Configuration

Default options are already provided. However, you can customize all options by adding the following lines to your .tmux.conf:

# === tmux-fzf-links ===
# set-option -g @fzf-links-key C-h
# set-option -g @fzf-links-history-lines "0"
set-option -g @fzf-links-editor-open-cmd "tmux new-window -n 'emacs' /usr/local/bin/emacs +%line '%file'"
set-option -g @fzf-links-browser-open-cmd "/path/to/browser '%url'"
# set-option -g @fzf-links-fzf-path "fzf"
set-option -g @fzf-links-fzf-display-options "-w 100% --maxnum-displayed 20 --multi --track --no-preview"
# set-option -g @fzf-links-path-extension "/usr/local/bin"
# set-option -g @fzf-links-loglevel-tmux "WARNING"
# set-option -g @fzf-links-loglevel-file "DEBUG"
# set-option -g @fzf-links-log-filename "~/log.txt"
set-option -g @fzf-links-python "python3"
# set-option -g @fzf-links-python-path "~/.virtualenvs/my_special_venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages"
# set-option -g @fzf-links-user-schemes-path "~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fzf-links/user_schemes/"
set-option -g @fzf-links-use-colors on
# set-option -g @fzf-links-ls-colors-filename "~/.cache/tmux-fzf-links/cached_ls_colors.txt"
set-option -g @fzf-links-hide-fzf_header on

run-shell "~/.local/share/tmux-fzf-links/fzf-links.tmux"

Comment out the options you find useful and replace the placeholders with appropriate paths and commands for your environment.


  1. @fzf-links-editor-open-cmd: This option specifies the command for opening the editor. In the command, the placeholders %file and %line are automatically replaced with the fully-resolved file path and the line number, respectively. Note that in general editors have different syntax to specify how to open a file at a given line.

    To open a terminal-based editor, such as Emacs or Vim, use tmux new-window to ensure the editor opens in a new tmux window. Example:

    set-option -g @fzf-links-editor-open-cmd 'tmux new-window -n "emacs" /usr/local/bin/emacs'

    For desktop applications, such as Sublime Text, you can directly provide the path to the editor. Example:

    set-option -g @fzf-links-editor-open-cmd '/Applications/Sublime'

    Default setting: tmux new-window -n 'vim' vim +%line '%file'

  2. @fzf-links-browser-open-cmd: This option specifies the command for opening the browser. User %url as the placeholder for the url to be opened.

    Default setting: firefox '%url'

  3. @fzf-links-fzf-path: This option specifies the path to fzf command. It is only useful when fzf is not directly available in the $PATH.

    Default setting: fzf

  4. @fzf-links-fzf-display-options: This option specifies the arguments passed to fzf. Refer to the man page of fzf for detailed documentation of the available arguments. In addition to the fzf arguments, this option can contain additional argument, which are specific to this plugin and documented below:

    • -h: A custom option added by this plugin to set the height in number of lines of the tmux popup. The argument can be a positive integer or a percentage of tmux pane height. For example: -h 30 means that a panel hosting up to 30 matches will be shown. The extra lines consumed by the border are not accounted for by this option.

    • Automatic Height Calculation: If -h (height) is not specified in the options, the plugin dynamically computes the necessary popup height to fit all matches.

    • -w: A custom option added by this plugin to set the width in number of characters of the tmux popup, without accounting for the 2 characters consumed by the borders. The argument can be a positive integer or a percentage of tmux pane width.

    • -x: A custom option added by this plugin to set the horizontal offset in number of characters of the tmux popup. This option must be a positive integer.

    • -y: A custom option added by this plugin to set the vertical offset in number of characters of the tmux popup. This option must be a positive integer.

    • --maxnum-displayed: A custom option added by this plugin to limit the maximum number of matches displayed in the fzf popup. If the total matches exceed this number, the plugin ensures that only up to --maxnum-displayed matches are shown. This is particularly helpful for avoiding oversized popups when many matches are present.

    Default setting: -w 100% --maxnum-displayed 15 --multi --track --no-preview

  5. @fzf-links-history-lines: An integer number determining how many extra lines of history to consider.

    Default setting: 0

  6. @fzf-links-ls-colors-filename: A file containing the content of $LS_COLORS. For example, you can save $LS_COLORS to a cached file using:

    printenv LS_COLORS > cached_ls_colors.txt

    Using such a file is not strictly necessary if $LS_COLORS is available in the environment. Use @fzf-links-ls-colors-filename only if tmux is launched directly as the first process in the terminal, bypassing the shell initialization where $LS_COLORS is set.

    Default setting: ""

  7. @fzf-links-path-extension: This option is also not strictly necessary. It is only required if fzf-tmux or tmux binaries are not in the $PATH that was available when tmux started. The plugin only requires these two processes.

    Default setting: ""

  8. @fzf-links-python and @fzf-links-python-path: These two options allow specifying the path to the Python interpreter and, if needed, to a Python site-packages directory, which is appended to $PYTHONPATH. The plugin does not rely on any external dependencies. However, you may want to import external modules installed in site-packages to extend the functionality of the plugin in user_schemes.

    Default setting: ""

  9. πŸ” Logging: Control logging levels via these options:

    • @fzf-links-loglevel-tmux: Adjust tmux log verbosity (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR). Default: WARNING
    • @fzf-links-loglevel-file: Set log verbosity for file logs. Default: DEBUG
    • @fzf-links-log-filename: Specify the log file location. Omit this property or set it to an empty string to prevent logging to file. Default: ""
  10. @fzf-links-hide-fzf_header: Prevent the header with instructions from appearing in fzf (on or off). Default: off.

Tmux popup borders

By design, the tmux popup is shown with a border around it. We suggest customizing its appearance by adding to your .tmux.conf:

set-option -g popup-border-lines rounded
set-option -g popup-style "bg=#24273a,fg=#cad3f5"
set-option -g popup-border-style "bg=#24273a,fg=#00bbff"

Adjust the colors as you like them. Also, if you use customization themes, make sure to add these commands after the customization theme in your tmux, or else these settings will likely be overwritten by your theme.

πŸ–±οΈ Usage

  1. Start tmux.
  2. Press <prefix> + the configured key (default: C-h; an easy-to-type key sequence; you can change it) to activate tmux-fzf-links.
  3. Select a link using the fuzzy search interface.
  4. Press TAB or SHIFT-TAB to select or deselect multiple choices
  5. The selected links will be opened using the configured command (editor, browser, or custom).

πŸ› οΈ Defining Schemes for Power Users

Default Schemes

The plugin uses a list of dictionaries to define schemes, where each dictionary represents a single scheme. Each scheme includes the following fields:

  • tags: A tuple of strings representing the possible tags for the scheme. Tags serve two purposes:
    1. User hints: Displayed in the fzf interface to help users understand the type of link.
    2. Post-processing rules: Used internally by the plugin to determine the appropriate action based on the selected tag.
  • opener: Specifies the application or process used to open the link (e.g., a browser, editor, or custom process).
  • regex: A list of regular expressions matching the target patterns. For most applications, a single regex is sufficient. Use multiple regex to match alternatives.
  • pre_handler: A function that processes the match and returns a dictionary containing:
    • display_text: The text displayed in the fzf interface.
    • tag: One of the tags defined in tags. If the match is invalid or false-positive, the pre_handler can return None to drop the match.
  • post_handler: A function that determines the command to execute for the selected link.
default_schemes = [
        "tags": ("url",),
        "opener": OpenerType.BROWSER,
        "regex": [re.compile(r"https?://(?:www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*")],
        "pre_handler": lambda m: {
            "display_text": f"{colors.rgb_color(200,0,255)}{}{colors.reset_color}",
            "tag": "url"
        "post_handler": None,
        "tags": ("file", "dir"),
        "opener": OpenerType.CUSTOM_OPEN,
        "regex": [
            re.compile(r"(?P<link>^[^<>:\"\\|?*\x00-\x1F]+)(\:(?P<line>\d+))?",re.MULTILINE), # filename with spaces, starting at the line beginning
            re.compile(r"\'(?P<link>[^:\'\"|?*\x00-\x1F]+)\'(\:(?P<line>\d+))?"), # filename with spaces, quoted
            re.compile(r"(?P<link>[^\ :\'\"|?*\x00-\x1F]+)(\:(?P<line>\d+))?"), # filename not including spaces
        "pre_handler": file_pre_handler,
        "post_handler": file_post_handler,

Adding User-Defined Schemes

You can define additional schemes in a file such as Specify the path to your file in your .tmux.conf configuration.

Customizing Pre-Handlers

The pre_handler processes matches before they are displayed in the fzf interface. It must return a dictionary with:

  • display_text: A string containing the formatted text for fzf, including colors if configured.
  • tag: A string that must be one of the scheme's tags.
Dropping False Positives

To handle false positives, the pre_handler can return None. For example:

def code_error_pre_handler(match: re.Match[str]) -> PreHandledMatch | None:
    resolved_path = heuristic_find_file("file"))
    if resolved_path is None:
        return None  # Drop the match if the file cannot be resolved

    return {
        "display_text": f"{colors.rgb_color(255,0,0)}{'file')}, line {'line')}{colors.reset_color}",
        "tag": "Python",

In this example, matches are dropped if the file path cannot be resolved.

Dynamic Tag Assignment

Dynamic tag assignment allows pre_handler to adjust tags based on the match content. For example:

  • Python vs. generic coding errors:

    resolved_path = heuristic_find_file("file"))
    suffix = resolved_path.suffix
    tag = "Python" if suffix == ".py" else "code err."
  • Files vs. directories:

    tag = "dir" if resolved_path.is_dir() else "file"

Customizing Post-Handlers

The post_handler function returns a dictionary containing instructions on what to do with the selected link. Depending on how the opener is configured, the dictionary must specify different information:

  • For OpenerType.EDITOR, the dictionary must include:
    • file: The fully-resolved file path.
    • line (optional): The line number to open in the editor.
  • For OpenerType.BROWSER, the dictionary must include:
    • url: The URL to open in the browser.
  • For OpenerType.CUSTOM_OPEN, the dictionary contains:
    • cmd: The path to the custom opener executable.
    • args: The arguments in the form of a list to be provided to the specified command.
    • file: An optional field specifying the path to the file whenever a file can be associated with the selected choice. This is used to open the file with the system's default file association and to reveal the file in the system's default file manager.
  • For OpenerType.REVEAL and OpenerType.SYSTEM_OPEN, the dictionary must include:
    • file: The fully-resolved file path. The file is either revealed in the system's default file manager or opened with the system's default file association for the two openers, respectively.
Example: Handling URLs

For a browser opener (OpenerType.BROWSER), the post_handler can return a dictionary with the url field:

def ip_post_handler(match: re.Match[str]) -> PostHandledMatch:
    ip_addr_str ="ip")
    return {"url": f"https://{ip_addr_str}"}

The corresponding scheme:

ip_scheme: SchemeEntry = {
    "tags": ("IPv4",),
    "opener": OpenerType.BROWSER,
    "regex": [re.compile(r"(?<!://)(?P<ip>\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b(:\d+)?)")],
    "pre_handler": lambda m: {
        "tag": "IPv4"
    "post_handler": ip_post_handler,
Example: Handling Code Errors

For an editor opener (OpenerType.EDITOR), the post_handler can return a dictionary with the file and line fields:

def code_error_post_handler(match: re.Match[str]) -> PostHandledMatch:
    file ="file")
    line ="line")

    resolved_path = heuristic_find_file(file)
    if resolved_path is None:
        raise FailedResolvePath(f"Could not resolve the path of: {file}")

    return {"file": str(resolved_path.resolve()), "line": line}

The corresponding scheme:

code_error_scheme: SchemeEntry = {
    "tags": ("code err.", "Python"),
    "opener": OpenerType.EDITOR,
    "regex": [re.compile(r"File \"(?P<file>...*?)\"\, line (?P<line>[0-9]+)")],
    "pre_handler": code_error_pre_handler,
    "post_handler": code_error_post_handler,
Example: Handling Files and Directories

For a custom opener (OpenerType.CUSTOM_OPEN), the post_handler returns a list of arguments directly passed to subprocess.Popen. The first element specifies the custom opener executable:

def file_post_handler(match: re.Match[str]) -> list[str]:
    file_path_str ="link1") or"link2")
    resolved_path = heuristic_find_file(file_path_str)

    if resolved_path is None:
        raise FailedResolvePath(f"Could not resolve the path of: {file_path_str}")

    resolved_path_str = str(resolved_path.resolve())

    if resolved_path.is_file():
        # Use a configured editor to open the file
        return shlex.split(configs.editor_open_cmd.replace("%file", resolved_path_str).replace("%line", "1"))
        # Open the directory in Finder (macOS), Nautilus (Linux), or Explorer (Windows)
        if sys.platform == "darwin":
            return ["open", "-R", resolved_path_str]
        elif sys.platform == "linux":
            return ["xdg-open", resolved_path_str]
        elif sys.platform == "win32":
            return ["explorer", resolved_path_str]
            raise NotSupportedPlatform(f"Platform {sys.platform} not supported")

The corresponding scheme:

file_scheme: SchemeEntry = {
    "tags": ("file", "dir"),
    "opener": OpenerType.CUSTOM_OPEN,
    "regex": [
            re.compile(r"(?P<link>^[^<>:\"\\|?*\x00-\x1F]+)(\:(?P<line>\d+))?",re.MULTILINE), # filename with spaces, starting at the line beginning
            re.compile(r"\'(?P<link>[^:\'\"|?*\x00-\x1F]+)\'(\:(?P<line>\d+))?"), # filename with spaces, quoted
            re.compile(r"(?P<link>[^\ :\'\"|?*\x00-\x1F]+)(\:(?P<line>\d+))?"), # filename not including spaces
    "pre_handler": file_pre_handler,
    "post_handler": file_post_handler,

Overwriting Default Schemes

You can overwrite existing default schemes by defining a new scheme in with at least one of the tags used in the default scheme. The plugin gives precedence to user-defined schemes over default ones.

Disabling Default Schemes

You can disable specific default schemes by populating the rm_default_schemes list in your file. For example:

# Remove default schemes (e.g., ["file"] to remove tag "file")
rm_default_schemes: list[str] = ["file", "dir"]

When you add a tag to rm_default_schemes, all schemes associated with that tag will be disabled. If a scheme has multiple tags, specifying any one of them will disable the entire scheme. It is not possible to disable just one tag from a multi-tag scheme while keeping other tags active.

🀝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit a pull request for enhancements or bug fixes, or simply report any issues in the GitHub repository.

❀️ Donations

I would be grateful for any donation to support the development of this plugin.

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πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Author

  • Author: Andrea Alberti
  • GitHub Profile: alberti42
  • Donations: Buy Me a Coffee

πŸ“œ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


πŸš€ Open any kind of link with highly customizable matching patterns







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