A history of changes made in the ROM/BIOS of CC
- Q: I want to show a part of the code present on a spesific version of computercraft.
- A: Find TagView, as shown on the image, click your version. Then promptly find the piece of code you want to link to.
- A: This is done to prevent your link from expiring/becoming irrelevant in the future!
- Lightweight tags for hobbyists
- Awesome Lua
- Cake for all
##ComputerCraft@Espernet 2013-07-06
06:51:46 <+Oddstr13> dan200: i'm attempting to make a cc emulator based on the python module lupa, and pygtk;
may i include the cc lua files in the hg repo, with credits ofcourse?
06:52:23 <@dan200> Oddstr13: yeah, sure. i dont mind what people do with CC's lua files
06:52:31 <+Oddstr13> thanks