Releases: alibaba/nacos
2.5.1 (Mar 11th, 2025)
This version is mainly do some enhancement and fix some bugs from 2.5.0.
Please see the details of the changes below:
Change details
[#12823] Randomly generate TokenRefreshWindow for default nacos auth plugin in client.
[#13119] Remove old config tag and beta tables, using gray table replaced.
[#13122] Add TLS information to connection meta so that server can find client whether open TLS.
[#13129] Optimize Client connection parameter configuration to Properties.
[#13135] Support callback service listeners anyway when listeners added.
[#13138] Enhance invalid parameter transfer during Nacos client get or subscribe service.
[#12991] Set the correct result status code for Distro protocol data processing exceptions.
[#13027] Fix persistent service instance metadata will not be expired after instance deregister.
[#13090] Fix V2 openAPI get configuration for specified namespace id.
[#13093] Fix missing tansformation of default namespace id in config center.
[#13106] Fix TopN config no init config value in server start.
[#13133] Remove unused common-codec.
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.5.0...2.5.1
3.0.0-ALPHA.2 (Jan 21th, 2025)
This version is a pre alpha version of 3.0.0. In this version, Nacos based on Nacos 3.0.0-ALPHA and support more features:
- According to Vote Issue #12923, almost all participants agreed to upgrade the JDK and Spring Boot versions. So in
, upgrade spring boot to 3.4.1 and upgrade jdk version to 17. - Add a serial of
for Nacos 3.0 to make maintainer and custom console can maintain and get Nacos' data. - Support beta feature
distributed lock
. - More addition beta feature fuzzy listen services and configurations.
There are also some important changes in ALPHA.2
- According to Vote Issue #12922, most of participants agreed to remove the supported for Nacos 1.x clients. However, a few of users are concerned that some less frequently used multilingual SDKs are still not compatible with gRPC access. Removing the client's API would make it impossible to use these SDKs. Therefore, the community has temporarily only blocked the 1.x and 2.x console API and admin API (they can still be enabled with a switch). The 1.x openAPI has not been blocked, and further discussion and observation within the community are needed to decide whether to remove it in the BETA or the official 3.0.0 release.
- According to 3.0 planning, the
Admin API
,Console API
andInner API
is need to authentication by default. InALPHA
version, theConsole API
has open default auth, so fromALPHA.2
, theAdmin API
is authed by default, accessAdmin API
should with admin usernacos
Welcome community developers and users test and try out this version and report problem and suggest to Nacos.
Warning: 3.0.0-ALPHA.2 is a pre version, it's features and APIs might so some adjustment in future versions, please don't used in product environments.
Detail Changes in 3.0.0-ALPHA see:
Sync services and endpoints from k8s.
- [#8309]
Support CDE, EDS, incremental EDS of xDS.
- [#8313]
Support LDS and RDS of xDS.
- [#10389]
Support fuzzy listen services and configuration
Categorize Console APIs.
Bump Spring Boot to 3.4.1
Console UI use new Console APIs to replaced old APIs.
Enabled Console APIs authentication by default.
Deprecated old api and default disabled old api.
- [#12830]
Enabled Inner APIs authentication by default.
- [#12886]
Unified default namespace Id as public
- [#12887]
Dependent Console port and Server port.
Support distributed lock.
- [#12962]
Categorize new Admin APIs.
[#12972] Fix publish configuration with wrong namespace problem in console.
[#13038] Fix multiple thread initialize Spring Beans cause start up failed.
New Contributors
- @DaniellaHubble made their first contribution in #12885
- @ifrankwang made their first contribution in #12904
- @DirtyBit64 made their first contribution in #12926
- @20144101037 made their first contribution in #12914
- @llkkk made their first contribution in #12982
- @SoilChang made their first contribution in #12950
Full Changelog: 3.0.0-alpha...3.0.0-alpha.2
2.5.0 (Jan 21th, 2025)
This version mainly introduces the configuration gray history record feature and refactors and optimizes the configuration gray management to enable users to manage configuration releases and gray configurations more efficiently. It is important to note that this update may lead to certain changes in the database table structure used by Nacos, and the first startup after the upgrade may take some time for automatic data migration (this situation only applies to clusters that have used the beta gray feature in older versions).
In addition to the above features, this version also includes significant optimizations and bug fixes for several other functions, including but not limited to the following:
- Unified client addressing logic and provision of custom extension interfaces.
- The client will automatically refresh the token when encountering a no-permission status during requests, without waiting for the token to expire.
Please see the details of the changes below:
Change details
[#12217] Support beta config history.
[#12257] client auth plugin support refreshing server list.
[#12719] nacos client support refresh access token when request with 403.
[#11659] Refactor config query to chain of responsibility.
[#12189] Unified Nacos Client address module code.
[#12342] Improve the retrieval of ConfigInfoState to facilitate the extension and implementation of databases like Oracle.
[#12644] Enhance to return cached instances when getAllInstance with subscribe exception.
[#12748] Support custom client configuration timeout.
[#12756] Enhance Disk operation for DiskUtils.
[#12757] Refactor update password api auth check and add unit test.
[#12773] Enhance hint message when adding duplicate permissions or binding relationship.
[#12371] Refactor beta and gray config model.
[#12851] Cluster grpc request add server identity info.
[#12872] Refactor ConfigCache and related pathways, uniformly use UTF-8 encoding for md5 fields.
[#12911] Use lambda to replace some for loop and add unit tests.
[#12928] Replace document url in console ui and README.
[#12950] Enhance nacos client destruction log and give better messages.
[#12982] Enhance to support resolving JAVA_HOME from symbolic links when which java
is used.
[#13023] Optimize the logic for Config query API.
[#11153] Fix Hints error when access console index and redirect to login page.
[#11930] Fix leak namespace description for default namespace problem.
[#12769] Fix clean config history error for derby datasource.
[#12871] Fix duplicate defined items in console ui.
[#12875] Fix config search failed when using type
for MySQL datasource.
[#12940] Fix return empty when ip or port is null for API /service/subscriber/list
[#12960] Fix config rollback page error when use advanced options.
[#12970] Fix NamingMetadataManager.removeInstanceMetadata() error.
[#13003] Fix don't use derby default staring with standalone mode.
[#12686] Bump Spring Security version to 5.8.15.
[#12735][#12965][#13035] Bump console ui dependencies by npm audit.
[#12777] Bump maven-enforcer-plugin to 3.5.0.
[#12862] Bump tomcat-embed-core from 9.0.93 to 9.0.96.
[#13025] Bump org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-core from 9.0.96 to 9.0.98.
New Contributors
- @totalo made their first contribution in #12274
- @lucky8987 made their first contribution in #12765
- @94pengchengxin made their first contribution in #12866
- @littlesparklet made their first contribution in #12874
- @DaniellaHubble made their first contribution in #12885
- @ifrankwang made their first contribution in #12904
- @DirtyBit64 made their first contribution in #12926
- @20144101037 made their first contribution in #12914
- @llkkk made their first contribution in #12982
- @SoilChang made their first contribution in #12950
- @mawen12 made their first contribution in #13022
Full Changelog: 2.4.3...2.5.0
2.5.0-BETA (Dec 19, 2024)
This version mainly introduces the configuration gray history record feature and refactors and optimizes the configuration gray management to enable users to manage configuration releases and gray configurations more efficiently. It is important to note that this update may lead to certain changes in the database table structure used by Nacos, and the first startup after the upgrade may take some time for automatic data migration (this situation only applies to clusters that have used the beta gray feature in older versions).
In addition to the above features, this version also includes significant optimizations and bug fixes for several other functions, including but not limited to the following:
- Unified client addressing logic and provision of custom extension interfaces.
- The client will automatically refresh the token when encountering a no-permission status during requests, without waiting for the token to expire.
Please see the details of the changes below:
Change details
[#12217] Support beta config history.
[#12257] client auth plugin support refreshing server list.
[#12719] nacos client support refresh access token when request with 403.
[#11659] Refactor config query to chain of responsibility.
[#12189] Unified Nacos Client address module code.
[#12342] Improve the retrieval of ConfigInfoState to facilitate the extension and implementation of databases like Oracle.
[#12644] Enhance to return cached instances when getAllInstance with subscribe exception.
[#12748] Support custom client configuration timeout.
[#12756] Enhance Disk operation for DiskUtils.
[#12757] Refactor update password api auth check and add unit test.
[#12773] Enhance hint message when adding duplicate permissions or binding relationship.
[#12371] Refactor beta and gray config model.
[#12851] Cluster grpc request add server identity info.
[#12872] Refactor ConfigCache and related pathways, uniformly use UTF-8 encoding for md5 fields.
[#12911] Use lambda to replace some for loop and add unit tests.
[#12928] Replace document url in console ui and README.
[#11153] Fix Hints error when access console index and redirect to login page.
[#11930] Fix leak namespace description for default namespace problem.
[#12769] Fix clean config history error for derby datasource.
[#12871] Fix duplicate defined items in console ui.
[#12875] Fix config search failed when using type
for MySQL datasource.
[#12960] Fix config rollback page error when use advanced options.
[#12970] Fix NamingMetadataManager.removeInstanceMetadata() error.
[#12686] Bump Spring Security version to 5.8.15.
[#12735][#12965] Bump console ui dependencies by npm audit.
[#12777] Bump maven-enforcer-plugin to 3.5.0.
[#12862] Bump tomcat-embed-core from 9.0.93 to 9.0.96.
New Contributors
- @MatthewAden made their first contribution in #12507
- @totalo made their first contribution in #12274
- @lucky8987 made their first contribution in #12765
- @94pengchengxin made their first contribution in #12866
- @littlesparklet made their first contribution in #12874
- @DaniellaHubble made their first contribution in #12885
- @ifrankwang made their first contribution in #12904
- @DirtyBit64 made their first contribution in #12926
- @20144101037 made their first contribution in #12914
Full Changelog: 2.4.3...2.5.0-BETA
3.0.0-ALPHA (Dec 5th, 2024)
This version is a pre alpha version of 3.0.0. In this version, Nacos contains many APIs and deployment changes from old versions to enhance the security and usage, the main different changes:
- APIs are categorized into different types, and different types of APIs will adopt different default authentication strategies.
- Enabled nacos console authentication and need more configuration setting when deploying first time.
- Nacos console UI use new
console API replace oldv1
API, and default disable oldv1
API old console UI used. - The default namespace
change its id from ``(empty string) topublic
, which cause not support upgrade from old version Temporarily.
And in this pre alpha version, Nacos Server add experimental features: support xDS protocol directly. currently, support EDS
and CDS
Welcome community developers and users test and try out this version and report problem and suggest to Nacos.
Warning: 3.0.0-ALPHA is a pre version, it's features and APIs might so some adjustment in future versions, please don't used in product environments.
Detail Changes in 3.0.0-ALPHA see:
Sync services and endpoints from k8s.
- [#8309]
Support CDE, EDS, incremental EDS of xDS.
- [#8313]
Support LDS and RDS of xDS.
- [#10389]
Categorize Console APIs.
Console UI use new Console APIs to replaced old APIs.
Enabled Console APIs authentication by default.
Deprecated old api and default disabled old console api.
- [#12830]
Enabled Inner APIs authentication by default.
- [#12886]
Unified default namespace Id as public
- [#12887]
2.4.3 (Oct 12th, 2024)
This version primarily enhances to support for gRPC request timeout parameters in the Nacos client, and dynamically displays the configuration history retention period.
It also fixes several issues related to client modularization, login, and log configuration, and upgrades multiple dependencies to solve dependent security concerns.
Please see the details of the changes below:
Change details
[#12103] Enhance nacos client to support grpc request timeout param.
[#12614] Display the number of days to retain the configuration history dynamically on the console.
[#12716] Refactor grpc server request handler.
[#12551] Fix client modularity problem.
[#12625] Fix namespace query SQL problem for no MySQL datasource.
[#12670] Fix can't login when domain like '' in console.
[#12668] Fix Control Plugin log configuration problem.
[#12682] Fix nacos client log4j async append configuration problem.
[#12708] Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.7 to 2.14.0
[#12673] Bump from 3.22.3 to 3.25.5.
New Contributors
- @xiebin123456 made their first contribution in #12693
- @juhuan made their first contribution in #12671
- @luxiao0000 made their first contribution in #12696
Full Changelog:
2.4.2 (Sep 5th, 2024)
This version primarily fixes a potential deadlock issue during the startup process related to the Raft protocol initialization in version 2.4.1 (#12526). It also rolls back the changes made in version 2.4.1 that lowered the hessian version, which caused startup problems on JDK 17+ versions due to conflicts with hessian dependencies. Additionally, the logic for checking ServerStatus has been optimized to prevent issues from affecting the availability of non-Raft-dependent functionalities due to Raft election failures.
Furthermore, this version includes several usability enhancements and addresses some other bugs.
Please see the details of the changes below:
Change details
[#12483] Configuration list adds configuration format.
[#12547] Nacos client supports desensitise in logging.
[#12555] SwitchManager support http、tcp、mysql HealthParams and pushCSharpVersion update.
[#12569] Enhance is exist table logic to support more database.
[#12573] Enhance Server status check to avoid affect core features.
[#12583] Enhance protocolManager lock logic.
[#12608] Enhance configs diff, support to collapse identical rows.
[#12093] Fix reset password success but no message.
[#12498][#12503] Revert "Resolve the Hessian package conflict issue. (#12449)".
[#12509] Fix nacos-client updating accessToken bug.
[#12526] Fix possible dead lock problem during start up.
[#12563] Fix paramchecker invalid bug.
[#12581] Fix namespace quota and parameter optimize.
[#12604] Fix get config labels from env parameters.
[#12610] Fix wrong error code for http open api request.
[#12568] Upgrade mysql-connector-j from 8.0.33 to 8.2.0.
[#12387] Upgrade logback adapter to 1.1.3
[#12586][#12596] Upgrade spring version to 5.3.39.
[#12596] Upgrade tomcat to 9.0.93.
New Contributors
- @XiaZhouxx made their first contribution in #12574
- @shengbinxu made their first contribution in #12608
Full Changelog: 2.4.1...2.4.2
2.4.1 (Aug 15th, 2024)
另外该版本也在2.4.0的基础上针对derby ops接口做了进一步优化,默认限制derby数据库可执行的SQL范围,降低用户在打开derby ops接口后的风险。
The version mainly fixes the issue of arbitrary file read and write that can occur during the processing of some Jraft requests.
The vulnerability only affects port 7848 (by default), which is typically used as the communication port for Nacos cluster inter-raft protocol and does not handle client requests. Therefore, the risk can be controlled by disabling requests from outside of Nacos clusters (e.g. by limiting or not exposing the port) in older versions.
Additionally, this version has further optimized the Derby Ops API by restricting the range of executable SQL commands on the Derby database by default, thereby reducing the risk to users when accessing the Derby Ops API.
Please see the details of the changes below:
Change details
[#11887] Add some tips when token.secret.key
is not base64.
[#12311] Enhance console to support namespace list with selectors.
[#12405] LDAP plugin support custom admin user password for default.
[#12446] Enhance hint when got Mac Instance with error in default auth plugin.
[#12466] Enhance to configurable service metadata and instance metadata length.
[#12477] Enhance default auth plugin to support auth_basic
when logout.
[#12489] Remove KvStorage and ConsistencyService.
[#12490] Enhance derby mode to support limit SQL Type.
[#12301] Fix headlth check for persistent instance for different namespace but groupName and serviceName are same.
[#12374] Fix memory calculate error for metrics api.
[#12397] Fix the bug of parsing empty connection control rule problem.
[#12410] Fix no hint when beta config content is not equal with formal content.
[#12342] Resolve the Hessian package conflict.
New Contributors
- @eltociear made their first contribution in #12392
- @Sitosoym made their first contribution in #12324
- @cold-l made their first contribution in #12434
- @KouShenhai made their first contribution in #12386
- @chen10038 made their first contribution in #12310
- @LHyphen made their first contribution in #12442
- @kangzhaok made their first contribution in #12401
- @fuhouyu made their first contribution in #12447
- @gongycn made their first contribution in #12449
Full Changelog:
1.4.8 (Aug 15th, 2024)
What's Changed
- update spring-boot-dependencies version to 2.7.18 by @raymondzhangl in #12021
- fix typo by @EruDev in #12215
- V1.x develop limit storage by @KomachiSion in #12492
- Upgrade to 1.4.8. by @KomachiSion in #12494
New Contributors
- @raymondzhangl made their first contribution in #12021
- @EruDev made their first contribution in #12215
Full Changelog: 1.4.7...1.4.8