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SPM Compatible Carthage Compatible

Logbook is a lightweight logging framework for iOS and iPadOS


  • Levels: Debug -> Error
  • Categories
  • Extendable Log Handler

Basic usage

First setup Logbook by adding a LogSink

Logbook.add(sink: ConsoleLogSink())

Log some data

Logbook.debug("Hello Logbook")
Logbook.error("Hello Error")

Advanced usage

Create a global variable for faster access.

let log = Logbook.self
log.debug("Hello Logbook")


Filter logs by level.

ConsoleLogSink(level: .min(.warning))
ConsoleLogSink(level: .fix(.info))

Filter logs by category:

ConsoleLogSink(level: .min(.debug), categories: .include([.networking]))


ConsoleLogSink(level: .min(.debug), categories: .exclude([.networking]))

Add multiple sinks for different usecases:

// Log all with min level warning
Logbook.add(sink: ConsoleLogSink(level: .min(.warning)))

// Log only level error with category .networking
Logbook.add(sink: ConsoleLogSink(level: .fix(.error), categories: .include([.networking])))


Add custom dateFormatter to sink

let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateStyle = .none
dateFormatter.timeStyle = .short

let console = ConsoleLogSink(level: .min(.debug), categories: .exclude([.networking]))
console.dateFormatter = dateFormatter

Add logging format to ConsoleLogSink

console.format = "\(LogPlaceholder.category) \( \(LogPlaceholder.messages)"

Custom LogSink

Create your custom sink by confirming LogSink protocol.


Extend LogCategory to create custom categories.

extension LogCategory {
    static let startup = LogCategory("startup", prefix: "🚦")
    static let bluetooth = LogCategory("bluetooth", prefix: "🖲")
log.debug("hello", category: .startup)


Add the following line to your Cartfile.

github "allaboutapps/Logbook"

Then run carthage update.

Swift Package Manager

Use Xcode 11+: Go to Project > Swift Packages > + and enter

Or update your Package.swift file manually:

dependencies: [
.package(url: "[email protected]:allaboutapps/Logbook.git", from: "1.1"),
targets: [
    .target(name: "YourApp", dependencies: ["Logbook"]),


  • Swift 5+


  • Create something awesome, make the code better, add some functionality, whatever (this is the hardest part).
  • Fork it
  • Create new branch to make your changes
  • Commit all your changes to your branch
  • Submit a pull request