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Complete Testing Installation

msalganik edited this page Feb 22, 2013 · 6 revisions

If you haven’t completed the Installing instructions, complete those first.

Open config/database.yml and edit the test block in the file, adding the appropriate host, username, and password for accessing the MySQL server. The test block should look something like this:

test: &test
  <<: *default
  database: pairwise_test
  host: localhost
  username: root
  password: my_password
  • Make sure that the database exists RAILS_ENV=test ./bin/rake db:create
  • Make sure the schema is loaded RAILS_ENV=test ./bin/rake db:schema:load
  • Copy the dev. schema to the testing database ./bin/rake db:test:prepare
  • Make sure you have redis-server running as noted in the Requirements section
  • To run the tests, in your pairwise directory, run ./bin/spec spec/