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DIY Chess Engine Cloud


This project contains a set of scripts and instructions to help run modern chess engines in virtual machines (VMs) on Google Compute Engine, and access them over the Internet from a chess GUI as if they were running on your local computer.

(Full disclosure: I work for Google Cloud, but this is a personal project which is not reviewed or endorsed by Google. The techniques illustrated in this repository could easily be adapted to other cloud providers.)

This is a sort of "do-it-yourself" version of "Cloud Engine" products such as ChessBase Engine Cloud or Chessify. The advantages of a DIY approach are:

  • It can cost less, especially for short periods of use, because you only pay the cost of running the VMs on the cloud provider. Modern cloud providers usually provide very fine-grained billing, even down to the second, so you only pay for exactly what you use.
    • For example, at the time of writing (May 2022), you can get a 64-core n2-standard-64 VM in the europe-west1 region, capable of running Stockfish 15 at over 60 MNPS, for approximately US$2.74 per hour.
  • You get a very wide choice of chess GUI (and the operating system etc). Some paid cloud engine providers can only be accessed using the vendor's proprietary UIs.
  • You get full control over the software and (virtual) hardware: you can choose a location for the VMs close to you to minimise latency, what VM type you use (how many CPU cores, what type of CPU etc), what version of the chess software you run etc.
  • It is an opportunity to learn more about cloud infrastructure, chess software, and potentially other technical topics.

The disadvantages compared to a paid Cloud Engine product are:

  • A greater degree of technical expertise is required. This project is designed to reduce that somewhat, but you still need to make a number of decisions that require a degree of understanding, and install and use software on your computer that is normally only used by developers.
  • You don't get the kind of hosted web UI, mobile app or other features a cloud engine provider might have.
  • You won't get the kind of customer support you would get from a dedicated provider.
  • The pricing model of cloud providers is more complex, and once you start using billable resources, stopping typically requires explicit action on your part (such as deleting the VM). This leads to a greater risk you will make a mistake (such as forgetting to delete a VM after you have finished with it) and spend more than you intended. See disclaimer below.


This is Apache-licensed software and thus comes with no warranty of any kind. It is your responsibility to understand how Google Compute Engine pricing works before you start, to understand what these scripts do before running them, to make sure you stop consuming billable resources after you no longer need them, and to use cost management tools like budgets to avoid accidentally spending more than you intended.


Computer hardware and chess software have advanced to the point where even a mobile phone, or an engine compiled to JavaScript and run in a web browser such as the Stockfish version used in the Lichess analysis tool, is far stronger than any human. For casual users, for example wanting to run a quick check on their games to find out where the key turning points were, these are quite sufficient.

However, there is still a big gap in strength today between an engine like that and an engine run optimally on the most powerful hardware currently available. If run natively on a high-spec modern server, an engine can make use of multiple processor cores to analyse much deeper much quicker.

Chess is not such a trivial game that you can just run any old engine on any position for a few seconds and get a perfect answer. There is a reason why professional chess players rely on these more powerful engine setups for serious analysis: anyone who has had the experience of seeing a slower engine change its mind (for example after thinking for a while, or after you have played a few moves down its main line) will have a sense of what that reason is. There is also a reason why the Top Computer Engine Championship (TCEC) uses high-end servers; any browser-based chess engine entered into that competition would be utterly crushed.

Of course, better performance can be obtained by running an engine natively using multiple threads on a modern laptop or desktop, but very few people have as much computing power in their homes as the most powerful VMs you can get from a modern cloud provider (and that's before you even think about running an engine on a cluster of multiple VMs!).

Modern consumer hardware is very different from server hardware, especially with devices like laptops that place some degree of emphasis on power efficiency rather than raw performance. Chess engine developers understandably tend to put more effort into optimising the performance of their software on the latter than the former, since that is where they primarily compete.

Another important trend is the emergence of chess engines based on "deep neural networks". DeepMind's AlphaZero caused a major stir in 2017-18 with its style of play in defeating Stockfish in a test match. Leela Chess Zero soon followed, trying to build a similar architecture in an open source project, and is now regularly used by chess professionals and cited as an inspiration for their ideas.

These engines can only run at optimal performance using GPU hardware far more powerful than anything found in most normal home computers: GPU manufacturers now produce models specifically aimed at servers running in data centres, for use cases like deep neural networks. Few people will be able and willing to make the serious investment of buying such hardware just for chess analysis, but renting it for short periods from a cloud provider is much more economical.

How does this project work?

As noted in the introduction, several "Cloud Engine" services have sprung up to offer hosted chess engines to paying customers. I don't have any special insight into how these are implemented, but if you know how modern chess software works, it is not hard to imagine how it might be done. Virtually all modern engines support a text-based protocol called UCI, which forms a standard interface between chess engines and chess GUIs. These days, thanks to UCI, virtually any engine can be used with any chess GUI.

If a chess GUI can speak UCI to an engine running on the local machine, why can't it communicate in exactly the same way over a network with an engine running on a remote machine? The GUI wouldn't even have to know the network was involved: it could invoke a local program which would connect to the remote machine using a protocol like SSH, and forward the UCI messages in both directions. From the GUI's perspective, the whole setup would look exactly the same as a local engine.

All we need to do is (a) create a suitable VM, (b) install our engine of choice on it, and then (c) configure our chess GUI with a command which invokes the engine via SSH.

Step (a) is pretty straightforward with a modern cloud provider (on Google Cloud, it's mainly a case of running a gcloud command with the right parameters).

Step (b) depends on the engine: it can be simple if the engine we want has a pre-built binary available which we can just download, but it can be more complex if we need to build the engine from source.

Step (c) really ought to be very simple: just run gcloud compute ssh with a --command flag to invoke the engine. Unfortunately however, many chess GUIs don't allow you to provide additional command line parameters to an engine, and won't invoke a shell script either: they expect a native binary that can be invoked without arguments. My workaround for this involves generating and compiling a small Go program with the right gcloud command hard-coded into it. It's not elegant, but it works.

This doesn't add up to a polished product like the professional Cloud engines do -- you have to put in a lot more effort -- but if you do everything right, you will get basically the same thing much cheaper, especially if you only want to use the engine for a few hours per month. And you may learn something and have fun in the process!



  • A computer with a Unix-like environment (e.g. MacOS or Linux), to run the commands. The techniques in this repository should be possible to use from Windows as well, but I have no personal interest in doing that.
  • A Google Cloud account (see this guide)
  • A Google Cloud project with the Google Compute Engine API enabled
  • You will need the following software installed:
  • Sufficient Google Compute Engine quota to run the types of VM you want. The quota you get with a free trial account or a newly set up account should be sufficient for basic experiments with Stockfish, but for machine types with more CPU cores or GPUs, you will need to obtain additional quota.

All shell commands are run from the root of this repository unless otherwise stated.

Chess software is still advancing rapidly, and so are the features offered by cloud providers. It's entirely possible you will need to change the scripts in order to get the best results (e.g. upgrade to a newer engine version), or to make things work at all. Pull requests are welcome!


Stockfish is a wonderful open source chess engine, which is one of the strongest in the world. Many people will have used it already in some form.

First create a settings file:

cp stockfish/ stockfish/

and then edit stockfish/ Check all the environment variables set there, and set the ones which are blank. At a minimum, you need to specify:

  • GCP_PROJECT: the project ID of the Google Cloud project where you want to create the VM. (You can find this under "Project info" in the Google Cloud Dashboard when you have the correct project selected in the drop-down at the top. Alternatively, run gcloud projects list.)
  • GCP_ZONE: the GCE zone where you want to create your VM. There are various considerations here: all else being equal, you want to choose a zone as close to you as possible to minimise network latency, but zones vary in terms of cost (e.g. see VM instance pricing) and availability of certain machine types.
  • GCP_MACHINE_TYPE: the machine type used to create the VM. This will determine the type and number of CPU cores your Stockfish VM has. For a full list of machine types, you can run gcloud compute machine-types list; alternatively you can choose your desired values from the drop-downs in the instance creation web UI, then click the "Equivalent Command Line" button at the bottom instead of "Create", and see what value is used for the --machine-type parameter. If you're just trying this out to see if it works, you can use e2-medium, but if you want decent performance, you will need something larger. See for some benchmarks that will give you an indication of what you can expect from different machine types.

You should also check the other environment variables:

  • EC_HOME: a directory where the project can store binaries and other files. By default, $HOME/enginecloud will be used. I recommend using a directory dedicated to this project, which does not contain any other files you care about, as several scripts will write files here.
  • STOCKFISH_URL, STOCKFISH_BINARY_PATH: the version of Stockfish that will be downloaded and used, and the path to the Stockfish binary within the downloaded archive.
  • GCP_IMAGE_PROJECT and GCP_IMAGE_FAMILY: these determine the OS image used to create your VM.
  • GCP_INSTANCE_NAME: the name of the VM instance that will be created for Stockfish inside your project.
  • PROVISIONING_MODEL: the GCE provisioning model to use for your VMs. STANDARD is more expensive but more reliable; SPOT is cheaper but your VM may be deleted arbitrarily. See this guide for more information and this reference for possible values of the variable.
  • MAX_RUN_DURATION: a time after which the VM instance will be deleted. This is designed as a protection against accidentally forgetting to delete the VM and running up a larger-than-expected bill: set this to the maximum time you want to be able to use the VM for, and it will delete itself, along with its local disk, after that time (without warning). If blank or unset, the VM will not delete itself; otherwise, a value suitable for gcloud's --max-run-duration flag is expected.

Once you are happy, you can run stockfish/ This will generate and compile a Go program at $EC_HOME/run_stockfish to connect to your VM and run Stockfish, and create your VM instance. (Creating a VM will start to consume billable resources.)

Once completes successfully, you can test the VM by running the run_stockfish program from the shell; if you see the Stockfish welcome message, you should be good to go. (If it doesn't work, stockfish/ is a convenient way to invoke SSH to help you debug.)

Once this works, open your chess GUI of choice, and configure it with a new engine. When it asks you for the engine binary, choose the run_stockfish program. You should be able to use this just like any other engine -- except the engine is running in the cloud. If you get this far, congratulations: you have a working cloud engine!

(If the run_stockfish program worked from the command line but doesn't work from your chess GUI -- for example if it complains it's not a working UCI engine or that the engine died unexpectedly -- one tip is to make sure you don't have any firewall software running that is blocking the chess GUI from reaching the GCE APIs or your VM.)

It's very important for performance to set the number of threads in the UCI engine settings. A good general guideline is to use a value close to the number of CPU cores your VM has: for more information, see the benchmarks document. Most chess UIs have a way to show you the calculation speed of the engine while it is analysing, so you can make sure you are getting roughly the performance you expect.

For more information on how to set Stockfish engine parameters, see the Stockfish wiki.

Once you have finished with the engine, you should run stockfish/ to delete the VM, so you are no longer charged for it. Alternatively, you can do it manually via the Google Compute Engine console or the gcloud CLI.

You can run stockfish/ at any time to confirm what VM instances you have running in your specified project.

Leela Chess Zero

Leela Chess Zero is a chess engine based on deep neural networks. As mentioned in the introduction, it aims to use similar techniques to AlphaZero.

It's another incredible open source project, but it's not as accessible as Stockfish. I would recommend trying the instructions for Stockfish before Leela, to familiarise yourself with the basic concepts and techniques.

At the time of writing, Leela Chess Zero is much harder to get working, for a few reasons:

  • To get optimal performance, we need to use a machine type that has at least one GPU. We have to choose the GPU type we want, and our choice will restrict the GCE zones we can use. GPUs also require special quota.
  • Using GPUs also requires us to download and install various libraries and drivers, including but not limited to these. Some of the software we need is quite large to download, and not all of it is open source.
  • There is no pre-built Leela binary for Linux: we have to build it from source. (The way we do this is based on the LC0 README and this guide, among various other sources.) The build process is not very user-friendly: there are certain mistakes you can easily make (e.g. trying to build without all the required NVidia software installed) which will result in a successful build but a very slow engine that does not take advantage of the GPU.
  • Even once we have built Leela Chess Zero, we still have to choose a neural network to run it with, which is a non-trivial decision in itself.

Because of this, the process of getting a working Leela is quite slow, and it is not really practical to start from scratch each time. I therefore recommend once you create a working VM, you create a custom disk image out of it, stored in Google Cloud Storage. Then, you can delete your VM, and create a new one whenever you want, based on the image. This makes it much quicker to get a working Leela on demand; however, keeping your image in Google Cloud Storage does incur ongoing costs.

As with Stockfish, first create a settings file:

cp leelazero/ leelazero/

Check the settings in that file, and fill in the missing ones. For the meaning of the common environment variables, refer to the Stockfish instructions. The only new settings you need are:

  • ACCELERATOR_PARAMS: this determines how many GPUs your VM will have, and what kind.
  • GCP_BASE_IMAGE_PROJECT and GCP_BASE_IMAGE_FAMILY: these determine the image that will be used to base the initial VM on, the one in which you will build Leela.
  • GCP_CREATED_IMAGE_FAMILY: this is the image family in which your Leela image will be stored, if you choose to create one.

Example parameters known to work are as follows (though I do not claim these are anywhere close to optimal):


You will need to refer to this document for which types of GPU are available in which zones. Again, the "equivalent command line" feature in the GCE Console is useful for finding values to slot into these environment variables.

Once you are happy, run leelazero/ to create the initial VM. Note: VMs with GPUs tend to be substantially more expensive than VMs without, so be extra careful to delete such VMs once you no longer need them.

Now we need to go through the fairly slow process of installing software, building the engine and downloading a network. For this, log into your VM with leelazero/

(VMs with GPUs seem to boot up a bit slower than VMs without, so you might have to retry this a few times until the VM finishes booting.)

Once you're logged in, you should find a copy of this repository in your home directory. Have a read of enginecloud/leelazero/, particularly the environment variables at the top, to see what settings you can tweak at this stage; then, run it (from your home directory) to start the download and build process. You can expect this to take quite a few minutes.

If all goes well, you should end up with a working version of LeelaZero at lc0/build/release/lc0. You can test it out with a command like lc0/build/release/lc0 benchmark; you should see some information about your GPU and confirmation it is using some sort of cudnn backend. You should also see decent nps performance figures, well into the tens of thousands.

If this works, exit your SSH session and try out the $EC_HOME/run_lc0 binary built when you ran If all goes well, you should get the LC0 startup prompt. If this looks good, try adding this run_lc0 program as an engine in your chess GUI, and you should be good to go!

Note that while Leela works with any UCI chess GUI, there are some GUIs which offer Leela-specific features: see the Leela quickstart for details. I have not tried any of these at the time of writing.

The following utility scripts are available to help you manage your VM:

  • leelazero/ - stops the VM
  • leelazero/ - deletes the VM
  • leelazero/ - lists the VMs and disks you currently have in the project

If you want to create an image for future use, as suggested above, shut down Leela if you have it running, and run leelazero/ This will stop your VM, and create a new disk image based on it. You can then delete your VM whenever you like, and create a new one with leelazero/

(An alternative way to keep a ready-to-go Leela without creating images is to stop the VM, which shuts it down without deleting its disk. A stopped VM costs a lot less than a running one, but you will continue to incur some charges for resources like the disk and IP address. Keeping an image should be cheaper.)

Acknowledgements and sources

First, I must salute the developers who write these amazing chess engines, make them available to the world as open source software, and continue to find ways to make them stronger and stronger. I've been working with chess engines for long enough to remember a time when the best open source engines were vastly weaker than the proprietary ones; the fact that open source engines are now among today's very strongest is a huge triumph for open source software and a credit to the people who work on them.

I'm not the first person to do a project like this; I took heavy inspiration from MattPlaysChess's Cloud Engine blog series.

The TCEC wiki was a helpful source of information on the kind of hardware used for top-level engine play.


All software in this repository is available under the open source Apache 2.0 license: see LICENSE.txt. Pull requests are welcome.


Do-it-yourself chess engine cloud







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