Android Interview Questions and Answers - Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview
Prepared and maintained by Amit Shekhar - Coder | Teacher | Mentor | Open Source | IIT 2010-14
Hi, I am Amit Shekhar, Co-Founder @ Outcome School • IIT 2010-14 • I have taught and mentored many developers, and their efforts landed them high-paying tech jobs, helped many tech companies in solving their unique problems, and created many open-source libraries being used by top companies. I am passionate about sharing knowledge through open-source, blogs, and videos.
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- Android Interview Questions and Answers Playlist
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin Flow API
- Kotlin
- Android
- Android Libraries
- Android Architecture
- Design Pattern
- Android System Design and check Android System Design Interviews
- Android Unit Testing
- Android Tools And Technologies
- Java
- Jetpack Compose
- Other Topics
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Question: What is an inline function in Kotlin?
- Question: What is the advantage of using const in Kotlin?
- Question: What is a reified keyword in Kotlin?
- Question: Suspending vs Blocking in Kotlin Coroutines
- Question: Launch vs Async in Kotlin Coroutines
- Question: internal visibility modifier in Kotlin
- Question: open keyword in Kotlin
- Answer: open keyword in Kotlin
- Question: lateinit vs lazy in Kotlin
- Answer: lateinit vs lazy in Kotlin
- Question: What is Multidex in Android?
- Answer: What is Multidex in Android?
- Question: How does the Android Push Notification system work?
- Question: How does the Kotlin Multiplatform work?
- Question: What is a ViewModel and how is it useful?
- Question: Is it possible to force the Garbage Collection in Android?
- Question: What is a JvmStatic Annotation in Kotlin?
- Question: init block in Kotlin
- Answer: init block in Kotlin
- Question: JvmField Annotation in Kotlin
- Answer: JvmField Annotation in Kotlin
- Question: singleTask launchMode in Android
- Answer: singleTask launchMode in Android
- Question: Difference between == and === in Kotlin
- Question: JvmOverloads Annotation in Kotlin
- Question: Why is it recommended to use only the default constructor to create a Fragment?
- Question: Why do we need to call setContentView() in onCreate() of Activity class?
- Question: When only onDestroy is called for an activity without onPause() and onStop()?
Topics you should know in Kotlin Coroutines for Android Interview:
- coroutines
- suspend
- launch, async-await, withContext
- dispatchers
- scope, context, job
- lifecycleScope, viewModelScope, GlobalScope
- suspendCoroutine, suspendCancellableCoroutine
- coroutineScope, supervisorScope
Learn the above-mentioned from the following links:
- Master Kotlin Coroutines
- Suspending vs Blocking in Kotlin Coroutines
- Launch vs Async in Kotlin Coroutines
- Dispatchers in Kotlin Coroutines
- coroutineScope vs supervisorScope
- suspend function in Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin withContext vs Async-await
- CoroutineContext in Kotlin
- Callback to Coroutines in Kotlin
- Retrofit with Kotlin Coroutines
- Parallel Multiple Network Calls Using Kotlin Coroutines
- Room Database with Kotlin Coroutines
- Unit Testing ViewModel with Kotlin Coroutines and LiveData
Topics you should know in Kotlin Flow API for Android Interview:
- Flow Builder, Operator, Collector
- flowOn, dispatchers
- Operators such as filter, map, zip, flatMapConcat, retry, debounce, distinctUntilChanged, flatMapLatest
- Terminal operators
- Cold Flow vs Hot Flow
- StateFlow, SharedFlow, callbackFlow, channelFlow
Learn the above-mentioned from the following links:
- Mastering Flow API in Kotlin
- Creating Flow Using Flow Builder in Kotlin
- Terminal Operators in Kotlin Flow
- Cold Flow vs Hot Flow
- StateFlow and SharedFlow
- Long-running tasks in parallel with Kotlin Flow
- Retry Operator in Kotlin Flow
- Retrofit with Kotlin Flow
- Room Database with Kotlin Flow
- Kotlin Flow Zip Operator for Parallel Multiple Network Calls
- Instant Search Using Kotlin Flow Operators
- callbackFlow - Callback to Flow API in Kotlin
- Exception Handling in Kotlin Flow
- Unit Testing ViewModel with Kotlin Flow and StateFlow
Android Interview Questions and Answers:
15 Kotlin Interview Questions and Answers: Check the PDF
What is the advantage of using const in Kotlin? - Video and Blog
When to use lateinit keyword used in Kotlin? - Learn from here
What are
companion objects
in Kotlin? - Learn from here -
Extension functions - Learn from here
What is a data class in Kotlin? - Learn from here
Remove duplicates from an array in Kotlin - Learn from here
What is a JvmOverloads Annotation in Kotlin? - Video and Blog
noinline in Kotlin - Learn from here
crossinline in Kotlin - Learn from here
scope functions in Kotlin - Learn from here
What is a reified keyword in Kotlin? - Learn from here
lateinit vs lazy in Kotlin - Learn from here
Advantage of using const in Kotlin - Learn from here
What are higher-order functions in Kotlin? - Learn from here: Higher-Order Functions and Lambdas in Kotlin
Write a function(Higher-Order Function) that returns a function. - Check solution here
What are Lambdas in Kotlin - Learn from here: Higher-Order Functions and Lambdas in Kotlin
AssociateBy - List to Map in Kotlin - Learn from here
Open keyword in Kotlin - Learn from here
Companion object in Kotlin - Learn from here
internal visibility modifier in Kotlin - Learn from here
partition - filtering function in Kotlin - Learn from here
Infix notation in Kotlin - Learn from here
How does the Kotlin Multiplatform work? - Learn from here
Suspending vs Blocking in Kotlin Coroutines - Learn from here
What is runBlocking in Coroutines? - Learn from here
What is the meaning of structured concurrency in Kotlin Coroutines? - Learn from here
String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder - Learn from here
What is the difference between
? - Learn from here -
How to check if a
variable has been initialized? - Learn from here -
How to do lazy initialization of variables in Kotlin? - Learn from here
What are the visibility modifiers in Kotlin? - Learn from here
What is the equivalent of Java static methods in Kotlin? - Learn from here
How to create a Singleton class in Kotlin? - Learn from here
What is the difference between
in Kotlin? - Learn from here -
scope function and its use cases - Learn from here -
scope function and its use cases - Learn from here -
Explain the use-case of
in Kotlin. - Learn from here and here -
How to choose between
? - Learn from here and here -
Difference between List and Array types in Kotlin - Learn from here
What are
in Kotlin? - Learn from here -
What are Coroutines in Kotlin? - Learn from here
What is Coroutine Scope? - Learn from here
Scopes in Kotlin Coroutines Used in Android - Learn from here
What is Coroutine Context? - Learn from here
Launch vs Async in Kotlin Coroutines - Learn from here
Thread.sleep() vs delay() in Kotlin - Learn from here
Explain inline classes in Kotlin - Learn from here
When to use Kotlin sealed classes? - Learn from here
Tell about the Collections in Kotlin - Learn from here
What does ?: do in Kotlin? (Elvis Operator) - Learn from here
timeouts in Kotlin Coroutines - Learn from here
How do you combine multiple coroutine results? - Learn from here
What is a Job in Coroutines? - Learn from here
How to Implement Debounce Using Coroutines? - Learn from here
Kotlin code snippet demonstrating how to run two coroutines in series and parallel - Learn from here
yield in Kotlin Coroutines - Learn from here
Delegates in Kotlin - Learn from here
Android Interview Questions and Answers:
Why does an Android App lag? - Learn from here
What is
? How is it used? - Context In Android Application -
Tell all the Android application components. - Learn from here
What is the project structure of an Android Application? - Learn from here
What is
? - Learn from here -
What is the
class? -Learn from here
Why is it recommended to use only the default constructor to create a
? - Learn from video and blog -
What is
and its lifecycle? - Learn from here -
What is the difference between onCreate() and onStart() - Learn from here
When only onDestroy is called for an activity without onPause() and onStop()? - Learn from here
Why do we need to call setContentView() in onCreate() of Activity class? - Learn from here
What is onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() in activity? - Learn from here
What is
and its lifecycle? - Learn from here -
What are "launchMode"? - Learn from here and singleTask launchMode in Android
What is the difference between a
and anActivity
? Explain the relationship between the two. - Learn from here -
When should you use a Fragment rather than an Activity?
- When you have some UI components to be used across various activities
- When multiple views can be displayed side by side just like ViewPager
What is the difference between FragmentPagerAdapter vs FragmentStatePagerAdapter?
- FragmentPagerAdapter: Each fragment visited by the user will be stored in the memory but the view will be destroyed. When the page is revisited, then the view will be created not the instance of the fragment.
- FragmentStatePagerAdapter: Here, the fragment instance will be destroyed when it is not visible to the user, except the saved state of the fragment.
What is the difference between adding/replacing fragment in backstack? - Learn from here
How would you communicate between two Fragments?
What is retained
? - Learn from here -
What is the purpose of
while commiting fragment transaction?- By calling addToBackStack(), the replace transaction is saved to the back stack so the user can reverse the transaction and bring back the previous fragment by pressing the Back button. For more Learn from here
Optimizing layouts in Android - Learn from here
What is
in Android? -
Difference between
? - Learn from here -
Can you a create custom view? How?
What are ViewGroups and how they are different from the Views?
- View: View objects are the basic building blocks of User Interface(UI) elements in Android. View is a simple rectangle box which responds to the user’s actions. Examples are EditText, Button, CheckBox etc. View refers to the android.view.View class, which is the base class of all UI classes.
- ViewGroup: ViewGroup is the invisible container. It holds View and ViewGroup. For example, LinearLayout is the ViewGroup that contains Button(View), and other Layouts also. ViewGroup is the base class for Layouts.
What is a Canvas? - Learn from here
What is a
? - Learn from here -
Relative Layout vs Linear Layout.
Tell about Constraint Layout optimization - Learn from here
Do you know what is the view tree? How can you optimize its depth? - Learn from here
What is the difference between
? - Learn from here -
How does the RecyclerView work? - Learn from here
RecyclerView Optimization - Scrolling Performance Improvement - Learn from here
Optimizing Nested RecyclerView - Learn from here
How does RecyclerView improve performance over ListView?
What are the components of a RecyclerView?
Explain the role of RecyclerView.Adapter and RecyclerView.ViewHolder - Learn from here
What is a LayoutManager in RecyclerView?
How do you handle multiple view types in a single RecyclerView?
What is DiffUtil and how does it improve RecyclerView performance? - Learn from here
What is the purpose of RecyclerView.setHasFixedSize(true)? - Learn from here
How do you update a specific item in RecyclerView?
What is
? - Learn from here: SnapHelper
What is
in Android? - Learn from here -
What is
in Android? - Learn from here -
What the difference between
andDialog Fragment
? - Learn from here
What is
? - Learn from here -
What is an Implicit
? - Learn from here -
What is an Explicit
? - Learn from here -
What is a
? - Learn from here -
What is a Sticky
?- Sticky Intents allows communication between a function and a service. sendStickyBroadcast() performs a sendBroadcast(Intent) known as sticky, i.e. the Intent you are sending stays around after the broadcast is complete, so that others can quickly retrieve that data through the return value of registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter). For example, if you take an intent for ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED to get battery change events: When you call registerReceiver() for that action — even with a null BroadcastReceiver — you get the Intent that was last Broadcast for that action. Hence, you can use this to find the state of the battery without necessarily registering for all future state changes in the battery.
Describe how broadcasts and intents work to be able to pass messages around your app? - Learn from here
What is a
?- If you want someone to perform any Intent operation at future point of time on behalf of you, then we will use Pending Intent.
What are the different types of Broadcasts? - Learn from here
Explain Android Service Lifecycle - Learn from here
What is Service? - Learn from here
On which thread does a Service run in Android? - Learn from here
Service vs IntentService - Learn from here
What is a Foreground Service? - Learn from here
What is a
? - Learn from here
How can two distinct Android apps interact? - Learn from here
Is it possible to run an Android app in multiple processes? How? - Learn from here
What is AIDL? Enumerate the steps in creating a bounded service through AIDL. - Learn from here
What can you use for background processing in Android? - Learn from here
What is a
and what is it typically used for? - Learn from here
How to run parallel tasks and get a callback when all are complete? - Long-running tasks in parallel with Kotlin Flow
What is ANR? How can the ANR be prevented? - Learn from here
What is an
(Deprecated in API level 30) ? -
What are the problems in AsyncTask?
Daemon Threads vs. User Threads - Learn from here
, andHandlerThread
. -
Android Memory Leak and Garbage Collection
Can you explain the difference between a Runnable and a Thread in Android? - Learn from here
How do you handle bitmaps in Android as it takes too much memory? - Learn from here and here
Tell about the
pool. - Learn from here
Jetpack DataStore Preferences - Learn from here
Persisting Data in an Android App - Learn from here
What is ORM? How does it work?
How would you preserve the
state during a screen rotation? - Learn from here -
What are different ways to store data in your Android app?
Explain Scoped Storage in Android.
How to encrypt data in Android?
What is commit() and apply() in SharedPreferences?
- commit() returns a boolean value of success or failure immediately by writing data synchronously.
- apply() is asynchronous and it won't return any boolean response. If you have an apply() outstanding and you are performing commit(), then the commit() will be blocked until the apply() is not completed.
What is a
? -
What is a
?- A SpannableString has immutable text, but its span information is mutable. Use a SpannableString when your text doesn't need to be changed but the styling does. Spans are ranges over the text that include styling information like color, heighliting, italics, links, etc
What are the best practices for using text in Android?
How to implement Dark mode in any application?
What is the
method? - Learn from here -
How to identify and fix OutOfMemory issues?
How do you find memory leaks in Android applications?
How to reduce battery usage in an android application?
What is Doze? What about App Standby? - Learn from here
What is
? - Learn from here
- How do you support different types of resolutions? - Learn from here
- What are the different protection levels in permission?
What is the NDK and why is it useful? - Learn from here: Android NDK and RenderScript
What is renderscript? - Learn from here: Android NDK and RenderScript
What is Android Runtime? - Android Runtime
Dalvik, ART, JIT, and AOT in Android - Dalvik, ART, JIT, and AOT
What are the differences between Dalvik and ART? - Difference between Dalvik and ART
What is DEX? - Learn from here
What is Multidex in Android? - Learn from here
Can you manually call the Garbage collector? - Is it possible to force Garbage Collection in Android?
What is Android Jetpack and why to use this?
What is a ViewModel and how is it useful? Learn: What is a ViewModel and how is it useful?
SharedViewModel in Android Learn: SharedViewModel in Android
What are Android Architecture Components?
What is LiveData in Android?
How LiveData is different from ObservableField?
What is the difference between setValue and postValue in LiveData? Learn: setValue() vs postValue() in LiveData
How to share ViewModel between Fragments in Android? Learn: SharedViewModel in Android
Explain WorkManager and its use cases.
How does ViewModel work internally?
What is the difference between Serializable and Parcelable? Which is the best approach in Android? - Learn from here
Why Bundle class is used for data passing and why cannot we use simple Map data structure? - Learn from here
How do you troubleshoot a crashing application? - Learn from here
Explain the Android push notification system? Learn from here: How does the Android push notification system work?
What is AAPT? - Learn from here
FlatBuffers vs JSON.
- Learn from here -
What are Annotations? - Learn from here
How to create custom Annotation? - Learn from here
What is the Android Support Library? Why was it introduced? - Learn from here
What is Android Data Binding?
Android Interview Questions and Answers:
Explain OkHttp Interceptor - Learn from here
OkHttp - HTTP Caching - Learn from here
How to enable logging in OkHttp? - Learn from here
Why do we use the Dependency Injection Framework like Dagger in Android? - Learn from here
How does the Dagger work?
How will you choose between Dagger 2 and Dagger-Hilt?
What is a Component in Dagger?
What is Module in Dagger?
How does the custom scope work in Dagger?
When to call dispose and clear on CompositeDisposable in RxJava? - Learn from here
What is Multipart Request in Networking?
What is Flow in Kotlin? - Learn from here
App Startup Library - Learn from here
Tell me something about RxJava.
How will you handle error in RxJava?
FlatMap Vs Map Operator - Learn from here
When to use
operator and when to usefromCallable
operator of RxJava? - Learn from here: RxJava Create and fromCallable Operator -
When to use
operator of RxJava? - Learn from here: RxJava Defer Operator -
How are Timer, Delay, and Interval operators used in RxJava? - Learn from here
How to make two network calls in parallel using RxJava? - RxJava Zip Operator
Tell the difference between Concat and Merge. - Learn from here and here
Explain Subject in RxJava? - Learn from here
What are the types of Observables in RxJava? - Learn from here: Types Of Observables In RxJava
How to implement search feature using RxJava in your application? - Learn from here: Instant Search Using RxJava Operators
Pagination In RecyclerView Using RxJava Operators - Learn from here
How The Android Image Loading Library Glide and Fresco Works? - Learn from here, here and here
Difference between and Schedulers.computation() in RxJava.
Android Interview Questions and Answers:
Describe the architecture of your last app.
Describe MVVM. - MVVM Architecture
MVC vs MVP vs MVVM architecture.
Clean Architecture - Learn from here
Software Architecture vs Software Design - Learn from here
Android Interview Questions and Answers
- Builder - Learn from here
- Singleton
- Factory - Learn from here
- Observer - Learn from here
- Repository
- Adapter
- Facade
- Dependency Injection
- Design Pattern used in Android - Learn from here
- Kotlin Optional Parameters vs Builder Pattern - Learn from here
- Examples of the Observer pattern used in Android - Learn from here
- Design Pattern Used in Retrofit Library Source Code - Learn from here
- Design Pattern used in Glide (Image Loading Library) - Learn from here
Android Interview Questions and Answers:
Refer to this blog: Android System Design Interviews
Design an Image Loading Library - Learn from here, here and here
Design File Downloader Library - Learn from here
Design WhatsApp
Design Instagram Stories
Design Networking Library
Design Facebook Near-By Friends App
Design Caching Library.
Design problems based on location-based app
How to build an offline-first app? Explain the architecture
Design LRU Cache
Design Analytics Library
HTTP Request vs HTTP Long-Polling vs WebSocket vs Server-Sent Events - Learn from blog and Video - HTTP Request vs HTTP Long-Polling vs WebSocket vs Server-Sent Events
How do Voice And Video Call Work? - Learn from here
Design Uber App - Learn from here
Database Normalization vs Denormalization - Database Normalization vs Denormalization
Hash vs Encrypt vs Encode - Learn from here
Webhook vs Polling - Learn from here
Options for real-time updates in an Android App - Learn from here
Options for Network Optimization in a Mobile App - Options for Network Optimization in a Mobile App
Firebase Remote Config in Android - Firebase Remote Config in Android
Accurate time in Android - Learn from here
Query Optimization in SQLite for Better Performance - Learn from here
Android Interview Questions and Answers:
Unit Testing ViewModel with Kotlin Coroutines and LiveData - Learn from here
Unit Testing ViewModel with Kotlin Flow and StateFlow - Learn from here
What is Espresso? - Learn from here
What is Robolectric? - Learn from here
What are the disadvantages of using Robolectric? - Learn from here
What is UI-Automator? - Learn from here
Explain the unit test. - Learn from here
Explain instrumented test. - Learn from here
Why Mockito is used? - Learn from here
Describe code coverage. - Learn from here
Android Interview Questions and Answers:
CI/CD Pipeline for Android - Learn from here
What is ADB? - Learn from here
What is the StrictMode? - Learn from here: StrictMode
What is Lint? What is it used for?
Android App Release Checklist For The Production Launch - Learn from here: Android App Release Checklist For The Production Launch
Firebase. - Learn from here
How to measure method execution time in Android?
Can you access your database of SQLite Database for debugging? - Learn from here
What are things that we need to take care while using Proguard?
How to use Android Studio Memory Profiler?
What is Kotlin DSL for Gradle? - Learn from here
implementation vs api in Gradle - Learn from here
What is Gradle?
Gradle related files in Android Project - Learn from here
How do you create a custom task in Gradle? - Learn from here
annotationProcessor, kapt, ksp in Gradle - Learn from here
Build Variants in Android - Learn from here
APK Size Reduction.
How can you speed up the Gradle build?
About gradle build system.
About multiple apk for Android Apps.
What is ProGuard used for? - Learn from here
What is file used for? - Learn from here
What is obfuscation? What is it used for? What about minification?
How to change some parameters in an app without app update? - Firebase Remote Config in Android
What is Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) and why it is used internally in databases? - Learn from here
Android Interview Questions and Answers:
- “S” in SOLID Principles: The Single Responsibility Principle - Learn from here
- "O" in SOLID Principles: Open/Closed Principle - Learn from here
- “L” in SOLID Principles: Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) - Learn from here
- “I” in SOLID Principles: Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) - Learn from here
- “D” in SOLID Principles: Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) - Learn from here
Explain OOP Concepts.
Differences between abstract classes and interfaces?
- An abstract class, is a class that contains both concrete and abstract methods (methods without implementations). An abstract method must be implemented by the abstract class sub-classes. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated and need to be extended to be used.
- An interface is like a blueprint/contract of a class (or it may be thought of as a class with methods, but without their implementation). It contains empty methods that represent, what all of its subclasses should have in common. The subclasses provide the implementation for each of these methods. Interfaces are implemented.
Difference between method overloading and overriding.
What are the access modifiers you know? What does each one do?
- There are four access modifiers in Java language (from strictest to the most lenient):
variables, methods, constructors or inner classes are only visible to its' containing class and its' methods. This modifier is most commonly used, for example, to allow variable access only through getters and setters or to hide underlying implementation of classes that should not be used by user and therefore maintain encapsulation. Singleton constructor is also markedprivate
to avoid unwanted instantiation from outside.Default
(no keyword is used) this modifier can be applied to classes, variables, constructors and methods and allows access from classes and methods inside the same package.protected
can be used on variables, methods and constructors therefore allowing access only to subclasses and classes that are inside the same package as protected members' class.public
modifier is widely-used on classes, variables, constructors and methods to grant access from any class and method anywhere. It should not be used everywhere as it implies that data marked withpublic
is not sensitive and can not be used to harm the program.
- There are four access modifiers in Java language (from strictest to the most lenient):
Can an Interface implement another Interface?
- Yes, an interface can implement another interface (and more than one), but it needs to use
, rather thanimplements
keyword. And while you can not remove methods from parent interface, you can add new ones freely to your sub-interface.
- Yes, an interface can implement another interface (and more than one), but it needs to use
What is Polymorphism? What about Inheritance?
Arrays Vs ArrayLists - Learn from here
HashSet Vs TreeSet - Learn from here
HashMap Vs Set - Learn from here
Explain Generics in Java?
How is
class implemented? Why was it made immutable?-
There is no primitive variant of
class in Java language - all strings are just wrappers around underlying array of characters, which is declaredfinal
. This means that, once aString
object is instantiated, it cannot be changed through normal tools of the language (Reflection still can mess things up horribly, because in Java no object is truly immutable). This is whyString
variables in classes are the first candidates to be used, when you want to overridehashCode()
of your class - you can be sure, that all their required contracts will be satisfied.Note: The String class is immutable, so that once it is created a String object cannot be changed. The String class has a number of methods, some of which will be discussed below, that appear to modify strings. Since strings are immutable, what these methods really do is create and return a new string that contains the result of the operation. (Official Java Documentation)
This class is also unique in a sense, that, when you create an instance like this:
String helloWorld = "Hello, World!";
"Hello, World!"
is called a literal and compiler creates aString
object with its' value. SoString capital = "Hello, World!".toUpperCase();
is a valid statement, that, firstly, will create an object with literal value "Hello, World!" and then will create and return another object with value "HELLO, WORLD!"
was made immutable to prevent malicious manipulation of data, when, for example, user login or other sensitive data is being send to a server.
What does it means to say that a
is immutable?- It means that once created,
(its' containing value) is declaredfinal
and, therefore, it can not be changed during runtime.
- It means that once created,
Can you list 8 primitive types in java?
What is the difference between an Integer and int?
is a primitive data type (withboolean
), whileInteger
) is a wrapper class that encapsulates primitive data type, while providing useful methods to perform different tasks with it.
Do objects get passed by reference or value in Java? Elaborate on that.
- What is garbage collector? How does it work?
- All objects are allocated on the heap area managed by the JVM. As long as an object is being referenced, the JVM considers it alive. Once an object is no longer referenced and therefore is not reachable by the application code, the garbage collector removes it and reclaims the unused memory.
What does the keyword
mean? -
What is a
? - ThreadPoolExecutor in Android -
What is
modifier? -
Object Level Lock vs Class Level Lock in Java - Learn from here
Concurrency vs Parallelism - Learn from here
The classes in the atomic package expose a common set of methods:
, andweakCompareAndSet
. Please describe them.
How does the
works? -
What is the difference between a
Checked Exception
and anUn-Checked Exception
Shallow vs. Deep Copy in Java - Learn from here
Explain Serialization and Deserialization - Learn from here
What is serialization? How do you implement it?
What is
modifier? -
What are anonymous classes?
What is the difference between using
on an object? -
What is the
used for? -
When would you make an object value
? -
What are these
keywords? -
What is the difference between "throw" and "throws" keyword in Java?
is just used to indicated which exception is to be thrown. But thethrow
keyword is used to throw some exception from any static block or any method.
What does the
word mean in Java?- In case of
variable it means that this variable (its' value or the object it references) spans across all instances of enclosing class (changing it in one instance affects all others), while in case ofstatic
methods it means that these methods can be invoked without an instance of their enclosing class. It is useful, for example, when you create util classes that need not be instantiated every time you want to use them.
- In case of
Can a
method be overridden in Java?- While child class can override a static method with another static method with the same signature (return type can be down-casted), it is not truly overridden - it becomes "hidden", but both methods can still be accessed under right circumstances (see question about overloading/overriding above).
When is a
block run?- Code inside static block is executed only once: the first time you make an object of that class or the first time you access a static member of that class (even if you never make an object of that class).
Explain Reflection in Java - Learn from here
What is Dependency Injection?
Difference between
? - Learn from here -
What is the difference between fail-fast and fail-safe iterators in Java?
Monitor and Synchronization
Topics you should know in Jetpack Compose for Android Interview:
- Compose
- State: remember, rememberSaveable, MutableState
- Recomposition
- State hoisting
- Side-effects
- Modifier
- Theme
- Layout, List
- Gestures, Animation
- CompositionLocal
Learn the above-mentioned from the following links:
- Getting Started with Compose
- Thinking in Compose
- State
- remember vs rememberSaveable
- Lifecycle
- Modifiers
- Side-effects
- Phases
- Semantics
- CompositionLocal
- Can we use traditional Android Views and Compose together?
Jetpack Compose vs Android View System
Explain the concept of declarative UI in Jetpack Compose.
Declarative UI vs Imperative UI
What are Composable functions?
What is Recomposition?
What is State in Compose?
How does state management work in Jetpack Compose?
Stateful composable vs Stateless composable
What are the side effects?
Difference between LaunchedEffect and DisposableEffect.
What is rememberCoroutineScope and its use cases?
How to observe Flows, and LiveData states in Compose UI?
How can we handle asynchronous operations in Jetpack Compose?
How can we convert a non-compose state into a Compose state?
Explain derivedStateOf.
Explain rememberUpdatedState.
Difference between remember and rememberSaveable. - Learn from here
Explain the Lifecycle of a Composable in Jetpack Compose.
How do you handle lifecycle events in Compose functions?
What are the best practices for performance optimization in Jetpack Compose?
Can we use both Jetpack Compose and Android View in a Single App?
What is State Hoisting?
Explain CompositionLocal
Explain Jetpack Compose Phases.
What is the role of the Modifier in Jetpack Compose?
What are Semantics?
How can you handle user input and events in Jetpack Compose?
How do you handle navigation in Jetpack Compose?
How do you handle orientation changes in Jetpack Compose?
Explain the concept of unidirectional data flow in Jetpack Compose.
How to create Custom Layouts in Compose?
Android Interview Questions and Answers:
Describe SQLite.
Have you used Room?
Can we identify the users who have uninstalled our application?
Android Development Best Practices. - Learn from here: Android Development Best Practices
React Native vs Flutter - Learn from here: React Native vs Flutter
What are the metrics that you should measure continuously while android application development? - Learn from here: Android App Performance Metrics
How to avoid API keys from check-in into VCS?
How does the Kotlin Multiplatform work? - Blog
How to use Memory Heap Dumps data?
How to implement Dark Theme in your app?
How to secure the API keys used in an Android App?
What is Cleartext traffic? Learn from here: What is Cleartext traffic?
Tell something about memory usage in Android.
Explain Annotation processing.
How does the Android Push Notification system work? Learn from here: How does the Android Push Notification system work?
Android Push Notification Flow using FCM. Learn from here: Android Push Notification Flow using FCM
How to show local Notification at an exact time?
- Android Developer should know these Data Structures for Next Interview - Check here
High-quality videos to prepare for Android Interview - Amit Shekhar YouTube Channel
High-quality blogs to prepare for Android Interview - Check here - Outcome School Blog
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