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Library for building agents and managing LLM interactions


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Haverscript is a Python library for writing agents and interacting with Large Language Models (LLMs). Haverscript's concise syntax and powerful middleware allow for rapid prototyping with new use cases for LLMs, prompt engineering, and experimenting in the emerging field of LLM-powered agents. Haverscript uses Ollama by default but can use any OpenAI-style LLM API with a simple adapter.

This is version 0.3 of Haverscript. The big change from 0.2 is the introduction of simple agents, as well as a new API for constructing markdown-based prompts, and a monadic way of chaining LLM calls.

First Example

Here’s a basic example demonstrating how to use Haverscript, with the mistral model.

from haverscript import connect, echo

# Create a new session with the 'mistral' model and enable echo middleware
session = connect("mistral") | echo()

session ="In one sentence, why is the sky blue?")
session ="What color is the sky on Mars?")
session ="Do any other planets have blue skies?")

This will generate the following output

> In one sentence, why is the sky blue?

The sky appears blue due to a scattering effect called Rayleigh scattering
where shorter wavelength light (blue light) is scattered more than other
colors by the molecules in Earth's atmosphere.

> What color is the sky on Mars?

The Martian sky appears red or reddish-orange, primarily because of fine dust
particles in its thin atmosphere that scatter sunlight preferentially in the
red part of the spectrum, which our eyes perceive as a reddish hue.

> Do any other planets have blue skies?

Unlike Earth, none of the other known terrestrial planets (Venus, Mars,
Mercury) have a significant enough atmosphere or suitable composition to cause
Rayleigh scattering, resulting in blue skies like we see on Earth. However,
some of the gas giant planets such as Uranus and Neptune can appear blueish
due to their atmospheres composed largely of methane, which absorbs red light
and scatters blue light.

Haverscript uses markdown as its output format, allowing for easy rendering of any chat session.

First Agent Example

Haverscript provides basic agent capabilities, that is calls to an LLM wrapped in a Python object. Here is a basic example.

from haverscript import connect, Agent

class FirstAgent(Agent):
    system: str = """
    You are a helpful AI assistant who answers questions in the style of
    Neil deGrasse Tyson.

    Answer any questions in 2-3 sentences, without preambles.

    def sky(self, planet: str) -> str:
        return self.ask(f"what color is the sky on {planet} and why?")

firstAgent = FirstAgent(model=connect("mistral"))

for planet in ["Earth", "Mars", "Venus", "Jupiter"]:
    print(f"{planet}: {}\n")

Running this will output the following:

Earth:  The sky appears blue during a clear day on Earth due to a process called Rayleigh scattering, where shorter wavelengths of light, such as blue and violet, are scattered more by the molecules in our atmosphere. However, we perceive the sky as blue rather than violet because our eyes are more sensitive to blue light, and sunlight reaches us with less violet due to scattering events.

Mars:  The sky on Mars appears to be a reddish hue, primarily due to suspended iron oxide (rust) particles in its atmosphere. This gives Mars its characteristic reddish color as sunlight interacts with these particles.

Venus:  On Venus, the sky appears a dazzling white due to its thick clouds composed mainly of sulfuric acid. The reflection of sunlight off these clouds is responsible for this striking appearance.

Jupiter:  The sky on Jupiter isn't blue like Earth's; it's predominantly brownish due to the presence of ammonia crystals in its thick atmosphere. The reason for this difference lies in the unique composition and temperature conditions on Jupiter compared to our planet.

Further reading

The examples directory contains several examples of Haverscript, both directly, and using agents.

The DSL Design page compares Haverscript to other LLM APIs, and gives rationale behind the design.

The Markdown explains how to construct structured prompts.

Installing Haverscript

Haverscript is available on GitHub: While Haverscript is currently in beta and still being refined, it is ready to use out of the box.


You need to have Ollama already installed.


You can install Haverscript directly from the GitHub repository using pip. Haverscript needs Python 3.10 or later.

Here's how to set up Haverscript:

  1. First, create and activate a Python virtual environment if you haven’t already:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: .\venv\Scripts\activate
  1. Install Haverscript directly from the GitHub repository:
pip install "haverscript @ git+[email protected]"

By default, Haverscript comes with only Ollama support. If you want to also install the API support, you need to use

pip install "haverscript[together] @ git+[email protected]"

In the future, if there’s enough interest, I plan to push Haverscript to PyPI for easier installation.

See for additional details about installing, testing and building Haverscript.


The chat Method

The chat method invokes the LLM, and is the principal method in HaveScript. Everything else in Haverscript is about setting up for chat, or using the output from chat. The chat method is available in both the Model class and its subclass Response:

class Model:
    def chat(self, prompt: str, ...) -> Response:

class Response(Model):

Key points:

  • Immutability: Both Model and Response are immutable data structures, making them safe to share across threads or processes without concern for side effects.

  • Chat Method: The chat method accepts a simple Python string as input, which can include f-strings for formatted and dynamic prompts.


    def example(client: Model, txt: str):
            Help me understand what is happening here.

The Response Class

The result of a chat call is a Response. This class contains several useful attributes and defines a __str__ method for convenient string representation.

class Response(Model):
    prompt: str
    reply: str
    parent: Model

    def __str__(self):
        return self.reply

Key Points:

  • Accessing the Reply: You can directly access the reply attribute to retrieve the text of the Response, or simply call str(response) for the same effect.

  • String Representation: The __str__ method returns the reply attribute, so whenever a Response object is used inside an f-string, it automatically resolves to the text of the reply. (This is standard Python behavior.)

    For an example, see Chaining answers together

How do we modify a Model if everything is immutable? Instead of modifying them directly, we create a new copy with every call to .chat, following the principles of functional programming, and using the builder design pattern.

The Model Class

The connect(...) function is the main entry point of the library, allowing you to create and access an initial model. This function takes a model name and returns a Model that will connect to Ollama with this model.

def connect(modelname: str | None = None):

To create and use a model, follow the idiomatic approach of naming the model and then using that name:

from haverscript import connect
model = connect("mistral")
response ="In one sentence, why is the sky blue?")
print(f"Response: {response}")

You can create multiple models, including duplicates of the same model, without any issues. No external actions are triggered until the chat method is called; the external connect is deferred until needed.

Chaining calls

There are two primary ways to use chat:

Chaining responses

graph LR

    m1(session: Model)
    r0(session: Response)
    r1(session: Response)
    r2(session: Response)

    start -- model('…') --> m0
    m0 -- echo() --> m1
    m1 -- chat('…') --> r0
    r0 -- chat('…') --> r1
    r1 -- chat('…') --> r2

    style m0 fill:none, stroke: none


This follows the typical behavior of a chat session: using the output of one chat call as the input for the next. For more details, refer to the first example.

Multiple independent calls

graph LR

    m1(**session**: Model)

    start -- model('…') --> m0
    m0 -- echo() --> m1
    m1 -- chat('…') --> r0
    m1 -- chat('…') --> r1
    m1 -- chat('…') --> r2

    style m0 fill:none, stroke: none


Call chat multiple times with the same client instance to process different prompts separately. This way intentually loses the chained context, but in some cases you want to play a different persona, or do not allow the previous reply to cloud the next request. See tree of calls for an example.


Middleware is a mechanism to have fine control over everything between calling .chat and Haverscript calling the LLM. As an example, consider the creation of a session.

session = connect("mistral") | echo()

You can chain multiple middlewares together to achieve composite behaviors.

session = connect("mistral") | echo() | options(seed=12345)

Finally, you can also add middleware to a specific call to chat.

session = connect("mistral") | echo()
print("Hello", middleware=options(seed=12345)))

Haverscript provides following middleware:

Middleware Purpose Class
model Request a specific model be used configuration
options Set specific LLM options (such as seed) configuration
format Set specific format for output configuration
dedent Remove spaces from prompt configuration
echo Print prompt and reply observation
stats Print basic stats about LLM observation
trace Log requests and responses observation
transcript Store a complete transcript of every call observation
retry retry on failure reliablity
validation Fail under given condition reliablity
cache Store and/or query prompt-reply pairs in DB efficency
fresh Request a fresh reply (not cached) efficency

For a comprehensive overview of middleware, please refer to the Middleware Docs documentation. For examples of middleware in used, see

Chat and Ask Options

The .chat() method has additional parameters that are specific to each chat call.

    def chat(
        prompt: str | Markdown,
        images: list = [],
        middleware: Middleware | None = None,
    ) -> Response:

Specifically, chat takes things that are added to any context (prompt and images), and additionally, any extra middleware.

There is also an .ask() method.

    def ask(
        prompt: str | Markdown,
        images: list[str] = [],
        middleware: Middleware | None = None,
    ) -> Reply:

This returns a Reply object, which is a composable stream of tokens, as well as values from structured output, information packets, and performance metrics. Response is build from the Reply, while Reply has not context - it can be thought of as just the LLM's reply.

Other APIs

We support You need to provide your own API KEY. Import the together module and use its connect function.

from haverscript import echo
from haverscript.together import connect

session = connect("meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-Lite") | echo()

session ="Write a short sentence on the history of Scotland.")
session ="Write 500 words on the history of Scotland.")
session ="Who was the most significant individual in Scottish history?")

You need to set the TOGETHER_API_KEY environmental variable.


You also need to include the together option when installing.

pip install "haverscript[together] @ git+[email protected]"

PRs supporting other API are welcome! There are two examples in the source, the together API is in, and it should be straightforward to add more.

Reply as a Monad

The Reply object is a monad. That is you can inject a value, using Reply.pure(...), and pass the value forward using Reply.bind(...). You can also extract the value using Reply.value.

You can extract the contents of a Reply using yield from

yield from Reply(....)

and you can take a yield-based Iterator, and pass it as an argument to Reply to make a new Reply object.

Careful use of Reply allows agents that can explain what they are doing in real time.


Q: How do I increase the context window size to (for example) 16K?"

A: set the num_ctx option using middleware.

model = model | options(num_ctx=16 * 1024)

Q: How do I get JSON output?

A: set the format middleware, typically given as an argument to chat, because it is specific to this call.

response_value : dict ="...", middleware=format()).value

Remember to request JSON in the prompt as well.

Q: How do I get pydantic class as a reply?

A: set the format middleware, using the name of the class.

class Foo(BaseModel):

foo : Foo ="...", middleware=format(Foo)).value

Again, remember to request JSON in the prompt. reply_in_json is a good way of doing this.

prompt = Markdown()

prompt += ...

prompt += reply_in_json(model)


Q: Can I write my own agent?

A: Yes! There are a number of examples in the source code. Agent is a simple wrapper around a Model, and provides plumbing for agent-based ask and chat. The Agent class also provides support for stuctured output.

Q: Can I write my own middleware?

A: Yes! There are many examples in the sourcecode. Middleware operate at one level down from prompts and chat, and instead operate with Request and Reply. The design pattern is (1) modify the Request, if needed, (2) call the rest of the middleware, and (3) process the Reply.

Q: What is "haver"?

A: It's a Scottish term that means to talk aimlessly or without necessarily making sense. Sort of like an LLM.


  • Model: a LLM model that can be queried.
  • Response: a model that also has a chat context including at least one response.
  • Reply: a lazy list of tokens from an LLM; is also a monad.
  • reply: a textual reply.
  • chat: a question, remember the prompt-reply pair.
  • ask: a question, only for the reply.

Generative AI Usage

Generative AI was used as a tool to help with code authoring and documentation writing.


Library for building agents and managing LLM interactions







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