This repository is used to quickly build an Ubuntu Rails Linode VPS for RailsRumble via Chef Solo. Includes:
Mysql 5 Memcached Apache2 +Passenger Nginx +Passenger
A deploy user is generated and assumes you will deploy your app to /var/www/sites/u/app/. The deploy user has access to sudo via nopasswd.
Chef Solo allows you to run Chef Cookbooks in the absence of a Chef Server. It does this by requiring that the complete cookbook be present on disk, which it will fetch by getting a tarball from a remote URL.
8.04 LTS 8.04 LTS 64bit 8.10 8.10 x86 64-bit 9.04 9.04 64bit
4.0 4.0 64bit 5.0 5.0 64bit
Be sure to fork this repository adding your pubkey to cookbooks/users/files/default/, otherwise you cannot log into the VM (SSH as root is disabled by chef_solo_os).
On host:
* uncomment the universe lines from /etc/apt/sources.list. * apt-get update && apt-get install wget * wget -O - | sh && cd /tmp && git clone git:// && cd chef_solo_railsrumble && rake solo
* Develop a better mechanism to bootstrap the system. * Does not set the system's hostname.