This repository contains the default Kamelet catalog used by Apache Camel and its sub-projects.
Kamelets in this repository can be used natively in Camel K, Camel, Camel-Quarkus and Camel-spring-boot integrations, without additional configuration steps. Users just need to reference the Kamelets by name in the URI (e.g. kamelet:timer-source?message=Hello
), or use them in a Pipe
, for Camel K, in particular.
Camel K (and other sub-projects) will only use a specific version of this Kamelet catalog. Refer to the release notes of the sub-project for more information.
Documents and guides about Kamelets can be found in the Kamelets User and Developer Guides.
Kamelets in this repository are intended to be generic connectors that any external platform can embed in order to leverage the Apache Camel integration capabilities.
All Kamelets posted here will be subject to the scrutiny of the Apache Camel PMC to assess their compliance with the ecosystem and, in any case, they MUST be in line with the general Apache Code of Conduct.
Building the project:
$ ./mvnw clean install
After adding or modifying a kamelet remember to generate:
$ cd script/generator
$ go run . ../../kamelets/ ../../docs/modules/ROOT/
and validate:
$ cd script/validator
$ go run . ../../kamelets/
be sure that there aren't reported ERRORS.
Kamelets MUST be provided in the Kubernetes YAML format, i.e. they MUST be resources that can be applied on a cluster using the Kubernetes kubectl
The file name of each Kamelet MUST follow this specific pattern: <kamelet-name>.kamelet.yaml
. The <kamelet-name>
MUST match field metadata
-> name
inside the Kamelet YAML.
For the time being, we'll accept only these kinds of Kamelets:
- Sources: Kamelets producing data that can be forwarded to any chosen destination. In the Camel jargon, a source can be used consumer-side.
Kamelets belonging to this category MUST be marked with label:
. - Sinks: Kamelets that accept data with a specific datashape and forward it to an external system. In the Camel jargon, a sink can be used producer-side.
Kamelets belonging to this category MUST be marked with label:
. - Actions: Kamelets that can be used as intermediate steps as they both accept and produce data, applying transformations to it or changing the behavior of the whole integration flow (e.g. using enterprise integration patterns). Kamelets belonging to this category MUST be marked with label:
All Kamelets MUST provide a value for label
All Kamelets MUST declare an icon in the
annotation using the embedded URL data:image
format. An icon annotation CANNOT contain a link to an external location. A Kamelet SHOULD use the specific data:image/svg+xml;base64
format whenever it's possible.
Kamelets that are logically related (e.g. all Kamelets that allow doing things with Twitter) SHOULD be linked together using the label<name of the group>
) to ease visualization in tooling.
All Kamelets present in this repository MUST have the annotation
set to "Apache Software Foundation"
We provide an example of Kamelet to give more context to the following sections:
kind: Kamelet
name: timer-source
annotations: ... "Apache Software Foundation"
labels: source
title: Timer Source
description: Produces periodic events with a custom payload
- message
title: Period
description: The interval between two events in milliseconds
type: integer
default: 1000
title: Message
description: The message to generate
type: string
example: hello world
mediaType: text/plain
uri: timer:tick
period: "{{period}}"
- set-body:
constant: "{{message}}"
- to: kamelet:sink
The Camel route that defines the behavior of the Kamelet MUST be provided in YAML flow syntax (in .spec.template
The Kamelet MAY declare additional supporting routes that MUST be written in YAML syntax (to provide better support in all Camel subprojects).
The code of a "source" Kamelet must send data to the kamelet:sink
special endpoint. The code of a "sink" Kamelet must consume data from the special endpoint kamelet:source
The Kamelet MAY declare dependencies on Camel components using the syntax camel:<component-name>
(e.g. camel:telegram
). Some Camel dependencies are implicitly
added by the runtime when a certain Camel URI is used (e.g. there's no need to declare explicit dependency on camel:timer
if the template
section uses the timer
The Kamelet CAN declare dependencies on artifacts of one of the Camel subprojects. In case it does, the Kamelet must contain label<name-of-the-project>
The Kamelet CAN declare dependencies on other artifacts in Maven Central, provided that they are released with a license compatible with Apache License 2.0 (syntax is mvn:group:artifact:version
All source code dependencies (e.g. github:organization:project
) MUST link to Apache Camel repositories only. Contributors are welcome to use this same repository to share libraries in the form of source code.
All these should be added to the spec
-> dependencies
section, like in the following example:
# ...
# ...
- camel:telegram
- mvn:org.apache.commons:commons-vfs2:2.7.0
- github:apache/camel-kamelets
# ...
Kamelets SHOULD declare their configuration properties in the spec
-> definition
section as a JSON-schema specification.
The top-level part of the JSON-schema document refer to the Kamelet itself, so the following properties are MANDATORY:
: the visual name of the Kameletdescription
: a detailed description of what the Kamelet is useful for
The properties
part can then contain a set of configuration properties available for the Kamelet.
Property name id
is reserved and implicit for all Kamelets.
Kamelets SHOULD declare the mediaType
of data that they produce or consume when it's known in advance. If technically possible, they SHOULD also indicate the schema of the corresponding data.
Kamelets MAY choose not to declare a mediaType
when it varies depending on the configuration of the parameters. Contributors MAY consider to split a Kamelet into multiple instances if that can help determining unique types and schemas.
Kamelets SHOULD be accompanied by tests that verify their correct behavior.
Citrus is the testing framework of choice for Kamelets and the one implemented in the CI.
Test code must be submitted in the tests/camel-kamelets-itests/src/test/resources/<kamelet-name>/
directory in the root of this repository.
Kamelets submitted with tests that verify their correctness MUST be labeled with
There's no way at the moment to inject credentials for external systems into the CI in order to write more advanced tests, but we can expect we'll find a usable strategy in the long run.
Pipe examples are highly encouraged to be added under templates/pipes/camel-k
directory for Kamelet Pipe and templates/pipes/core
for the YAML routes.
When the Kamelet Catalog documentation is generated, the examples in each Kamelet documentation page are automatically generated, but the generator code is not wise enough and it may generate a Kamelet Pipe that doesn't work, requiring additional steps. In this case, the pipe example should be added to the above mentioned directories, and add the comment marker at the first line "# example_for_kamelet_doc"
only in the Camel K Kamelet Pipe example (in templates/pipes/camel-k
). When the documentation mechanism runs, it will source this pipe example into the kamelet documentation page as example.
This project is released as standard Apache Camel module.
To release it, first set the next release version in the kamelets:
./mvnw clean install -DreleaseVersion=$CAMEL_KAMELET_VERSION
Stage the commits in the Source Version Control:
git commit -am "Update Kamelets for release $CAMEL_KAMELET_VERSION"
git push upstream main
Check that everything is alright with a dryRun:
./mvnw release:prepare -Prelease \
-DdryRun \
-DdevelopmentVersion=<next_snapshot> \
Check the signatures of the files, then clean and prepare the actual release:
./mvnw release:clean -Prelease
./mvnw release:prepare -Prelease \
-DdevelopmentVersion=<next_snapshot> \
Then perform the release:
./mvnw release:perform -Prelease
Go to and close the staging repository.
A URL will be generated for the repository, like: The URL needs to be communicated during the voting process.
Now run:
cd release-utils/scripts/
You'll be requested to insert the password to unlock the secret key to sign the artifacts and after uploading to nexus dev repository.
You could verify the result at the following URL:<$CAMEL_KAMELET_VERSION>
Restore Kamelets:
./mvnw clean install
Update remote git:
git commit -am "Restore Kamelets for development"
git push upstream main
Send an email to dev mailing list to start the vote.
Once the vote for the release has been completed, you need to send the Vote Result mail to mailing list.
Now, you'll need to release the artifacts from Apache staging repositories to Apache releases repository.
To do this you'll need to access the Apache Nexus Server.
You'll need then to promote the release from dist/dev location to dist/release location.
There is an handy script for this:
Now run:
cd release-utils/scripts/
If we are talking about a minor release, it will be enough to edit the 'docs/antora.yml' file like this:
name: camel-kamelets
title: Kamelet Catalog
version: 0.9.x
- modules/ROOT/nav.adoc
requires: "'util=camel-website-util,kamelets=xref:js/kamelets.js'"
# Update to appropriate released camel-k version on release
version-used: true
camel-k-version: 1.10.1
camel-k-docs-version: 1.10.x
# camel-kafka-connector-version: none
# camel-kafka-connector-docs-version: none
camel-version: 3.18.2
camel-docs-version: 3.18.x
and modify the values accordingly.
After this step you'll need to open a PR to Camel-Website for listing the release. The location is the following:
In the case of a major release, you'll need to create a new branch from the tag release.
You'll need to align the antora.yml file in docs accordingly.
After this step you'll need to open a PR to Camel-Website for listing the release. The location is the following:
And also adding the branch to the documentation to be published here:
In the camel-kamelets section.