By April Hall
Configured with GNU Stow
Clone the repo and run the installer
git clone ~/dotfiles && \ cd ~/dotfiles/ && sh
Pick the apps you want to install from the menu
Clone this repo:
git clone --recursive $HOME/dotfiles cd $HOME/dotfiles/
Install GNU Stow:
# On Arch Linux sudo pacman -S stow
Install dependencies (Can be found in the README of the folder for each item)
Run stow for the things you want to install
# Example stow nvim # Loads nvim config
Unless specified below, all work in this repository was done by me.
- Credits for all wallpapers are in /hyprland/.wallpapers/
from tmux-plugins/tmux-copycattmux-open
from tmux-plugins/tmux-opentmux-power
from wfxr/tmux-powertmux-powerline
from erikw/tmux-powerlinetmux-prefix-highlight
from tmux-plugins/tmux-prefix-highlighttmux-sensible
from tmux-plugins/tmux-sensibletmux-session-wizard
from 27medkamal/tmux-session-wizardtmux-yank
from tmux-plugins/tmux-yank- Tmux Plugin Manager from tmux-plugins/tpm
- Color Scheme from catppuccin
- Powerline and Plugins from Oh My ZSH