Flammkuchen is an open source FluxCD UI that aims to replace the main use-cases that were previously covered Flamingo which is now inactive / no longer maintained. The project aims to be simple enough with a limited set of core-features as to be easily maintainable / reusable for other usecases.
The main features are:
- HelmRelease & Kustomization searchable overview with current status that should support most recent versions of FluxCD (no matter the version of CRDs installed in your cluster.)
- Detailed view of HelmReleases and Kustomization showing the deployed objects with their statuses (including any custom CRDs)
- IN-PROGESS ability to link back to GKE / Datadog service catalog to have a quick way to access more detailed statuses or logs from another platform
The active development focusses on maintaining functionality and keeping CVE-free dependencies and is not currently tested While the UI aims to be read-only (for security purposes), it cannot be considered at this stage as safe and therefore should not be used in production or exposed publicly.
- Create a Deployment: Use the ghcr.io/arldka/flammkuchen Docker image and expose containerPort: 8080.
- Service Account: Use a dedicated Kubernetes service account for cluster role bindings.
- Cluster Role Binding: Ensure the service account has a clusterrolebinding on the view clusterrole to list all objects.
- Read Access to Secrets: Since the view cluster role doesn't provide read access to secrets, Flammkuchen requires additional permissions:
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
name: read-secrets-clusterrole
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["secrets"]
verbs: ["get", "list"]
|- cmd
| |- server # net/http and k8sclient init, serves the handlers
|- components
| |- *.templ # templ files that will generate HTML using go
| |- *.go # Generated go files by templ (DO NOT MANUALLY MODIFY)
| |- objects # Customizable templ objects to display custom info for different kinds of Kubernetes resources
|- handlers # stores the net/http handlers. use the services to retrieve data and internal functions
|- internal # Miscellaneous small reusable functions to be used in services, handlers and components
|- services # Inits the k8sclient and is generally the getter of Kubernetes objects
|- Dockerfile # multi-stage build Dockerfile that can be used for local builds
|- Dockerfile.release # Dockerfile used by goreleaser
- Library: htmx used via CDN
- CSS Framework: daisyUI
- Builds HTML in Go: uses the templ package
- HTTP Server: Built-in net/http go package
- Release Management GoReleaser and signed by cosign
With a-h/templ installed in your environment:
VERSION=$(git rev-parse HEAD) templ generate --watch --proxy="http://localhost:8080" --cmd="go run cmd/server/main.go"
This runs the app and authenticates with your current kubernetes context for testing. The app will live reload when go / templ files are modified.
Flammkuchen is not an official product and is provided as-is to the community.