Small MATLAB library implementing neural network training exploiting CUDA, developed during the Cognitive Robotics course at Politecnico di Milano by Armando Pesenti Gritti and Oscar Tarabini.
Here is a description of the interface offered by our library. It consists of 4 functions:
CREATENET Create neural network with random initialization
[ net ] = createNet( numInput, numOutput, hiddenLayers, netType, hiddenFunction )
numInput = number of input neurons
numOutput = number of output neurons
hiddenLayers = row vector containing the number of neurons for each hidden
layer from input to output (both excluded)
netType = 'classification' or 'regression'
hiddenFunction = (optional) activation function for hidden neurons. 'sigmoid' or 'tanh'
net = struct containing the neural network ready for the training
TRAINNET Train the network constructed with createNet
[ net , mse] = trainNet( net, samples, targets, gpu, batchSize, numEpochs, learningRate )
net = network as obtained by createNet
samples = input samples, each row is a sample
targets = output targets, each row is a target
gpu = exploit GPU if true
batchSize = (optional) size of the batch, default size min(512, size(samples, 1))
numEpochs = (optional) maximum number of epochs, default 10
net = trained net
mse = mean square error in case of regression, and cross entropy in case of
classification. It's computed on the training samples.
TESTNET Apply the trained neural network to a test dataset, computing the error
[ error predicted ] = testNet( net, samples, targets, gpu )
net = network as obtained by trainNet
samples = input samples, each row is a sample
targets = outupt targets, each row is a targert
gpu = exploit GPU if true
error = scalar representing the mean square error in case of regression
or class error in case of classification
predicted = size(targets) matrix containing the predicted output for
all input samples
APPLYNET Apply the trained neural network to one or more inputs
[ predicted ] = applyNet( net, inputs, gpu )
net = network as obtained by trainNet
inputs = input values, each row is an input
gpu = exploit GPU if true
predicted = net.layers(end) matrix containing the predicted output for all input