This project is an example of how to use jsmeperia's fork of the Heroku Common Lisp Buildpack. See the buildpack repository for more information and credits.
Example App:
First, get yourself set up with a Heroku account and tools.
Then clone this project, reinitialize the git repo, and optionally modify it with your own content.
Change directory into the heroku-cl-example.
Next, create your own Heroku application using CL Buildpack:
heroku create -s cedar --buildpack
Install to have config vars available at build time.
You can choose implementation via:
heroku config:add CL_IMPL=sbcl
heroku config:add CL_IMPL=ccl
Choose webserver via:
heroku config:add CL_WEBSERVER=hunchentoot
heroku config:add CL_WEBSERVER=aserve
To avoid trouble with SBCL source encoding use: heroku config:add LANG=en_US.UTF-8
And deploy:
git push heroku branch
Where you should replace branch with the branch of your choice. There are currently 2 branches. Master has Huchentoot specific code and aserve has AllegroServe specific code.
That's it! Use heroku open
to view your app in your browser!
Currently let's you run Hunchentoot with SBCL and CCL and AllegroServe(portableaserve) with CCL.
There is a pending issue with acl-compat bundled with portableaserve preventing use with SBCL. Look here for more information.
The file heroku-setup.lisp gets loaded at compile time, and needs to load any Lisp files or packages required.
Thanks to Mike Travers for getting Common Lisp on Heroku. Thanks to jsmeperia for providing the initial demos