There are two prefixes: +
. The +
allows the specified groups to use the command, while -
denies that ability.
For example, to change the permissions of a built-in command, alias it to itself: !alias quoteadd +v -r quoteadd
Here, +v
allows all viewers to use the command (potentially dangerous!), and -r
allows arguments to be provided to the alias.
Note: Multiple groups may be combined into a single argument, e.g. +bms
Note: ReadOnly
determines whether or not an alias will accept arguments. It is set by default on all aliases for security reasons.
: Prints the quote with the specified id, otherwise if no id is specified a random quote is printed.- Permissions:
- Usage:
!quote [id]
- Example:
!quote 3
- Permissions:
: Adds a quote to the QuoteDB.- Permissions:
- Usage:
!quoteadd <quote text>
- Example:
!quoteadd "Hello, world!" - ZedExV, 2018
- Permissions:
: Removes a quote by id from the QuoteDB- Permissions:
- Usage:
!quoterm <id>
- Example:
!quoterm 3
- Permissions:
: Create a new strawpoll or query its results.- Permissions:
- Usage:
!strawpoll [<title> | <Option 1> | <Option 2> | ... | [Option N]]
- Example:
!strawpoll Is Zed human? | Yes | Yes | Yes
- Example:
- Note: Strawpoll requires a minimum of 2 options and will accept a maximum of 30 options.
- Note: When the
command is invoked without arguments the results for the last poll will be printed to chat.
- Permissions:
: Ask the all knowing 8ball a question!- Permissions:
- Usage:
!8ball [question]
- Example:
!8ball should I sub to ZedExV?
- Permissions:
: Without any arguments, one coin is flipped and the result is printed. If a numeric argument is provided, that number of coins is flipped and the result printed.- Permissions:
- Usage:
!flipcoin [N]
- Example:
!flipcoin 7
- Permissions:
: Rolls one or several die. Without any arguments, a single d20 is rolled.- Permissions:
- Usage:
!roll [[X]dY + ... [<+|-> Z]]
- Example:
!roll 2d20 + d7 - 4
rolls 2 20-sided die and a 7-sided die, then subtracts 4 from the result. - Note: You can use AnyDice to check the resulting distribution.
- Permissions:
: Converts text into the 'thicc' alphabet (latin alphabet only).- Permissions:
- Usage:
!thicc <text>
- Example:
!thicc Hello, world!
- Permissions:
: Convert text into its tiny equivalent (latin alphabet only).- Permissions:
- Usage:
!tiny <text>
- Example:
!tiny Hello, world!
- Permissions:
: Convert text into its small caps equivalent (latin alphabet only).- Permissions:
- Usage:
!smol <text>
- Example:
!smol Hello, world!
- Permissions:
: Determine if a number is numberwang or not!- Permissions:
- Usage:
!numberwang <N>
- Example:
!numberwang 420.69
- Permissions:
: Determine your personal T-count (out of 100).- Permissions:
- Usage:
- Permissions:
: Alias a command to another command. Only someone with the ability to use to aliased command can create an alias to that command.- Permissions:
- Usage:
!alias <alias> [permissions...] <command> [args...]
- Example:
!alias tcount null
. - Example:
!alias quoteadd +v -r quoteadd
allows viewers to add quotes. - Example:
!alias discord +v say discord.gg/XXXXXXX
prints 'discord.gg/XXXXXXX' when !discord is invoked. - Note: You can only alias built-in commands.
- Note: Aliases copy the permissions of the command they are aliasing.
- Permissions:
: Change permissions for an alias.- Permissions
- Usage:
!aliasmod <alias> <permissions...>
- Example:
!aliasmod quoteadd +s
allows subs to use the quoteadd alias. - Note: The alias must already exist to modify the permissions, and permissions may not be directly modified for built-in commands (they must have an alias to theirself).
- Permissions
: Sends a message to the chat.- Permissions:
- Usage:
!say <message>
- Example:
!say Hello, world!
- Note: Allowing viewers to use this command with the ReadOnly permission disabled is dangerous. If the bot is modded, they would be able to vicariously use mod commands.
- Permissions:
: Does absolutely nothing. This is used to blacklist commands.- Permissions:
- Permissions:
: Print bot version information.- Permissions:
- Usage:
- Permissions:
: Causes the bot to shutdown.- Permissions:
- Usage:
- Permissions: