Installing Drama locally is the fastest way to get the software up and running and start tinkering under the hood.
1- Install Docker on your machine.
Docker installation for Windows
2- Download Drama into your machine by running this command.
git clone
3- Press shift+right click inside the Drama code folder and run PowerShell. Then in PowerShell, run the following command:
docker-compose up
4- That's it! Visit localhost
in your browser.
5- Optional: to configure the site settings and successsfully integrate it with the external services we use (hcaptcha, cloudflare, aws S3, discord, tenor and mailgun), please edit the variables in the docker-compose.yml file.
1- Download Drama into your machine by running this command.
git clone /drama
2- Navigate to /drama
cd /drama
3- run the following command:
source setup
4- That's it. Visit localhost
in your browser.
5- Optional: to configure the site settings and successsfully integrate it with the external services we use (hcaptcha, cloudflare, aws S3, discord, tenor and mailgun), please run this command and edit the variables:
nano /drama/docker-compose.yml