Do you need help with Deneb custom visual for Power BI and/or Vega visualization grammar?
➡️ Create an issue to get assistance from Deneb community expert Andrzej Leszkiewicz.
Visit Deneb Support page for more details about the Deneb Support initiative and contact information for other Deneb/Vega/Vega-Lite experts.
Before creating a new issue, check the Closed Issues to see if someone else has already solved a similar issue.
Don't forget about other ways to find an existing solution (Google it!).
My assistance here is free of charge. However, consider the size of your request. If your requirements are significant, consulting may be more appropriate. If you're unsure whether your inquiry falls under the umbrella of "free assistance," feel free to ask.
Be prepared to clearly describe what you're trying to achieve and the problem; be as descriptive as possible.
If you have drafted a Vega specification, please provide it (or at least a relevant fragment).
For more complex issues, if you can share a .pbix file that includes your Deneb/Vega visualization, share it. If you can't share a .pbix file, share the Vega specification (.json file) and a data sample (.csv file). If you can't make the files public, email them to me privately at [email protected].
Vega-Lite is a syntax sugar for Vega. Vega-Lite has somewhat limited capabilities. I do not work with Vega-Lite; I prefer the full functionality of Vega. Feel free to ask any questions regarding Vega.
Vega-Lite compiles its specifications to Vega specifications, so if you have Vega-Lite code but are okay with converting it into Vega code (there is no easy way back from Vega to Vega-Lite), let me know.
Ask other community experts if your question is exclusively about Vega-Lite.
I'm trying to answer as soon as possible, but I'm sorry if there will be any delays in my responses to your requests. I'm dedicating my own time to this project. There are clients, family, and life offline. No promises or guarantees are made. I will do my best to help you, but I am not responsible for the quality, accuracy, reliability, or any other aspect of my help, and I will not be liable for any damages or losses arising from your use or inability to use my assistance.
If I helped you with what you needed for a commercial projects or if you just want to say thank you, feel free to click the Sponsor button.
My Github repository of Deneb Vega Templates for FT Visual Vocabulary chart types:
My web-site with embedded live Vega vsiualizations:
My Github repository of Vega visualizations:
More than 10,000 data points have been encoded into this floral cartogram.
All the funcionality (slicers/options, cross-highlightig between multiple charts) has been implemented in Vega specification inside of a single instance of Deneb visual (try live report).
This report exists in mutiple versions (try live report).
The labels that function as a legend are visible only when the cursor is over the question mark.
© Andrzej Leszkiewicz