The discussion with this label needs attention from the team
Work is blocked on this issue for this codebase. Other labels or comments may indicate why.
This issue will automatically close in 2 days unless further comments are made.
This is a PR that came from a maintainer.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This is an issue with documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
This issue will take more than a week of effort to fix
This issue will take a few days of effort to fix
This issue will take less than a day of effort to fix
A feature should be added or improved.
Extra attention is needed
This issue is being actively worked on
Pull requests that update javascript code
This issue consists of smaller, related issues to work on
This issue needs reproduction.
This issue still needs to be triaged
This issue will be fixed/implemented in the next major version
Marking this issue as a potential regression to be checked by team member
Waiting on additional info and feedback. Will move to 'closing-soon' in 5 days.
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