This demo application shows you how to implement Backand user management and social sign-up, all in a basic ToDo application written in AngularJS. This demonstrates the security features that Backand's API has to offer, and allows you to see how actions by a user are restricted based upon their assigned role.
You can review the example @ codepen
##Overview The Todo project has the following user roles enabled:
- An Admin role, with which the user can perform all available CRUD actions on all items
- A User role, which allows the user to read all items, but to only Create, Update, or Delete items that have been created by the user.
- A ReadOnly role, which restricts the user to only reading items in the application.
Furthermore, there are two ways to access the application:
- Users with the Admin or User roles must sign in with their username and password
- Users that browse the app without signing in are assigned the ReadOnly role (In the code, those users are referred to as anonymous users).
To get the application running, perform the following steps:
Install node.js. Then grunt and bower if you haven't yet.
$ npm -g install grunt bower
After that, let's clone the repository project:
$ git clone
$ cd todos-with-users
Install bower and npm dependencies, and run the application in development mode.
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt serve
Navigate to localhost:9000 to see the basic app in action!
You can sign into the app using your Back& dashboard credentials along with the name you chose for your app (The app name should later be configured in app/config/consts.js.) You are now able to create, update, view, and delete tasks!
To build the project, run the follow grunt command:
$ grunt build
The build process creates a dist
folder with minified JS and CSS files. This folder can be deployed to production in its entirety, and contains everything your app needs to run. It can also be used when hosting your project with Back&.
Back& allows you to host your project on our cloud, making it immediately available to your users. To use Back&'s hosting functionality, you first need to create a new Back& app, and install the Command Line Interface tool. The steps necessary to install and run the CLI suite are available in the Back& dashboard - simply navigate to the Hosting menu and follow the provided instructions.
Note: Be sure to specify the dist
folder when using the sync command. You can configure this on the command line with the --folder
You can also create a new Back& application to drive this demo project. To use this demo with a new Back& app, follow these steps:
- Create a new application in Backand.
- After creation, open the Model subsection in the Objects menu. Click on the 'Model JSON' tab and paste the following JSON into the provided text box. This JSON represents two objects that will be created in your database: the tasks list (named 'todo'), and the users list. The two objects are related via the 'created_by' field in the 'todo' object and the collection 'todo' in the object 'users'.
"name": "todo",
"fields": {
"created_by": {
"object": "users"
"description": {
"type": "string"
"completed": {
"type": "boolean"
"name": "users",
"fields": {
"todo": {
"collection": "todo",
"via": "created_by"
"email": {
"type": "string"
"firstName": {
"type": "string"
"lastName": {
"type": "string"
- Press "Validate & Update" to commit the changes.
- Open the code in the project folder
on your local machine, and configure the application using the instructions below!
To configure your application, you'll need a few settings from your app's dashboard. Start by opening your application in Backand.
Navigate to the Security & Auth --> Configuration page to begin configuring your app's security.
Change Anonymous Access to Read-Only By default all users have full access to read and update your data. Let's change this so that users default to read only:
In the "Anonymous users assigned role" drop-down provided by the Anonymous Access section, select ReadOnly.
Copy the provided Anonymous Token and paste it into app/config/consts.js, as the value of 'anonymousToken'.
Refresh the browser window presenting your app, and click on 'Sign Out'. You will be able to see the todo list by clicking on the 'view the todo list as a guest (read only)' link on the sign in page. You will not be able to add or modify tasks in this mode, as anonymous users are now in ReadOnly mode.
Enable Sign Up from the client code
- From the Social & Keys section ("Security & Auth --> Social & Keys"), copy the API Sign-up Token and paste it into app/config/consts.js as the value of
- From the Social & Keys section ("Security & Auth --> Social & Keys"), copy the API Sign-up Token and paste it into app/config/consts.js as the value of
Custom Reset Password Page (optional) 3. In the Configuration section ("Security & Auth --> Configuration") set Custom Reset Password Page to
. This is the link that will be sent by email to users who forget their password. (This page is also used for signed-in users to change their password.)
At this point, users are able to register to your app. They can register organically using their own email and a password, or via social media provider integration, such as Google, GitHub, or Facebook. New users simply need to select the "New User" checkbox before signing in. All registered users can add or modify tasks, while anonymous users can only view the listed tasks.
Once you've updated the Custom Reset Password page, you can test the app's 'reset password' functionality. This is accessible from the login page, so you may need to sign out of the application first. On the ensuing reset password page, simply enter the email address of a valid existing user, and that email address will receive a message with a link to your configured "change password" page.
The file app/views/auth/reset-password.js
shows that this process is based on two methods from the Backand SDK: requestResetPassword
and resetPassword
. The resetPassword method is used after the user clicks on the link received in the email message sent in the prior step. The content of this message can be edited in the Backand dashboard on the Security & Auth --> Security Actions page, in the requestResetPassword
on-demand action.
Only users that are signed in may change their password. You can test this functionality by clicking on 'Change Password'.
The file app/views/auth/change-password.js
shows how this functionality was implemented using the Backand SDK's changePassword
Backand's built-in social sign-in functionality is very easy to use - simply call the Backand SDK with the appropriate provider (Google, Github, or Facebook). You can see how this is done in the file app/views/auth/login.js
, which shows that the code uses the Backand SDK's socialSignUp
and socialSignIn
Back& provides an internal users object for your app users. You can see the users table in Secturity & Auth --> Registered Users. However, it is highly recommended to keep a custom 'users' object in the app, so that you can store application-specific information with your app's users. Backand provides three predefined actions that synchronize the internal users object with your custom one. You can customize these actions according to your needs. These actions are defined in the bottom of the Security Actions page: Create, Update and Delete My App User.
Some additional actions are predefined here as well. For instance, requestResetPassword sends email to users who forgot their password. You can also create your own custom actions based on each action taken during the creation of a new user - simply create a new action using the "New Blank Action" button and categorize it appropriately.
NOTE: If you change name for your 'users' object, or if you have different fields you wish to synchronize, you should modify these actions accordingly. Required fields will need to be added to these actions, otherwise the automated population will fail.
NOTE: You can configure your own actions to perform on the users object in the Security Actions page, or on any of the app database objects, by selecting the object's name under Objects and clicking on the Actions tab. The actions can be triggered by database actions (hooks) or on demand, by calling the action's Request Url (presented when you test the action). Actions can send emails, execute transactional SQL scripts, and execute server-side JavaScript Code.
In many cases we would like to collect additional information from the user during registration. The additional information should be added to the users object of the app. This can be done by sending a parameters hash from the client, during the signup call, and updating the server-side security action in order to save it in the object. For example, if we wanted to collect the user's company name, we would do the following:
Update the data model, adding a
field to users object:- Go to Objects --> Model
- Add this element JSON to the users object: "company": {"type": "string"}
- Click on Validate & Update
In the code calling Backand.signup(), send a parameters object as the last input parameter. The code will look like the following:
Backand.signup(firstName, lastName, username, password, password, {company:}).then(...);
There is no need to change anything on the server-side, in your Back& application. New parameters are automatically handled by the
Create My App User
action under the Security Actions menu. -
Update your user registration page to collect the
Once signup is completed, you will be able to see the user's company name in the users object's Data tab.
Once you have completed the above, you are ready to begin inviting users to your application! To invite new users:
- Navigate to Security & Auth --> Registered Users
- Enter an email in the invite user(s) input box. Please use a valid email address that is able to receive messages sent by Backand.
- Click on Invite User(s) button. A new user will be added to the users list, and assigned the User. This will also trigger an invitation email that is sent to the entered email address.
- Open the email message.
- Click on the invitation link. This will navigate to the sign in/sign up page you set in the configuration page, to complete the sign in process.
- Check the new user checkbox and enter the sign up details.
At this point, when new users sign in they will have full access to the application, and will be able to create, update and delete all the tasks. In order to restrict the users to update only tasks they created we will configure a few actions on the 'todo' object.
- Go to Objects --> todo
- Click on the Actions tab
- Click on the New Action button
- Name the action Validate current user on create
- In the Event Trigger... drop-down, select Create - Before adding data
- Leave the Input Parameters empty
- In the Type drop-down, select Server side JavaScript code. A text area containing a JavaScript function will be displayed.
- Paste the following code into the body of the provided function:
// if the current user has an *Admin* role then she is allowed to create a todo for another user
if (userProfile.role == "Admin")
return {};
//set the current user id to be the creator
userInput.created_by = userProfile.userId;
return {};
- Save the action.
A similar modification needs to be made for when a todo item is updated. The only difference here is that we also need to validate that users with User role cannot change the creator of the todo item. To make the modifications for the Update action, perform the following steps:
- Click on the New Action button
- Name the action Validate current user on update.
- In the Select Trigger... drop-down, select Update - During data saved before it committed
- Leave the Input Parameters empty
- In the Type drop-down, select Server side JavaScript code. A text area containing a JavaScript function will be displayed.
- Enter the following code as the body of the provided JavaScript function:
// if the current user has an *Admin* role then he is allowed to update a todo for other users
if (userProfile.role == "Admin")
return {};
if (!dbRow.created_by)
throw new Error('Todo with no creator can\'t be updated.');
// do not allow users to change the created by field
if (dbRow.created_by != userInput.created_by)
throw new Error('You can\'t change the creator of the todo.');
// do not allow non *Admin* users to change the creator of the todo
if (dbRow.created_by != userProfile.userId)
throw new Error('You can only update your own todo.');
return {};
- Save the action.
There is no user input for delete requests, so you only need to verify that the item you about to delete was created by the current user. To make the modifications for the Update action, perform the following steps:
- Click on the New Action button
- Name the action Validate current user on delete.
- In the Select Trigger... drop-down, select Delete - During record deleted but before it committed.
- Leave the Input Parameters empty
- In the Type drop-down, select Server side JavaScript code. A text area containing a JavaScript function will be displayed.
- Enter the following code as the body of the provided JavaScript function:
// if the current user has an *Admin* role then he is allowed to delete a todo that was created by other users
if (userProfile.role == "Admin")
return {};
if (!dbRow.created_by)
throw new Error('Todo with no creator can\'t be deleted.');
// do not allow non *Admin* users to delete a todo created by other users
if (dbRow.created_by != userProfile.userId)
throw new Error('You can only delete your own todo.');
return {};
- Save the action
At this point, your application is ready to use! You can test the security roles by signing in with a User role and see that you can only delete and update the todo items you create. If you then log out and log back in as a user with the Admin role, you will see that you can now perform all CRUD actions on every object in the database! You can also add a new user and see that they are assigned the User role by default, and not able to update records that are not their own.
As a part of the installation process, NPM installed Karma for unit testing. Run grunt test
to execute all of the unit tests in the system.
Now that you've implemented a Todo application, you can build your own. Simply sign-up at Backand's website and create a new app to get started!