Bailey Butler
Software Engineer @ ANZx
Melbourne, Australia |
Repo | Live Service (requires login via GitHub SSO)
Web app for tracking compliance with RTO mandates. Provides a simple calendar interface for users to log their office presence, and returns summary stats and reports for assessing compliance.
Tech: Go, vanilla JS, Postgres (hosted solution)/SQLite (standalone instance), Google Cloud Run.
A unified event-driven application that monitors my banking activity through the Up Banking API to provide useful insights and automated notifications:
IsBaileyButlerInTheOffice.Today? - Automatically detects coffee purchases to determine my presence in the office.
Bailey Needs Coffee - Tracks my caffeine consumption patterns over time, providing insights into my coffee spending habits and consumption frequency with visual analytics.
Events API - Serves as the central hub for processing webhook events from Up Banking and distributing transaction data to the other services.
The system instantly updates my office presence status when I buy coffee nearby and sends notifications to Slack, streamlining team coordination without manual input.
- Go backend with domain-based routing
- Structured logging and standardized error handling
- PostgreSQL for data persistence
- Dockerised deployment
- Slack integration for real-time notifications
Self-hosted infrastructure as code. It is mostly Kubernetes manifests for now. There is more IaaC related to networking - but I am in the process of cleaning up my ingress.
Tech: Kubernetes
Blog with a focus on tech and personal projects.
Tech: Hugo (Go)
My Python solutions to the annual Advent of Code challenges.
- jp blog - blogging platform built on github issues /w auto-translation for publishing posts into japanese. (view the blog here:
- sreetcode / sreeifier - service for proxying web pages and doing basic text find and replaces. service is no longer active due to operational costs
- msfs - a set of services for live tracking my sim flights in microsoft flight simulator. (live track my flights here: