An assertion library for C++
Snowhouse is a stand-alone assertion framework for C++. It is a header-only library.
Snowhouse requires a C++11-compatible compiler since version 5.0.0.
Feel free to use Snowhouse with major version 4 if you want to use it
in a pre-C++11 setting.
Major version 4 is still maintained in the maint-v4
branch (bug fixes, etc.).
For inclusion in your projects, you have several options:
a) You can copy the code and just use it as the license allows.
b) You can use the headers-only
branch as a submodule:
git submodule add -b headers-only snowhouse
git submodule update --init --recursive
c) If you use CMake >= 3.1 in your project,
you can use Snowhouse with the provided library target.
Assuming you have cloned the main
branch into a snowhouse
your CMakeLists.txt
might contain lines like the following:
add_executable(app main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(app snowhouse)
#include <snowhouse/snowhouse.h>
using namespace snowhouse;
int main()
std::cout << "Testing that 23 is 23" << std::endl;
AssertThat(23, Is().EqualTo(23));
AssertThat(12, Is().LessThan(11).And().GreaterThan(99));
catch (const AssertionException& ex)
std::cout << "Apparently this failed:" << std::endl;
std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
Snowhouse uses a constraint-based assertion model that is heavily inspired by the model used in NUnit. An assertion in Snowhouse is written using the following format:
AssertThat(actual_value, <constraint expression>);
where <constraint expression>
is an expression that actual_value
evaluated against when the test is executed.
Constraint expressions come in two basic forms: composite and fluent expressions.
With composite expressions, you can create compact, powerful expressions that combine a set of predefined constraints with ones that you provide yourself.
AssertThat(length, IsGreaterThan(4) && !Equals(10));
Composite expressions can be any combination of constraints and the standard logical C++ operators.
You can also add your own constraints to be used within composite expressions.
With fluent expressions, you can create assertions that better convey the intent of a test without exposing implementation-specific details. Fluent expressions aim to help you create tests that are not just by developers for developers, but rather can be read and understood by domain experts.
Fluent expressions also have the ability to make assertions on the elements in a container in a way you cannot achieve with composite expressions.
AssertThat(length, Is().GreaterThan(4).And().Not().EqualTo(10));
Used to verify equality between actual and expected.
AssertThat(x, Equals(12));
AssertThat(x, Is().EqualTo(12));
Used to verify equality between actual and expected, allowing the two to differ by a delta.
AssertThat(2.49, EqualsWithDelta(2.5, 0.1));
AssertThat(2.49, Is().EqualToWithDelta(2.5, 0.1));
Used to verify that actual is greater than a value.
AssertThat(x, IsGreaterThan(4));
AssertThat(x, Is().GreaterThan(4));
Used to verify that actual is less than a value.
AssertThat(x, IsLessThan(3));
AssertThat(x, Is().LessThan(3));
Used to verify that actual is greater than or equal to a value.
AssertThat(x, IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(5));
AssertThat(x, Is().GreaterThanOrEqualTo(5));
Used to verify that actual is less than or equal to a value.
AssertThat(x, IsLessThanOrEqualTo(6));
AssertThat(x, Is().LessThanOrEqualTo(6));
Used to check for nullptr
AssertThat(x, IsNull());
AssertThat(x, Is().Null());
String assertions in Snowhouse are used to verify the values of
STL strings (std::string
Used to verify that actual is equal to an expected value.
AssertThat(actual_str, Equals("foo"));
AssertThat(actual_str, Is().EqualTo("foo"));
Used to verify that a string contains a substring.
AssertThat(actual_str, Contains("foo"));
AssertThat(actual_str, Is().Containing("foo"));
Used to verify that a string ends with an expected substring.
AssertThat(actual_str, EndsWith("foo"));
AssertThat(actual_str, Is().EndingWith("foo"));
Used to verify that a string starts with an expected substring.
AssertThat(actual_str, StartsWith("foo"));
AssertThat(actual_str, Is().StartingWith("foo"));
Used to verify that a string is of the expected length.
AssertThat(actual_str, HasLength(5));
AssertThat(actual_str, Is().OfLength(5));
If you have a string that contains multiple lines, you can use the collection constraints to make assertions on the content of that string. This may be handy if you have a string that, for instance, represents the resulting content of a file or a network transmission.
Snowhouse can handle both Windows (CR+LF) and Unix (LF) line endings.
std::string lines = "First line\r\nSecond line\r\nThird line";
AssertThat(lines, Has().Exactly(1).StartingWith("Second"));
The following constraints can be applied to containers in the standard template library.
Used to verify that a container contains an expected value.
AssertThat(container, Contains(12));
AssertThat(container, Is().Containing(12));
Used to verify that a container has the expected length.
AssertThat(container, HasLength(3));
AssertThat(container, Is().OfLength(3));
Used to verify that a container is empty.
AssertThat(container, IsEmpty());
AssertThat(container, Is().Empty());
Used to verify that all elements of a STL sequence container matches an expectation.
AssertThat(container, Has().All().LessThan(5).Or().EqualTo(66));
Used to verify that at least a specified amount of elements in a STL sequence container matches an expectation.
AssertThat(container, Has().AtLeast(3).StartingWith("foo"));
Used to verify that at most a specified amount of elements in a STL sequence container matches an expectation.
AssertThat(container, Has().AtMost(2).Not().Containing("failed"));
Used to verify that a STL sequence container has exactly a specified amount of elements that matches an expectation.
AssertThat(container, Has().Exactly(3).GreaterThan(10).And().LessThan(20));
Used to verify that two STL sequence containers are equal.
AssertThat(container1, EqualsContainer(container2));
AssertThat(container1, Is().EqualToContainer(container2));
You can supply a predicate function or a functor to EqualsContainer
customize how to compare the elements in the two containers.
With a predicate function:
static bool are_my_types_equal(const my_type& lhs, const my_type& rhs)
return lhs.my_val_ == rhs.my_val_;
AssertThat(container1, EqualsContainer(container2, are_my_types_equal));
With a functor as predicate:
struct within_delta
within_delta(int delta) : delta_(delta) {}
bool operator()(const my_type& lhs, const my_type& rhs) const
return abs(lhs.my_val_ - rhs.my_val_) <= delta_;
int delta_;
AssertThat(container1, Is().EqualToContainer(container1, within_delta(1));
Exception constraints can be used to verify that your code throws the correct exceptions.
succeeds if the exception thrown by the call is of the supplied
type (or one of its subtypes).
AssertThrows(std::logic_error, myObject.a_method(42));
If AssertThrows
succeeds, it will store the thrown exception so that you can
make more detailed assertions on it.
AssertThrows(std::logic_error, myObject.a_method(42));
AssertThat(LastException<std::logic_error>().what(), Is().Containing("logic failure"));
The LastException<>
is available in the scope of the call to AssertThrows
An exception is not available between specs in order to avoid the result of
one spec contaminating another.
You can add your own constraints to Snowhouse to create more expressive specifications.
By defining the following matcher
struct IsEvenNumber
bool Matches(const int actual) const
return (actual % 2) == 0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stm, const IsEvenNumber& );
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stm, const IsEvenNumber& )
stm << "An even number";
return stm;
You can create the following constraints in Snowhouse:
AssertThat(42, Fulfills(IsEvenNumber()));
AssertThat(42, Is().Fulfilling(IsEvenNumber()));
Your custom matcher should implement a method called Matches()
that takes
a parameter of the type you expect and returns true if the passed parameter
fulfills the constraint.
To get more expressive failure messages, you should also implement the streaming operator as in the example above.
Whenever Snowhouse prints an error message for a type, it will use the stream operator for that type, otherwise it will print "[unsupported type]" as a placeholder.
struct MyType { int x; char c; };
AssertThat(myType, Fulfills(MyConstraint());
Will output the following if the constraint fails:
Expected: To fulfill my constraint
Actual: [unsupported type]
If we add a stream operator:
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const MyType& a)
stream << a.c << a.x;
return stream;
the output will be a bit more readable:
Expected: To fulfill my constraint
Actual: f23
If it is necessary to print an object in a different manner than the
usual output stream operator provides, for example, to output more detailed
information, we can use a specialization of the Stringizer
class template:
namespace snowhouse
struct Stringizer<MyType>
static std::string ToString(const MyType& a)
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "MyType(x = " << a.x << ", c = " << int(a.c) << "('" << a.c << "'))";
return stream.str();
with output:
Expected: To fulfill my constraint
Actual: MyType(x = 23, c = 102('f'))
You can provide Snowhouse with custom failure handlers, for example to
call std::terminate
instead of throwing an exception.
See DefaultFailureHandler
for an example of a failure handler.
You can derive your own macros with custom failure handlers using
See the definitions of AssertThat
and AssertThrows
for examples of these.
to disable the unprefixed macros AssertThat
and AssertThrows
Log an error immediately as we may crash if we try to continue.
Do not attempt to unwind the stack as we may be inside a destructor
or nothrow
We may want to call std::terminate
, or attempt to muddle along
with the rest of the program.
As above, but only in debug builds.
Assert that a test behaved as expected. Throw an exception and let our testing framework deal with the test failure.
Snowhouse uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 since version 3.0.0.
are defined
accordingly and SNOWHOUSE_VERSION
contains the version string.
Note that in prior versions SNOWHOUSE_VERSION
was the only defined macro.
Compatibility-breaking changes since version 3.0.0:
Since version 4.0.0, the display of booleans and strings has changed. Booleans are now displayed as
. Strings are put into quotation marks for improved readability. -
Since version 5.0.0, the support for C++ versions prior to C++11 are dropped. The definition of the macro
is removed. Our exceptions are now derived from thestd::exception
hierarchy, thus their method names changed.
The development of Snowhouse takes place on GitHub.
Snowhouse is licensed under the Boost Software License. See LICENSE_1_0.txt for further information.
By making available code for inclusion into Snowhouse (e.g., by opening a pull request on GitHub), you guarantee that the code is licensed under the same license as Snowhouse.
Please make sure to be consistent with the project's coding style.
The .clang-format
file allows easy checking and implementation of the
coding style.
C++ code should comply to C++11.
Please use __cplusplus
guards if you want to use language features of
a certain C++ version.
Snowhouse was originally developed as part of the Igloo testing framework by Joakim Karlsson. It has been extracted to be usable in other contexts, for example, Bandit.
Snowhouse is maintained by Stephan Beyer since October 2016.