I'm Barry vd. Heuvel, also known as @barryvdh. Besides my own packages, I also maintain github.com/fruitcake and packages like php-debugbar and omnipay.
Providing CORS support to Laravel. Based on the popular barryvdh/laravel-cors, this package has been integrated in the Laravel framework.
Adding autocomplete to Laravel since Laravel 4. Generates autocompletion based on actual code and configuration. Can also generate attributes for your models based on the actual database.
The most popular developer toolbar for Laravel, integrating php-debugbar for Laravel since 10+ years.
Because of the popularity of laravel-debugbar, I've taken over primary maintenance of php-debugbar. The php-debugbar is the base package for a lot of other integrations.
I've been maintaing Omnipay since before version 3.x and mainly responsible for the upgrade to 3.x. Omnipay maintains an abstraction of payment gateways, and multiple implementations itself.