Start up a bcoin node quickly using Docker. Pulls latest bcoin version from github and starts full node.
By default, persists data in user home directory at ~/.bcoin
Copy sample configurations to secrets/
Important: Be sure to keep API secrets safe.
$ mkdir -p secrets
$ cp bcoin.example.conf secrets/bcoin.conf
$ cp wallet.example.conf secrets/wallet.conf
Create bcoin
$ docker network create bcoin
Create nginx-proxy
$ docker network create nginx-proxy
Quick run, node only:
$ docker-compose up -d bcoin
Update to latest bcoin version:
$ docker-compose build --pull bcoin
Includes optional nginx wrapper for https. Add domain certs to secrets/certs/
Update docker-compose VIRUAL_HOST
domain setting.
See for more options.
Note that Wallet and Node API servers are on separate ports.
With the default docker-compose.yml
configuration, Wallet API is accessible via
, while node endpoints are accessed through default HTTP/HTTPS ports.
Provided is a simple example of an nginx proxy to allow wallet API to be accessible on a separate domain, in order to make it unnecessary to specify wallet port.
See docker-compose.wallet.yml
. (Not required to actually use wallet API)
By default, docker-compose will use image pulled from purse/bcoin:latest
but you can build one yourself.
Latest is hard coded into Makefile and will need updates overtime, but you can manually pass VERSION variable to override current version.
Build v1.0.2:
- Same as buildmake build
- Currently hard coded latest.make latest
- this will tag image as latest.VERSION=v1.0.2 make build