libp2p-rpc provides peer to peer RPC built on top of LibP2P
. It takes care of everything you need to do to build peer 2 peer application, from peer discovery to protocol handshake. Simply define your protocol in protocol buffers .proto file and get started.
libp2p-rpc is essentially a libp2p-node
. It connects to peers on tcp and websocket, discovers peers by railing and multicast dns. Then it establishes end to end encrypted connection with peers and does protocol handshake. Protocol Buffers
is used for serialization & messsage validation.
npm install libp2p-rpc --save
Define your RPC protocol in .proto file. Checkout Protocol Buffers
for more info.
syntax = "proto3";
service Protocol {
rpc sayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
Javascript Code
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const protobuf = require('protobufjs')
const PeerInfo = require('peer-info')
const Node = require('libp2p-rpc')
const config = {
name: 'your-protocol-name', // Protocol name used for handshake
version: '1.0.0', // Protocol version used for handshake
service: 'Protocol', // Name of service in .proto file
bootstrapers: [], // Bootstrapping nodes
multicastDNS: {
// multicastDNS options
interval: 1000
// PeerInfo creates public-private keypair used for connection encryption and peer identity.
PeerInfo.create((err, peerInfo) => {
if (err)
throw new Error(err)
// Load your .proto file
protobuf.load(path.join(__dirname, './protocol.proto')).then((root) => {
// Create Node
const node = new Node(peerInfo, root, config)
// Event fires when a peer connects
node.on('peer:connection', (conn, peer, type) => {
// Make RPC call to peer
peer.rpc.sayHello({name: 'Foo'}, (response, peer) => {
console.log('Response', response)
// Define RPC handlers
node.handle('sayHello', (message, peer, respond) => {
console.log('Request', message)
respond({ message: 'heyThere' })
// Lets starts node
node.start().then(console.log, console.error)
}, console.error)
for more into
Package |
Transports |
libp2p-tcp |
libp2p-websockets |
Stream Muxers |
libp2p-spdy |
Discovery |
libp2p-mdns-discovery |
libp2p-railing |
Crypto Channels |
libp2p-secio |
Peer & Content Routing |
libp2p-kad-dht |
All contributions are welcome. Create Issue, Discuss, Submit PR.