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Code Organization

The code is organized into two node modules: binast-schema, and the main binast-node module.

The binast-schema module provides generic code to lift a webidl schema into a typescript schema. The typescript file that it generates provides both a "direct-translated" TypeScript version of the schema, as well as an embedded reflective type-system.

The binast-node module implements the main front-end analysis - including the code to lift an actual ES5 file into a typed representation (obtained from the schema generated by binast-schema).


Run npm run build to do a full build. This will build binast-schema, then use it to generate a TypeScript schema from spec/latest.webidl (stored into src/typed_schema.ts), and then builds the binast-node module.

Inspect src/typed_schema.ts after a build to get a feel for what the typed and reflected schema definitions look like.

See modules/binast-schema/src/generate.ts for the typescript-generator code.

The first part of the generated schema will be the reflected code (defined within the ReflectedSchema object), and the second part of the generated schema will be the "direct" Typescript translation of the webidl (direct declaration of TypeScript classes and enums corresponding to the webidl interfaces and enums etc).

Running Analyses

The main front-end executable is in dist/bin/analysis.js, transpiled from src/analysis.ts.

Here is an exmaple of usage:

node ./dist/bin/analysis.js --script-dir=<SRC-DIR-DIR> --result-dir=<OUTPUT-DIR> --string-window --string-window-sizes=32,64

This command runs the 'string-window' analysis on the given source directory, wich should be a collection of Javascript files. The source dir may have subdirectories with JS files, etc.

The analysis deposits its results within specific sub-directories of <OUTPUT-DIR>. In the string-window analysis, analysis results are written to the string-window/<window-size> subdirectory.

The analyses implemented are:

  1. Path suffix analysis.

This analysis computes frequency counts for node types by considering a suffix (of some length) of the path to the node type. The path-suffix analysis accepts a --path-suffix-length option that specifies the length of path suffixes to use to predict a node type.

It deposits results in the path-suffix/<LENGTH> directory in the results directory. Individual file are analyzed and their frequency information is dumped in a file-path corresponding to the input. Both json and txt files are dumped.

Cumulative frequencies are dumped into the path-suffix/<LENGTH>/ALL.json, with a corresponding path-suffix/<LENGTH>/ALL.txt text report of the same information.


node ./dist/bin/analysis.js --script-dir=<SRC-DIR-DIR> --result-dir=<OUTPUT-DIR> --path-suffix --path-suffix-length=2
  1. String window analysis.

This analysis computes frequency tables for different sizes of move-to-front string window analysis.

It deposits results in the string-window/<WINDOW-SIZE> subdirectory in the results directory. It dumps results similarly to the path suffix analysis.


node ./dist/bin/analysis.js --script-dir=<SRC-DIR-DIR> --result-dir=<OUTPUT-DIR> --string-window --string-window-sizes=32,64,...
  1. Global strings.

This analysis counts global strings across all files in a corpus. We can use this to calculate which strings to include in an "implicit string dictionary" prelude for all files.


node ./dist/bin/analysis.js --script-dir=<SRC-DIR-DIR> --result-dir=<OUTPUT-DIR> --global-strings
  1. Entropy code.

This analysis is the compressor. It produces compressed, entropy-coded files using analysis results collected from previous runs (i.e. it reads data from the --result-dir, assuming that data has been computed by prior runs of the other analyses).

The way to use this is to first run all the other analyses on the corpus, and then re-run the analysis script, selecting the entropy-code analysis.

This analysis dumps statistical info to standard out (it doesn't produce reports yet).. but the compressed data is dumped to a .TSC extension file in the results dir (within subpath entropy-code/<FILE>.TSC where <FILE> is the base subpath of the javascript file in the source directory being encoded).


node ./dist/bin/analysis.js --script-dir=<SRC-DIR-DIR> --result-dir=<OUTPUT-DIR> --entropy-code


The binast-schema module implements generic code for lifting a webidl file into a typed representation of a schema.

It exposes a script generate.ts (compiled into dist/generate.js) that reads a spec webidl file and produces a Typescript file. This script is exported as binast-generate-ts-schema binary from the module (see the modules/binast-schema/package.json file for details).

The main binast-node module uses this module to generate the schema. It also defines all the first-class TypeScript structures used to represent reflected schemas.

The organization of the binast-schema module is described below.


This file implements the actual logic to read a webidl file and produce a runtime TreeSchema from it.


This file defines the classes that model actual values, type-values, and the structure that models the schema itself.

  • TreeSchema

A class that models the full schema.

  • Typedef

Represents a type-definition in the webidl

  • Enum

Represents an enum defined in the webidl.

  • Iface

Represents an interface defined in the webidl.


This file defines classes that model the kinds of types that can be represented by the schema.

A FieldType base class is defined, and subclasses of this type define particular kinds of types.

  • FieldTypePrimitive

Used for all primitive field types such as uint, boolean, etc.

  • FieldTypeIdent

Identifier field types. There can be more than one kind of identifier type (e.g. Property vs. Identifier).

  • FieldTypeNamed

Represents an unresolved named type. These are used when a schema is first lifted, before names are resolved and all field types normalized into canonical form.

  • FieldTypeUnion

Represents a union type. Embeds a sequence of member types.

  • FieldTypeArray

An array type. Embeds a single type describing the array contents.

  • FieldTypeIface

Type describing an interface. Just embeds the interface name.

  • FieldTypeEnum

Type describing enums. Just embeds the enum type name.

The field_type.ts file also defines a TypeSet class which holds a flat set of types. A TypeSet is eventually computed for every location in the tree, and used as a normalized representation of all the types that can show up at that location.

There is also a ResolvedType class, which represents a particular value in the tree, resolved under a TypeSet. It references the TypeSet, the type of the value, and the index of the type within the TypeSet.

A ResolvedType is obtainable through the a visitor implemnetation that walks the tree, providing path and resolved type information for every location of the tree in sequence.


Provides a visitor implementation that allows easy traversal of a schema-typed tree.

The visitor accepts a handler, and calls the handler for every element in the tree (including child subtrees), providing it with a piece of context.

The handler must provide start and end methods that are called when a subtree or value is first "entered" as well as when it is "exited".


The binast-node module implements a Javsacript analysis tool using the binast-schema module to model and manipulate the typed AST schema.

The main executable is in bin/analysis.ts. This script accepts a set of commandline arguments specifying a "source corpus directory", a "result directory", and arguments for one or more analysis methods to run (along with options for each analysis).

It then performs each analysis on every file in the corpus in turn, dumping the results in the "result directory".

Each analysis is implemented inside a specific src/analysis/<ANALYSIS>.ts file.

The src/lift_es6.ts file lifts a javscript file into the typed schema. It supports only ES5 features for now.. at least all the features required to parse the files present in the binjs-ref repository's test data directory.

The src/range_coder.ts file is the range coder lifted from the external compressjs project (see file for details).

The rest of the files should be relatively self-explanatory - helpers, loggers, utilities of various sorts.


Typescript implementation of BinaryAST spec






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