Command line tool that sanitizes your (history) files of your secrets like passwords or tokens, so you can rest in calm without looking through those files yourself :) Secrets to be sanitized have to be added to the database of the tool, which stores an Argon2id hash of them, so that the tool can't leak your secrets itself. Those hashes are then compared to words in the file you clean and the secrets get redacted. The initial run may take a while, but the tool will resume at the last known location on the next run.
Currently supports plain text files like your shell's histfile and .lesshst
$ histcleaner -h
Usage: histcleaner COMMAND
remove your secrets from a file
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
secret Manage the secrets database
clean Clean history file of secrets
- Install ghc & cabal
git clone --single-branch
cd histcleaner && cabal update && cabal build
install -m755 $(find -type f -executable -name histcleaner) /usr/local/bin/histcleaner