This is an open-source introduction to Git and GitHub guide that will help you learn the basics of version control and start using Git for your SysOps, DevOps, and Dev projects. No matter if you are a DevOps/SysOps engineer, developer, or just a Linux enthusiast, you can use Git to track your code changes and collaborate with other members of your team or open source maintainers.
The guide is suitable for anyone working as a developer, system administrator, or a DevOps engineer and wants to learn the basics of Git, GitHub and version control in general.
To download a copy of the eBook use one of the following links:
- About the book
- Introduction to Git
- Version Control
- Installing Git
- Basic Shell Commands
- Git Configuration
- Introduction to GitHub
- Initializing a Git project
- Git Status
- Git Add
- Git Commit
- Git Diff
- Git Log
- Gitignore
- SSH Keys
- Git Push
- Git Pull
- Git Branches
- Git Merge
- Reverting changes
- Git Clone
- Forking in Git
- Git Workflow
- Pull Requests
- Git And VS Code
- GitHub CLI
- Git Stash
- Git Alias
- Git Rebase
- Git Switch
- GitHub Markdown Cheatsheet
- Git Cheat Sheet
- Create your GitHub profile
- Conclusion
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Introduction to Git and GitHub website
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If you prefer watching videos rather than reading, you can find a quick crash course based on the eBook here:
Introduction to Git and GitHub Mini Video Crash Course
My name is Bobby Iliev, and I have been working as a Linux DevOps Engineer since 2014. I am an avid Linux lover and supporter of the open-source movement philosophy. I am always doing that which I cannot do in order that I may learn how to do it, and I believe in sharing knowledge.
I think it's essential always to keep professional and surround yourself with good people, work hard, and be nice to everyone. You have to perform at a consistently higher level than others. That's the mark of a true professional.
For more information, please visit my blog at, follow me on Twitter @bobbyiliev_ and YouTube.
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- Introduction to SQL
- Introduction to Docker
- Laravel tips and tricks
- Introduction to Terraform
- Introduction to Linux
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