- Plugins
- Directory Tree
- Files and Settings
- Installation
- LSP Configuration
- Appearance
- Keymaps
- Configuration Check
- Screenshots
- Guides and Resources
- Other Neovim Lua Project
- Lua Resources
- Disclaimer
- Thanks to
lazy.nvim - A modern plugin manager for Neovim
lualine.nvim - A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua.
nvim-lspconfig - A collection of common configurations for Neovim's built-in language server client
nvim-cmp - Auto completion plugin
LuaSnip - Snippet Engine for Neovim written in Lua
nvim-tree.lua - A File Explorer written In Lua
indentBlankline - Adds indentation guides to all lines (including empty lines)
nvim-autopairs - A super powerful autopairs for Neovim
Tagbar - A class outline viewer for Vim
gitsigns - Super fast git decorations implemented purely in lua/teal
nvim-treesitter - Nvim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer
alpha-nvim - A fast and highly customizable greeter for neovim.
nvim-web-devicons - A Lua fork of vim-devicons
init.lua: Main configuration file that call
modules -
lua: The directory of
modules, these modules are called in theinit.lua
file (see below).
See: nanotee/nvim-lua-guide: Where to put Lua files
autocmds.lua: Define autocommands with Lua APIs
colors.lua: Define Neovim and plugins color scheme
keymaps.lua: Keymaps configuration file, Neovim and plugins keymaps
lazy.lua: Plugin manager configuration file
options.lua: General Neovim settings
statusline.lua: Statusline configuration file
- lspconfig.lua: LSP configuration (language servers, keybinding)
alpha-nvim.lua: Dashboard
indent-blankline.lua: Indent line
nvim-cmp.lua: Autocompletion settings
nvim-tree.lua: File manager settings
nvim-treesitter: Treesitter interface configuration
Install Neovim v0.10.x.
Install Nerd Fonts, (the font of the screenshots are
JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
). -
Install Node.js - npm for download packages of LSP language servers, see: LSP Configuration.
Make a backup of your current
folder if necessary:
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.backup
- Download neovim-lua with
and copy thenvim
folder in the${HOME}/.config
git clone https://github.com/brainfucksec/neovim-lua.git
cd neovim-lua/
cp -Rv nvim ~/.config/
Install lazy.nvim for install and manage the plugins, see: lazy.nvim - Installation
Run Neovim for download/sync plugins with
- Install LSP language servers with
, see: Languages Currently Supported
sudo npm install -g \
bash-language-server \
pyright \
vscode-langservers-extracted \
typescript typescript-language-server
- Install additional packages for plugins support:
C, C++:
- Open a source file of one of the supported languages with Neovim, and run command :LspInfo for verify the LSP support.
See: nvim-lspconfig - Quickstart
Lua - builtin
Bash - bashls
Python - pyright
C, C++ - clangd
HTML, CSS, JSON - vscode-langservers-extracted
JavaScript, TypeScript - ts_ls
See: nvim-lspconfig #doc/LSP configs
Fonts: See: Installation
Icons: nvim-web-devicons
See: Screenshots
The color scheme (default: OneDark) is defined in the following file:
- Neovim UI - nvim/lua/core/colors.lua:
Set Neovim UI color scheme.
Current available color schemes: onedark, kanagawa, monokai-pro, rose-pine.
See: https://github.com/brainfucksec/neovim-lua#appearance
Insert preferred color scheme in the `color_scheme` variable.
Note: Color scheme is loaded in the "Load color scheme" section below, setup
must be called before loading.
local status_ok, color_scheme = pcall(require, 'onedark')
-- Color scheme setup before load:
-- Your settings here.
Load color scheme:
Note: The instruction to load the color scheme may vary depending on the
See the README of the related color scheme (i.e. git package) for information,
Examples: require('color_scheme').setup{}, vim.cmd('color_scheme')
These are the default keymaps, in the following shortcuts, the <leader>
key is set up to ,
(comma) character, see: keymaps.lua.
Shortcut | Mode | Description |
kk |
Insert | Esc with kk |
<leader>c |
Normal | Clear search highlights |
<F2> |
Normal | Toggle Paste mode |
<leader>tk/th |
Normal | Change split orientation (vertical/horizontal) |
<Ctrl> + {h,j,k,l} |
Normal | Move around splits windows |
<leader>r |
Normal | Reload configuration file |
<leader>s |
Normal | Save file |
<leader>q |
Normal | Save (close all windows) and exit from Neovim |
<Ctrl> + t |
Normal | Open terminal (:Term ) |
<Esc> |
Terminal | Exit terminal |
<Ctrl> + n |
Normal | Open NvimTree |
<leader>t |
Normal | Open/Close Tagbar |
- Open nvim and run command
, you should not see any error in the output (except for the one related to the Python 2 interpreter if don't have it):
- You can also use the
option to read the nvim startup logs:
nvim --startuptime nvim-start.log
nvim nvim-start.log
See: :help startuptime
Also you can check the plugins configuration and startup time with lazy
:checkhealth lazy
:Lazy profile
See: lazy.nvim - Usage
Note: Screenshots may be out of date compared to the actual setup.
(Click to expand)
OneDark Darker
OneDark Dark
OneDark Cool
OneDark Deep
Kanagawa Wave (lualine theme: palenight)
Kanagawa Dragon (lualine theme: seoul256)
Monokai (lualine theme: molokai)
Rosé Pine (lualine theme: nightfly)
This setup is based on KISS principle, probably some concepts may not be valid for everyone. Then feel free to take what you need but don't install anything without checking first!
This setup is not a Framework but it is the configuration I use to work on Linux, it can be used by default as it can be a start point to understand how Neovim is structured and maybe improve this config. Is the base configuration I use, and it tries to stay as simple as possible, with each addition weighted along these lines.
- All the contributors who helped improve this setup with their reports and advices and all the authors of the sources mentioned above.