40 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
- #3170 Update translations @github-actions[bot]
💡 Power profiles
- #3142 Shelly subprofile other naming more understandable @dagobert
- #3141 Add Model Shelly Plus 1PM @dagobert
- #3145 Fix Model Shelly I4 Gen3 not creating entities @dagobert
- #3137 Updated the profile for the Play 65" with the new measure script @dewbot6
- #3164 Add P110 @alexz707
🚀 Features
- #3151 Provide a way to define default sub-profile @bramstroker
- #3152 Implement repair flow for missing sub profile @bramstroker
🐛 Bug Fixes
- #3139 fix bug with placeholder in french translation @bramstroker
- #3145 Fix Model Shelly I4 Gen3 not creating entities @dagobert
- #3147 Improve library match mechanism to also check for lowercased @bramstroker
- #3149 fix existing device link is removed when changing device @bramstroker
- #3168 better error logging for missing color_temp_kelvin attribute @bramstroker
- #3171 fix calculation issue with sonos profile when you have multiple of the same model @bramstroker