bgooglemapsmaker helps you to cut down you super-big-image in small map tiles for (for example) googlemaps or leaflet.
This was originally supposed to support primarily googlemaps, but as it turned out, I preferred leaflet. As googlemaps is more difficult to use in a standalone case. It was originally written in ~2012.
NOTE: Depending on your input image size, this can be VERY memory&cpu hungry. But in case of out-of-memory Imagemagick will use temp files, this behavior can be controlled with MAGICK_MEMORY_LIMIT and such.
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
./build/bgooglemapsmaker ~/my-super-big-image.png ~/outputfolder/
cp template/leaflet.html ~/outputfolder/
xdg-open ~/outputfolder/leaflet.html