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Releases: c-blake/cligen

Add for Nim refugees in PythonLand; Add `writeContAddrTempFile`

11 Mar 18:00
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See python/ for some preliminary documentation.

python/ is quite incomplete relative to cligen.nim, but it does the basics of what I need right now to not feel CLI framework-impaired when there is some Py lib/ecosystem I want to write a quick script around.. python/ is a full usage example in the rp / crp family of awk imitations.

Also add the almost never supported SGR attribute conceal & its negation -conceal and a little utility function cligen/osUt.writeContAddrTempFile

Just to make the VC tip a clean release after init syntax thrash

20 Feb 21:43
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Default-default-value controls, $usehdr & ClCfg.(wrap(Doc|Table)|subRowSep)

08 Nov 18:06
Choose a tag to compare has details as usual, but controls for how string & bool default values are rendered in help messages have been added to ClCfg for CLauthor default-setting with CLuser override in config files.. basically minStrQuoting, trueDefaultStr, & falseDefaultStr. These were, of course, always alterable via defining custom argHelp, but this tunability shouldn't impact non-users-of it. Also added $usehdr for the main usage template, ClCfg.wrap(Doc|Table) and abstract the old newline-only separator into ClCfg.subRowSep and fix an old bug related to ignoring the CLuser use|usage template.

In short, basically several new fine-grained format controls.

Very minimal change to config file finding

22 Oct 16:16
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See and git log -p. Really should be just an internal simplification, but I wanted to make this its own release just in case.

Very minor new feature for dispatchMulti

27 Sep 18:23
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Add ability for both multi-cmd -h & multi-cmd h to interpolate in doc from the X in ["multi", doc=X] fragment. This helps to explain global options, available from the recent Vars feature (and also to describe the overall program).

Also make more environment-portable by turning off --styleCheck

Better fix for `cligen/statx` & style fix

11 Sep 19:48
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Those two things are about it.

Fix a few bugs/compatibility issues

06 Sep 12:06
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  • Fix generic instantiations of doArgParse (#233) on newer Nim compilers courtesy of @metagn

  • Make misc lib code compile under --hint[Name]=on --styleCheck=usages --styleCheck=error

  • Vaguely robust (if information dropping) solution to Alhadis/OSC8-Adoption#13 (comment)

Make things easier for system package managers

07 Aug 12:35
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By including a very simple make/gmake install with a re-targetable destdir.

Nim-devel is moving to better `hash(openArray[byte])` ..

23 Jun 17:27
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.. and a very slow (several to order of magnitude slower even on short strings) hashData (OG string hasher, actually).

So, it seems important enough to warrant punching a release changing that default in cligen/mslice.hash(MSlice) which is the only change of this release.

Very minor bugfix release

09 Apr 11:00
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To fix two undesired output format cligen/strUt.ecvt bugs (and make that test suite not super slow by default).